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C’est quoi une brochure ? | Envie de présenter votre entreprise ? Besoin de mettre en place un journal interne ou une newsletter pour communiquer avec vos clients ? Ou encore d’un catalogue pour présenter vos produits sur un support de qualité en complément de votre site web ? Pourquoi ne pas réaliser une brochure ? Mais pour bien acheter votre brochure, il y a 2 ou 3 choses à connaitre. ETAPE 1 : définir la pagination La pagination, comme son nom l’indique, c’est le nombre de pages dont vous avez besoin. Le principe des cahiers de 4P pour réaliser une brochure 2 points métal Dans le cas où votre brochure est en dos carré collé, votre pagination doit être un multiple de 2. Le grand principe pour fabriquer une brochure est que l’on part d’une feuille de papier que l’on pli plusieurs fois. En précisant la pagination de votre brochure, vous devez également préciser s’il y a une couverture ou pas. ETAPE 2 :définir le format Le format de votre brochure, ce sont 2 éléments : le format ouvert et le format fini. Exemple :

Vintage Photo Effects Using Adobe Photoshop Good evening all, in this detailed tutorial I’ll be showing you how to turn back time and age your photographs/images by decades. What We’ll Be Creating Preparation Before we jump right into all the good stuff, you first need a photo or image to start with. I’ll be using the image below, a photo with a street view in America. Removing The Color & Adding Some Texture Open up your photo in photoshop, right click on your background layer and select “Duplicate Layer” from the menu. With your duplicated layer selected go to “Image > Adjustments > Desaturate” (Shift + Ctrl + U) then add some texture by going to “Filter > Texture > Grain”, use the settings below. Now add the noise filter “Filter > Noise > Add Noise”, again use the settings below. You should have something like this. Tinting The Image Most old photographs appear to have a brownish colored tint to them, so to try and replicate this we’ll just simply add a block of color. Enhancing The Photo’s Lightness Grunge Effects Burning The Edges

How to Prevent Image Bandwidth Theft With .htaccess Protect your images from being linked by other websites while you pay the bandwidth! by Christopher Heng, If your website displays beautiful pictures, you may encounter the ugly situation where your photos and other images are used without your permission on other sites. Even worse, those websites "hotlink" your pictures, that is, they don't host the pictures directly on their site, but embed them into their pages by linking to the copy on your site. System Requirements The solution outlined in this article requires your site to be hosted on a machine using the Apache web server. If this is not the case for your website, you cannot use the suggestions given here. (To find out if your web server fulfills the requirements stated here, try checking up the documentation on your web host's website — the information is usually available on their list of web hosting packages, price lists or on their order form. Steps to Take That's all there is to it. Potential Problems

25 Excellent PrestaShop Themes « Web Templates Blog PrestaShop Themes have recently entered the template world and continue to grow in number and quality. Each PrestaShop theme is a web design to be used with PrestaShop. If you are new to PrestaShop, the most important you should know about it is that this is free e-Commerce shopping cart software. This article aims to list the most beautiful PrestaShop Templates from different template providers, including,, and,,, and No more words; it’s time to enjoy the best PrestaShop Themes we could find online. PrestaShop Themes available at Prestashop Theme #1 Prestashop Theme #2 Prestashop Theme #3 Prestashop Theme #4 Prestashop Theme #5 PrestaShop Themes available at PrestaShop Themes available at PrestaShop Themes available at PrestaShop Themes available at

Adding Custom Google Maps to Your Website | Stiern Maps are often placed on a company website to help customers find their way there. For that, Google Maps is excellent. But wouldn’t it be nice to add your company logo, parking lots, train stations, etc. to the map, to help the customer even more? It is very simple, and in this article I am going to show you how. Before we start, check out what we are going to create: Now, here is an overview: Overview Google Maps API The Google Maps API allows you to embed maps directly into your website. Getting the Coordinates As I do not expect you to know the precise coordinates of your location, I will explain a very quick way Google has provided to do this. When you enter this in your address bar, you will see this: The coordinates of Apple's head quarter in Cupertino The first number is the status code, and 200 means that everything is okay. Adding the Map to Your Website There’s no need to hesitate – let’s add that map to your website! After the URL, you will notice sensor=false. Write Adding Markers

repères et grilles de document avec Indesign CS6 sur Tuto Ce tuto vidéo "Repères et grilles de document avec Indesign CS6" fait partie d'une formation complète qui vous permettra de découvrir plus en profondeur Indesign. Découvrez sans plus attendre la formation "Tutoriel InDesign CS6" dans laquelle vous retrouverez cette vidéo et tous les fichiers source utilisés par le formateur.Les fichiers source ne sont pas fournis dans les vidéos vendues à l'unité. Continuer de bien préparer notre document avant de passer à la mise en page. Jetez un oeil à ces autres tuto Indesign CS6 Pour vous faire un avis, voici un extrait de quelques secondes. vtc , Editeur pro Virtual Training Company (VTC) est une société créée en 1996 par Mark Vernon dans la Silicon Valley en Californie. Toutes les formations de Vtc Damien Guillaume, auteur dans cette formation Photographe professionnel. Il est l’auteur des photographies du livre « La Turquie Biblique ». Toutes les formations de Damien Guillaume Témoignage des clients de vtc Les explications sont claires et efficaces.

35 Fresh and Excellent Photoshop Tutorials from 2010 May 19 2010 With the release of CS5, Photoshop has become even more power-packed with features more simplified, and with better characteristics. Its features are so user-friendly such that even newbies can produce quality effects, and for professionals launching of CS5 is like getting box of Pandora with which they can get awesome results. Today we present 35 Latest Photoshop Tutorials from this year, which will showcase you techniques used for text effects, lightning effect, photo manipulation, web design and some general tips. All tutorials are quite innovative and modernistic and will help you learn fantastic ways to improve your skills and amplify your artistic know-how. Fresh Photoshop Tutorials From 2010 Create a Stylish Grunge Poster with 3D Typography in Photoshop In this tutorial author will show you how to create a cool grunge poster in Photohop. Creating an Impactful Disco Party Poster This tutorial will show how we can create an impactful disco party poster.

Word HTML Cleaner A tool to strip Microsoft’s proprietary tags and other superfluous noise from Word-generated HTML documents, leaving all the basic goodness intact. File sizes are greatly reduced, and the returned markup is easier to read, revise and employ. This is intended for fairly basic styled text documents: please don’t upload your 50,000-word richly illustrated annual report and expect a nice slim web page in return. If however you’re used to writing in Word and you regularly find it awkward to get your text ready to publish online, this is the tool for you. Typographer’s quotes and dashes, and other non-ascii characters, are converted to HTML entities to increase their portability amongst browsers and operating systems. HOW TO USE : Save a Word document ‘as Web Page…’ to your hard drive (this will not work with ordinary Word files, e.g., filename.doc).

40 Minimalist Icon, Symbol & Pictogram Sets Minimalism is always a hot topic in web-design and there are many well-crafted minimalist websites and interfaces out there. While searching for some icons for a recent project I came across some great minimalist icon and symbol sets and thought I’d expand my search and share my findings here with you. Please note that some of those sets are not free and of course make sure you read the license before using them. Devine Icons ↓ Only2 Icons ↓ Simple Small Icons ↓ Iconic ↓ Mnml Icon Set ↓ Aiga Symbol Signs ↓ Patricia Clausnitzer’s PC Icons ↓ PICOL Icons ↓ Ecqlipse 2 ↓ Wireframe Toolbar Icons ↓ Devine Icons Part II ↓ Sanscons ↓ bwpx.icns ↓ Goo-EE ↓ Default Icons ↓ Icon Sweets ↓ Mini Icons 2 ↓ iPhone Toolbar Icons ↓ Glyphish ↓ Token ↓ Pictoico ↓ Bitcons ↓ Brightmix Iconset ↓ Android Menu Icons ↓ Monochrome Symbols Icon Set – Part 5 ↓ BacktoPixel ↓ Symbolize Icon Set ↓ Marker Vector Set ↓ Helveticons ↓ Webdesigner Sketchup Icons ↓ 30 Vector Icons ↓ Twotiny ↓ Kostenlose Icons ↓ Minimalist Pixel Icon Set ↓ Rocky Vector Set ↓

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