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SimpleMind + (mapes mentals) per a iPhone, iPod touch i iPad en l'App Store d'iTunes

SimpleMind + (mapes mentals) per a iPhone, iPod touch i iPad en l'App Store d'iTunes

MITICA - Modelo para Integrar las TIC al Currículo Escolar > Recursos Digitales > Recursos Web “Alianza por la Educación” es el nombre de la iniciativa de responsabilidad social empresarial implementada por Microsoft con el fin de ayudar a gobiernos, ONGs e Instituciones Educativas de la región a reducir la brecha digital y a mejorar la calidad de la educación escolar. Uno de los objetivos de este programa, que tiene ya varios años, consiste en apoyar a los docentes con recursos educativos gratuitos que contribuyan a lograr mejores aprendizajes por parte de los estudiantes. En la actualidad, los estudiantes están más conscientes del mundo, ansiosos de adoptar ideas novedosas y dispuestos a probar tecnologías nuevas. Por esto, Microsoft quiere contribuir a que estos se comprometan con su propio aprendizaje de formas creativas y motivadoras ofreciéndoles herramientas digitales y cursos de capacitación. Descargue este documento en formato PDF (4.5MB)

Pocket Schedule Free Mapas Mentales – GoConqr Mapas Mentales & Aprendizaje Con el objetivo de tener el proceso de estudio más productivo y completo posible, debes rodearte de las herramientas educativas online con mejores prestaciones de la red. Una de las más útiles, sin duda alguna, son los mapas mentales, con los que puedes crear con facilidad esquemas de gran atractivo visual que activarán tu imaginación. Inspiration Software announces Inspiration Diagrams for the iPad Feb 10th, 2012 | By Chuck Frey | Category: Mobile Mapping Tools Called Inspiration Diagrams, the new visual thinking app is designed to help students in grades 6-12 to create visual diagrams and outlines that help them to clarify their thoughts, organize and analyze information, integrate new knowledge and learn to think critically. Inspiration will lead off with an abridged version of the app, Diagrams Lite, which will be available for free in the AppStore in March. That will be followed by a full version, which will be available for purchase in April. Why is this product launch significant?

Great Minds Share Alike The idea for MentorMob sprouts from the backgrounds of Kris Chinosorn and Vince Leung. Both avid learners, they found early on that the Internet was not quite the incredible tool for learning new skills and hobbies that everyone thinks it is. Even with millions of free lessons online, the content is almost impossible to navigate. RevisionAid Free Popplet Top Revision Tips: Using Mind-Maps When revision time crops up and you feel daunted by the stack of notes on your desk, there is a handy tool which boosts your memory and makes study a more creative, appealing pursuit. A mind map – a kind of diagram which represents all the information you need to learn, present or analyse, in a visual manner – enables you to get to grips with a large body of information, increase memory retention during the revision process and even boost your creativity. Mind maps have been used for centuries, yet they were first brought to the mainstream public by Tony Buzan in the 1970s, who introduced the public to this new method of study. Buzan and other proponents of the use of mind maps pointed out that the natural human tendency is to scan an entire page in a non-linear manner.
