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Valve is the creator of Steam, the pioneering game platform that distributes and manages thousands of games directly to a community of more than 65 million players around the world. We are always looking for smart, talented, creative people who are solving interesting problems—people who will continue to make our products and our company the best in the industry. We’re always hiring for all positions. Valve is an entertainment software and technology company founded in 1996. In addition to creating several of the world’s most award-winning games, Valve is also a developer of leading-edge technologies including the Source® game engine and Steam®, the premier online gaming platform. Open 24/7, The Valve Store is your source for swagalicious apparel, posters, books, and collectibles for all your favorite Valve games.

E3 2011: (We Hope) Prey 2 Is Awesome - PC Preview at IGN When Bethesda showed a smattering of its upcoming games, Prey 2 got a lot of buzz. A first-person shooter that's ditching just about everything folks remember from the original, Prey 2 tosses you on an alien planet and casts you as U.S. Marshall Killian Samuels. You're a bounty hunter, the world's open, and IGN's Charles Onyett described Prey 2 as "a game worth paying attention to." Google continue de faire le ménage dans ses services Entamé il y a un an, ce « nettoyage de printemps » comme l’appelle Google se poursuit avec des fermetures de services, mais aussi des fusions, comme celle des espaces de stockage de Google Drive et de Picasa. Sur son blog officiel, Google fait le point sur son « nettoyage de printemps » et dévoile la liste des services qui vont disparaître. C’est d’abord la fonction Adsense dans les flux RSS qui sera indisponible dès le 2 octobre, avant de disparaître complètement le 3 décembre. Le 15 octobre, les Américains diront adieu aux Google News Badges. Ensuite, ce sera au tour de la fonction Classic Plus, qui permettait de personnaliser l’arrière-plan de Google, de subir le même sort. Ce sera pour novembre.

Borderlands Inside the Box serves as a forum for individuals involved in the production of Gearbox Software content to share personal motives, methods, process and results. Gearbox Software projects are created by a diverse range of individuals spanning a spectrum of different backgrounds, interests, objectives and world views. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Gearbox Software or any of its individual members outside of the author. Hitman: Absolution Google dépasse Microsoft en Bourse, en attendant Windows 8 Le géant de Mountain View grimpe des échelons en Bourse. Avec une capitalisation boursière de 249,13 milliards de dollars lundi à la clôture, la société dépasse maintenant Microsoft. Lundi 1er octobre, l'action Google a terminé la journée à 761,78 dollars, en hausse de 0,96%, avec un plus haut à 764,75 dollars en séance. Un record qui vient placer la valorisation boursière à 249,13 milliards de dollars. Ainsi, la firme de Mountain View dépasse désormais d'une courte tête Microsoft, qui pèse 247,23 milliards de dollars. Lundi, le titre a perdu 0,91% à 29,49 dollars.

Borderlands 2 Have you been waiting to hear more details about Tales from the Borderlands, our collaboration with Telltale Games? If so, we have good news! At SXSW in Austin, TX this weekend, members of the Telltale team joined Gearbox’s Anthony Burch and Matt Armstrong to reveal the first details about Tales, including characters, story, and much more. It was pretty awesome. If you couldn’t make it, don’t worry; Polygon has a full recap of everything the panel covered, or you can watch it yourself on YouTube.

L'entreprise auto-organisée en "ordre spontané", l'exemple de Valve Corporation Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles fonctionner sans hiérarchie, et en quoi la structure de management de Valve, entreprise de création de jeux vidéo, s’inscrit-elle dans le monde économique moderne ?Par Yanis Varoufakis (*). [Note du traducteur : Valve Corporation est une société de création de jeux vidéo rendue célèbre notamment par Half-Life, Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Left 4 Dead, Portal et leurs suites.] Vous avez peut-être déjà lu le manuel de survie que Valve édite pour ses nouveaux salariés. Turn 10 Located in the heart of Redmond, Washington, Turn 10 Studios is the creator of the Forza franchise, including the Motorsport titles and the recently released Forza Horizon. Turn 10 is a subdivision of Microsoft Studios, established in 2001 as a first-party racing game developer. Turn 10 Studios began working on the original Forza Motorsport to fill the void of simulation racing games on the Xbox console. With an emphasis on driving mechanics and the newest features of Xbox LIVE, the original Forza Motorsport was released in May of 2005 to much critical acclaim and community support. Building off its success, Turn 10’s team immediately began working on a sequel intended to be released on Microsoft’s new Xbox 360 console. Forza Motorsport 2 was released in May of 2007, pushing the boundaries of User Generated Content (UGC) with a robust livery editor and online Auction House, giving casual players new options for expressing their creativity on and off the track.
