Study finds fungi, not plant matter, responsible for most carbon sequestration in northern forests ( —A new study undertaken by a diverse group of scientists in Sweden has found that contrary to popular belief, most of the carbon that is sequestered in northern boreal forests comes about due to fungi that live on and in tree roots, rather than via dead needles, moss and leaf matter. In their paper published in the journal Science, the team describes their findings after taking soil samples from 30 islands in two lakes in northern Sweden. Scientists have known for quite some time that northern forests sequester a lot of carbon—they pull in carbon dioxide after all, and "breath" out oxygen. But what the trees actually do with the carbon has been a matter of debate—most have suggested that it's likely carried to needles and leaves then eventually drops to the forest floor where over time decomposition causes it to leech into the soil. Explore further: Researchers question emergency water treatment guidelines
Do trees have brains? There's increasing evidence to show that trees are able to communicate with each other. More than that, trees can learn. If that's true — and my experience as a forester convinces me it is — then they must be able to store and transmit information. And scientists are beginning to ask: is it possible that trees possess intelligence, and memories, and emotions? So, to cut to the quick, do trees have brains? It sounds incredible, but when you discover how trees talk to each other, feel pain, nurture each other, even care for their close relatives and organise themselves into communities, it's hard to be sceptical. There's increasing evidence to show that trees are able to communicate with each other I didn't always feel this way. It was my job to look at hundreds of spruces, beeches, oaks and pines every day, to assess their readiness for the lumber mill and their market value. Forester Peter Wohlleben believes trees must be able to store and transmit information It had no leaves, however.
Planting Seeds of Hope: How Sustainable Activism Transformed Detroit by Grace Lee Boggs and Scott Kurashige After the death throes of urban decay, what the Motor City can teach us about vision, community, and the power of movements. posted Jun 16, 2011 Projects like the Brother Nature Produce urban garden near downtown Detroit are part of the explosive movement towards agricultural revitalization that has spread as a result of active community building throughout the city. In 1988, we in Detroit were at one of the great turning points in history. Through no fault of our own, we had been granted an opportunity to begin a new chapter in the evolution of the human race, a chapter that global warming and corporate globalization had made increasingly necessary. As Detroiters, we were very conscious of our city as a movement city. Living at the margins of the postindustrial capitalist order, we in Detroit are faced with a stark choice of how to devote ourselves to struggle. Earth Works Community Farm, Detroit. Learning would come from practice, which has always been the best way to learn. Interested?
Index Mundi - Country Facts Use Tinder to work on texting girls : seduction Fantastic Fungi, a film about mushrooms by Louie Schwartzberg POOP BURGER: Japanese Researchers Create Artificial Meat From Human Feces Some hardcore carnivores have a hard time finding meat alternatives such as soy protein or tofu burgers to be palatable. But non-meat eaters may lose their appetite along with their carnivorous friends over this one – a meat alternative made from HUMAN EXCREMENT. Yep, you heard me correctly — Japanese scientist Mitsuyuki Ikeda has developed a “burger” made from soya, steak sauce essence, and protein extracted from human feces. Hit the break for a video explaining the process! Loading ... The meatpacking industry causes 18 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions, mostly due to the release of methane from animals. “Sewage mud” is exactly what you think it is – poop. Currently, the price of the poop burgers are 10-20 times that of regular meat, due to the cost of research, but he feels they will even out in a few years. Via Youtube
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