La boîte à outils idéale du Community Manager Quels sont les outils indispensables à un Community manager efficace ? Voici une liste participative non exhaustive qui répond à trois grandes problématiques : veille, production, diffusion. Il vous faut un bon agrégateur de flux RSS pour surveiller l’occurrence des mots-clés de la marque, du site dont vous avez la charge. Vous pouvez intégrer les flux de Google actualité, de Google Blogs, de Twitter, de Delicious, Slideshare… L’intégration de flux RSS en provenance de Twitter se fait sur l’ancienne version en ligne (plus pour longtemps semble-t-il). N’oubliez pas l’outil Ponyfish pour créer votre propre flux RSS quand ce dernier n’existe pas sur un site. Le plus professionnel des agrégateurs est Google Reader qui permet d’intégrer des centaines de flux sans ciller. Netvibes Netvibes est une alternative plus conviviale d’aspect pour réaliser sa revue de presse rapidement. Inconvénient : recherche moins fine puisqu’elle s’applique à l’ensemble de la page Netvibes. Jimdo, le plus simple.
How to build a sustainable community Facilitate, share — and enlist your members for help This is a guest post I wrote for the Online Community Report. Ilove my community. Whether I’m talking about my role at NetSquared, my blog, or my network of friends, I am inspired every day and find value in, and rewards for, my participation. Regardless of whether I feel like, or am trying to be, a community builder, the community always provides opportunities for others to join me. But, it ain’t easy. Here’s my 3×3 to Sustainable Community Building. 1. Lead by example Interact, use tools, and create and share content the way you want your community members to do so. Operate in public When it comes to “administrator” or “moderator” activity, always conduct it in public unless it requires or involves personal information. Ask for feedback and help Asking for help or ideas means that 1.) you trust the community, 2.) you know that your community is valuable and smart, and 3.) you are interested in collaborating (not dictating). 2. 3.
5 top online survey tools for nonprofits Wufoo, SurveyGizmo & Google Forms are among your best bets Target audience: Nonprofits, social change organizations, citizen publishers, educators. By Jessica Haswell Socialbrite staff Surveying made easy: We took a look at the five of the best survey tools on the market that can help nonprofits and other organizations get to know your users’ opinions and keep funders happy. All of these tools do more than just conduct a simple survey. What might some of these survey tools cost you? Have your own favorite? Wufoo: Collecting more than just data 1The stand-out feature in this survey tool is the payment integration – your PayPal, Google Checkout or Authorize.net accounts can be connected to WuFoo Forms to collect donations or payments. SurveyGizmo: Bang for your buck 2When Socialbrite surveyed all the survey tools last spring to create an interactive tool [link fixed] for TechSoup Global, we selected SurveyGizmo — because it had more capabilities than the rest of the field.
4 ways to mash up a visual story for your nonprofit Stupeflix. Stupeflix & Animoto offer new ways to tell a story Updated to remove RockYou, which has switched its business model to focus on games, and Slide, which closed up shop in March 2012. By Kim Bale Socialbrite staff In a world where we’re bombarded with 3,000 messages a day, it’s hard for nonprofits and social change organizations to break through the noise and get your message across in just a minute or two. Three companies that are helping to blaze the new multimedia-meets-Cuisinart terrain include Animoto and Stupeflix. Photo sharing services like Flickr and Photobucket let you embed a photo slide show — here’s a nice slide show by the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation — and we like those, too. Here’s a look at what they offer: Stupeflix Among the most advanced in multimedia technology, Paris-based Stupeflix has a lot to offer. The video above created by Stupeflix highlights Seedcamp 2008, a gathering of entrepreneurs in Europe. Animoto Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
The Internet Marketing List: 59 Things You Should Be Doing But Probably Aren't | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing Internet marketing is about lots of little things, not one big one. This list is half-list, half-procedure. If you go down these items in order it might give you a decent internet marketing plan for the next few months. If you have others, post ’em as comments: If you have a Flash introduction on your web site, delete it.
The Social Media Marketing List: 45 things you should be doing but probably aren't | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing When discussing social media marketing, lots of folks, including me, say things like ‘be authentic’ and wave our hands around. That makes you want to kick me in the coccyx, I’m sure. So, here’s a list of 45 specific things you should be doing. Learn HTML. Learn. It. This is an encore of the 59 things internet marketing list I did way back when. 5 Steps to Achieving Success With Video Marketing Have you been considering taking on video marketing in a larger way this year? If you’re looking to add video to your content offerings, this article is for you. The following tips will help you understand how to get started with video. #1: Select Your Video Marketer A successful web video is personality-driven. Find someone who comes across as the most “social” on camera. If you have the resources, hire more than one and you can assign different duties to different people and make up a new “video marketing team.” For in-house or crowd-sourced feedback, I recommend Wistia. #2: Create Your Own Media Center A key objective with video marketing is to get out as much video as simply and easily as possible, and at the same time, making sure it’s quality content. #3: Have a Shoot Plan To provide regular content, consistency and some degree of flexibility, I recommend a shoot plan you can commit to for at least 3 months. What you need to decide: What you should consider: Photos from Shutterstock.