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David Christian: Big history

David Christian: Big history

Real-time brain feedback can help people overcome anxiety This image from the study shows changes in degree of connectivity in the feedback group. Increases are shown in red/yellow and decreases in blue/purple. Decreases in connectivity are seen in limbic areas, and increases are seen in prefrontal regions. (Credit: D Scheinost et al. People provided with a real-time readout of activity in specific regions of their brains can learn to control that activity and lessen their anxiety, say Yale researchers. They used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to display the activity of the orbitofrontal cortex (a brain region just above the eyes) to subjects while they lay in a brain scanner. Through a process of trial and error, these subjects were gradually able to learn to control their brain activity. Extreme anxiety associated with worries about dirt and germs is characteristic of many patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

El Cerebro Masculino: Se abren nuevos horizontes. - La revolución del Cerebro Nada mejor que iniciar mi nueva etapa de "Aprendiz de blogger" con este libro que hace horas llegó a mi puerta -recién salido de imprenta- "EL CEREBRO MASCULINO" Todo un shock que corroboro con detalles, en la entrevista por ABC News. La Dra. Ampliemos: La Dra. Luego de haber leído "El Cerebro de la Mujer" (arriba varias de las diversas ediciones alrededor del mundo), esperaba con curiosidad "The Male Brain" su flamante libro; y durante la entrevista; cada vez iba respirando con tranquilidad y entusiasmo; ya que mucho de lo que dice -tiene mucho que ver con mi visión particular sobre el cerebro del varón- que ya comentaré luego (cuando haya investigado más y corroborado algunas certezas; pero sobre todo avizoraré que los moros en la costa estén sosegados). En la misma ABC News, transcriben las palabras de la Dra. ...Sin embargo, mi trabajo clínico y la investigación en muchos campos, desde la neurociencia a la biología evolutiva, muestran una imagen diferente. Website ABC News - Libros.

6 ways mushrooms can save the world: Paul Stamets on Mycologist Paul Stamets studies mycelium and lists 6 ways that this astonishing fungus can help save the world. Cleaning polluted soil, creating new insecticides, treating smallpox and maybe even the flu … in 18 minutes, he doesn’t get all the way through his list, but he has plenty of time to blow your mind. An audience favorite at TED2008. (Recorded February 2008 in Monterey, California. Watch Paul Stamets’ talk on, where you can download it, rate it, comment on it and find other talks and performances. Get TED delivered:Subscribe to the TEDTalks video podcast via RSS >>Subscribe to the iTunes video podcastSubscribe to the iTunes audio podcastGet updates via Twitter >>Join our Facebook fan page >> Subscribe to the TED Blog >> I love a challenge, and saving the earth is probably a good one. I want to present to you a suite of 6 mycological solutions using fungi, and these solutions are based on mycelium. (drawing of trees with soil cross section, showing mycelium connections)

New State Rankings Reveal Top 10 Highest and Lowest Well-Being States New state rankings from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index® show that, over the seven years that we have been measuring and analyzing well-being, a number of U.S. states have made repeat appearances in the top ten list. Hawaii, which is ranked second this year, and Colorado, which is ranked sixth this year, have made consistent appearances in the top ten list all seven years. Marking its fourth appearance since 2008 on the top ten list, Alaska secured the number one spot for the very first time. Familiar states also appear among the lowest well-being states. For the sixth consecutive year, West Virginia and Kentucky have the lowest well-being in the United States, ranking 50th and 49th, respectively. Other states that have appeared in the bottom ten all seven years are Arkansas, Ohio and Mississippi. Our latest report, “The State of American Well-Being: 2014 State Well-Being Rankings” examines the comparative well-being of the 50 states.

Part 1 - V.S. Ramachandran at Beyond Belief 2.0 El cerebro reventado más famoso de la historia resucita en 3D Más noticias de: conectoma, historia, medicina, neurociencia, neurología El 13 de septiembre de 1848 una barra de hierro atravesó la cabeza de Phineas Gage a la velocidad de una bala. La vara, de 2,5 centímetros de grosor y 6 kilos de peso, entró por debajo de la mandíbula y salió por la parte superior del cráneo aterrizando 25 metros más allá. Pocos minutos después, Gage, con varios huesos del cráneo rotos, medio ojo fuera de la órbita y los brazos quemados, estaba totalmente consciente y relataba el accidente con lucidez. Contra todo pronóstico, Gage se repuso de sus heridas y vivió más de una década. “No me creyeron hasta que pudieron meter ellos mismos sus dedos en la herida “ Más de 150 años después de su muerte, el cráneo de Gage ha sido objeto de uno de los análisis más sofisticados del mundo. “Creemos que la perturbación de la red de conexiones del cerebro lo comprometió. Ampliar A sus 25 años, Gage ya era capataz. Una autopsia al pasado Un mapa de carreteras cerebral

Any Given Sunday - joseph - Asperity Employee Benefits Ltd Mail Framework & Handbook - The figure below shows a schematic representation of the new PROSUITE Sustainability Assessment Framework. It is followed by a description of the 5 major impact categories. Impact on human health: The impacts on human health of a new technology include all changes in morbidity and mortality that are caused by the introduction of new technologies, through all possible pathways, including environmental, occupational and as consumer. These can be quantified using the ‘DALY-concept’ (Disability Adjusted Life Years). Impact on social well-being: The social impact includes all impacts on human well-being that are related to inter-human relationships. Impact on prosperity: Technology development is often pursued to increase the quantity and quality of goods and services for consumption. Impact on natural environment: The ‘natural environment’ encompasses the natural ecosystems around the world in terms of their function and structure.

Brain Bugs: Hallucinations, Forgotten Faces, and Other Cognitive Quirks | Think Tank What's the Big Idea? If seeing is believing, then how do we come to know? One common misperception holds that vision springs directly from the eyes. True, the eyes, ears, and skin bombard us with a constant stream of information. But sensory input is only the first step in a complex journey towards arriving at our understanding of the world. It's the brain that determines which details we pay attention to and why. As neuroscientist V.S. What's the Significance? For neurologists like Ramachandran, "the question of how neurons encode meaning and evoke all the semantic associations of an object is the holy grail of neuroscience, whether you are studying memory, perception, art, or consciousness." This is because brain damage is highly specialized. John developed a blood clot in a vein in his leg, which traveled to his cerebral arteries, causing a stroke. There was nothing wrong with his vision or hearing. Dan Honan contributed to this article. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

[9] REDES 1/2. Los 7 pecados de la memoria. Obsesiones Cerebrales (Capítulo REDES 327)
