Graviola Tree and Paw Paw Treatments by R. Webster Kehr Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. TREATMENT RATING: This cancer protocol is rated ONLY as being effective on newly diagnosed cancer patients who do not have a fast-growing cancer and their cancer has not spread significantly!! If you are an advanced cancer patient who has had a lot of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery or you have a potentially fast-growing cancer, do not use this protocol as your primary cancer treatment, use one of the protocols linked to on this web page:Chapter on Treatments Rated For Advanced Cancer Patients How It Works These products come from trees in the tropical areas of South and North America. Before reading this warning, please read the “What Causes Cancer” article linked to on the left side-bar. Most of the new technology cancer treatments include electromedicine or nutritional protocols. Protocols that use electromedicine (e.g. The reason is that several of the newer protocols kill microbes inside the cancer cells.
Det angår oss alla Hur kan jag skydda mig ? Varningstecken - "Red Flags" - Än mer information Här Lär dig känna igen så många drag som möjligt och lita på din "magkänsla". När något inte verkar/känns rätt, ge dig av. Nyinlagd artikel av intresse, "Empatiska människor är naturliga 'måltavlor' för psykopater - Skydda dig själv", EMPATHIC PEOPLE ARE NATURAL TARGETS FOR SOCIOPATHS – PROTECT YOURSELF (Oct. 30, 2013) Här (Om din engelska blivit lite 'rostig' så kan du t.ex., använda Google Translate Här eller Babylon Här ) *Termen "offer" skall inte tydas som nedlåtande utan används endast för att beskriva personen som fått agera måltalva för våldsverkarens vrede. Merparten av de individer som har någon typ av anti-social störning sitter inte inspärrade i något fängelse eller mentalsjukhus utan de rör sig, skrämmande nog, mitt ibland oss. Allt de säger och gör är i syfte att få någon slags reaktion från dig, det är på det viset som de manipulerar dig men även sin omgivning. I det sista kapitlet i Dr. Som Dr.
The Medicine Cabinet in Your Kitchen – Ten Top Common Healing Herbs and Spices 1. CAYENNE - Cayenne pepper has wonderful cardiovascular benefits, including lowering blood pressure. Famed herbalist Doctor John Christopher noted that a couple of teaspoons of cayenne pepper never failed to stop a heart attack in only minutes. When added to food, cayenne increases appetite, improves digestion and relieves gas, nausea and indigestion. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The above list barely scratches the surface of all the wonderful healing herbs and spices nature has provided for our “kitchen medicine cabinet”. Sources included: Join Wake Up World's Ever Evolving Social Communities Facebook Pinterest Google Plus Twitter Share your thoughts by adding your comments below.
The Healing Power of Sound and Overtone Chant | Sound Healing | Courses And Workshops | Sound Therapy | Voice Healing | Overtone Singing | Vocal Harmonics The Healing Power of Sound and Overtone Chant by Nestor Kornblum We are in constant vibration. Every molecule, cell, tissue, organ, gland, bone and liquid in our bodies has its own specific rate of vibration. So too does each chakra and layer of our electromagnetic field or aura. These energy points and fields are of equal importance to the physical body, though less dense. Most illnesses begin in one of the subtle bodies. The "deep voice" chanting of the Tibetan monks and Mongolians, which only a few Westerners* have mastered, creates a second fundamental drone either in the pharynx or false vocal chords, which allows a second overtone to be amplified, a total of three or even four simultaneous sounds. Through the regular use of sound combined with intention we may begin to vibrate faster at a cellular or molecular level. Important points to remember: The healing of serious illnesses such as cancers and tumours may also be achieved with dedication.
The Ultimate In Heirloom Wheat Arrives At Seed Vault : The Salt A few days ago, amid darkness and freezing winds, thousands of small packages of seeds were carried into an underground storage vault on a remote Arctic island. That vault holds a growing collection of seeds from all the different kinds of crops around the world that humans grow for food. The seeds — 740,000 samples and counting — are stored inside a mountain on a group of islands called Svalbard, which is legally part of Norway, but is located far out in the Arctic Ocean, just 600 miles from the North Pole. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault — along with dozens of other, less-secure collections around the world — is supposed to preserve a vital part of the world's botanical gene pool; in this case, all the varieties of corn or peas or tomatoes that have disappeared from farmers' fields. Those varieties disappeared because farmers turned to varieties that promise bigger harvests and greater profits. The preserved seeds "are the last remnants of these varieties," he says.
Om shanti shanti shanti Bodhipaksa If you have a unicode font installed in your browser you’ll be able to see the mantra with diacritics here: Oṃ śānti śānti śānti. Om (Oṃ) Like many mantras, this one begins with "Om". Om has no meaning, and its origins are lost in the mists of time. In the Brahminical tradition, from where Buddhism undoubtedly obtained mantra practice, Om is not just the universal sound, but the sound of the universe itself. Om! Om is therefore a sound symbolizing reality. You could regard Om as being the equivalent of white light, in which all of the colors of the rainbow can be found. One Sanskrit-English dictionary says the following: It’s worth bearing in mind that Sanskrit was the language not only of later Buddhism, but of the Hindu and pre-Hindu Vedic traditions as well. Shanti (Śānti) Shanti (Pali: Santi) simply means "peace". Wildmind has created a YouTube video of the mantra. Or click below to listen to an MP3 version: Pronunciation notes: Peace in Buddhist practice Peace and lovingkindness
Making Sustainability Legal Sightline Project istock Some of the smartest, most innovative solutions for a sustainable Northwest are, at present, simply illegal. Will Seattle Be the City to Kill ‘Ridesharing’ Companies? Proposed taxi(ish) regulations make everyone go berserk. How is Parking like a Sandwich? In parking, as with ham-on-rye, there is no free lunch. To the Victors Go the Sofas As California overturns its feckless flammability standard, (nearly) everyone rejoices! Spot-less? Parking quotas may wither away. Parking Break Cities are already ditching parking quotas. Curb Appeal What if you could charge rent for “your” street space? There’s a Place for Us A SF pilot project is step one toward park-topia. Calling Out Cabs Four charts from Seattle's taxi demand study. Park Raving Mad, Cartoon Edition How cities invent parking quotas, in 71 animated seconds.
Mina bästa meditationsövningar Följande meditationsövningar kommer från Raja Yoga meditation. Det är en ganska medveten form av meditation men syftet är detsamma som för vilken gren av meditation som helst, nämligen att slappna av, nå klarhet i tänkandet samt få själen och kroppen att bli ett. Testa att göra de här övningarna för att se om de är någonting för dig. För det första, dessa meditationsövningar ska göras med öppna ögon. Detta är för att man ska vara medveten vid meditationen men också för att man ju faktiskt ska lära sig att slappna av även fast ögonen är öppna. Nästa steg är att hitta en punkt att fokusera blicken på. Men du kan rita din egen affisch eller skriva ut en bild eller göra en punkt på väggen som du kan titta på eller köpa affischen till självkostnadspris hos Brahma Kumaris. Börja alltid meditationsövningen med att gå igenom varje kroppsdel och få den att slappna av. Fortsätt sedan med någon eller några av varianterna nedan. 1. 2. 3. Avsluta med att tänka: Jag är en fridfull själ.
5 so-called health foods you should avoid The oil is the healthiest part of a nut, containing most of the nutrients, so there’s no advantage to taking it out. In fact, it’s worse because it robs the peanut butter of its health benefits. “Reduced-fat peanut butter has as many calories and more sugar than the regular,” says Bonnie Liebman, nutrition director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Instead: Buy regular peanut butter. Enhanced water Drinks such as Vitaminwater are essentially sugary drinks with a vitamin pill. Instead: Drink water, ideally from the tap (“Eau du Potomac,” as it’s known locally). Energy bars The reputation of these bars, also known as meal replacement bars, is that they are healthy, aid in weight loss or help build muscle. Instead: Snack on fruit or veggies for weight loss and yogurt for muscle gain. Multigrain foods Multigrain breads, crackers and cereals are often the most confusing foods. Non-fried chips and crackers Instead: Try Wasa or Finn Crisp Original Rye crackers.
Buddhistisk meditation - vad kännetecknar den? Buddhistisk meditation är kanske den vanligaste meditationen som är direkt förknippad med religion. Vem har inte sett bilden av Buddha där han sitter i djup meditation? Detta sinnestillstånd kan vi alla uppnå med lite övning, vare sig vi är buddhister eller ej. Buddhistisk meditation går ut på att skilja kroppen från medvetandet och på så sätt nå upplysning. För att göra detta måste man lägga vardagliga sysslor och tankar åt sidan en stund för att ägna sig åt det andliga. En viktig del av meditationen är att medvetandegöra andningen. Målet för buddhisten kallas Nibbana och är någonting som brukar ta flera år att uppnå genom meditation. Det finns två sorters buddhistisk meditation: Vipassana och Samatha. Samatha betyder rofylldhet och det är också detta tillstånd man ska uppnå genom meditationen.