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Dead Pixels Test Text and pictures © 2003-2014 Guillaume Dargaud Last updated on 2012/12/13 "There is unexpected beauty hidden everywhere in this world — one just has to be open to seeing it. Remember that the next time you sneeze on your monitor." — Nathan Walton. Dead LCD screen pixels So you just bought a superb ultra-flat 25¾" LCD monitor, but it looks like there are a few 'spots' on it. Testing for dead pixels is very simple, there's nothing to install. or also colored pixel (here yellow and blue, even if it's difficult to tell the colors). The links below will open a JavaScript window full screen. Now don't confuse a dead pixel with a fleck of dirt on the screen or a piece of dried snot. So even if you are lucky enough to not have any dead pixels on your monitor, you can still come back to this page when you are cleaning it in order to check that all the specks are gone. Some advice about getting the best out of your screen: "I'm a retard. Dead digital camera pixels

Humans will be cyborgs within 200 years, expert predicts Within the next 200 years, humans will have become so merged with technology that we’ll have evolved into “God-like cyborgs”, according to Yuval Noah Harari, an historian and author from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. Harari researches the history of the human species, and after writing a new book on our past, he now believes that we’re just a few short centuries away from being able to use technology to avoid death altogether - if we can afford it, that is. “I think it is likely in the next 200 years or so Homo sapiens will upgrade themselves into some idea of a divine being, either through biological manipulation or genetic engineering of by the creation of cyborgs: part organic, part non-organic,” Harari said during his presentation the Hay Festival in the UK, as Sarah Knapton reports for the Telegraph. “It will be the greatest evolution in biology since the appearance of life … we will be as different from today’s humans as chimps are now from us.”

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eco - Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V. Die digitale Bedrohung für Unternehmen nimmt durch personalisierte und zielgerichtete Phishing E-Mails stark gibt wertvolle Tipps zur Vermeidung von Spear Phishing Fallen Immer mehr Cyberangriffe, wie die auf die Infrastruktur des Deutschen Bundestags, kommen durch sogenanntes Spear Phishing zustande. Mittels geschickter Social-Engineering-Taktiken versuchen Kriminelle den Empfänger einer gefälschten E-Mail zu einer Aktion, wie etwa das Öffnen eines Dateianhangs oder den Besuch einer präparierten Webseite, zu bewegen., ein Service von eco – Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e. V., warnt: Die E-Mails sind meist sehr gut gefälscht und im Höchstmaß personalisiert. Es hat also zuvor ein Monitoring des Opfers über die Recherche von öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen – wie Profile auf Social Media Plattformen oder die eigene Unternehmenswebseite – stattgefunden. Spear Phishing macht Unternehmen und Behörden „offen wie ein Scheunentor“

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