Oscillon Astonishingly, oscillons of opposite phase will attract over short distances and form 'bonded' pairs. Oscillons of like phase repel. Oscillons have been observed forming 'molecule' like structures and long chains. In comparison, solitons do not form bound states. Stable interacting localized waves with subharmonic response were discovered and named oscillons at The University of Texas at Austin. The cause of this phenomenon is currently under debate; the most likely connection is with the mathematical theory of chaos and may give insights into the way patterns in sand form. The experimental procedure is similar to that used to form Chladni figures of sand on a vibrating plate. Oscillons have also been experimentally observed in thin parametrically vibrated layers of viscous fluid and colloidal suspensions. Nonlinear electrostatic oscillations on a plasma boundary can also appear in the form of oscillons. See also[edit] Cymatics References[edit] Further reading[edit]
Fluid Motion Simulations and Artwork When a droplet falls into shallow water, it creates a crown or "coronet". This droplet simulation was calculated using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). SPH is one of the most impressive-looking fluid simulation techniques. Droplet Links Liquid Sculpture - beautiful high speed photographs, by Martin Waugh, see also this video Water Figures - beautiful high-speed camera splashes by Fotoopa Other Links Fluids v.1 - fast SPH C++ program by Rama Hoetzlein Physics Demos - fluid Java applets by Grant Kot Fluid Animations - amazing animations by Ron Fedkiw, with Eran Guendelman, Andrew Selle, Frank Losasso, et al.