True Friends - Barnmice Equestrian Social Community
True Friends After losing his parents, this 3 year old orangutan was so depressed he wouldn't eat and didn't respond to any medical treatments. The veteranarians thought he would surely die from sadness. The zoo keepers found an old sick dog on the grounds in the park at the zoo where the orangutan lived and took the dog to the animal treatment center. The orangutan found a new reason to live and each always tries his best to be a good companion to his new found friend. They live in Northern California where swimming is their favorite past time, although Roscoe (the orangutan) is a little afraid of the water and needs his friend's help to swim. Together they have discovered the joy and laughter in life and the value of friendship. They have found more than a friendly shoulder to lean on. Buy the Book! Views: 811717 Tags: dog, dog and monkey, dog and oranguntan friendship, dog and orangutan, friends, friendship, inspiring, monkey, monkey and dog, oranguntan, More…puppy
Ruski naučnici „oživeli” biljku staru 30.000 godina : Nauka : Spektar
MOSKVA – Na osnovu tkiva biljke pronađene u sibirskom ledu, stare oko 30.000 godina, ruski naučnici su uspeli da „ožive celu biljku” što je pionirski eksperiment na putu ka oživljavanju raznih drugih biljnih vrsta. Najstarija biljka „silene stenophylla” je regenerisana, rekli su naučnici i dodali da je plodna i da proizvodi beli cvet i ima održive semenke. Eksperiment dokazuje da led služi kao prirodno spremište za drevne oblike živote, rekli su ruski naučnici, koji su objavili studiju u američkom naučnom časopisu „Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences”. Kanadski naučnici su ranije regenerisali neke značajne mlađe biljke iz semena pronađenog u nekim jazbinama. Svetlana Jašina iz Instituta za biofiziku Ruske akademije nauka, izjavila je da oživljena biljka izgleda vrlo slično jednoj biljci koja još uvek raste u istom području severoistočnog Sibira. Ti fosili su pronađeni u jazbinama veverica koja su pravile zalihe hrane. objavljeno: 21.02.2012. Vest je zaista za divljenje.
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O mundo na visão dos animais
Asia-Pacific | Church helps soothe Australia's Aborigines
The race riots in Australia's biggest city, Sydney, have focused attention on the role of the Church in helping to heal the country's fractured indigenous community. Dozens of police officers were injured in last month's confrontation in the inner-city district of Redfern. The violence was sparked by the death of an Aboriginal teenager, which is the subject of three investigations. It is estimated there are more than 80 religious groups, charities and government agencies working in Redfern. The New South Wales police service also runs popular sports and community programmes for youngsters. "The spiritual side of things in this community is very evil," Mick Mundine from the local Aboriginal housing company told the BBC. Mr Mundine believes problems caused by poverty, alcohol and drugs have torn the heart out of his people. "Some don't believe in the Christianity point of view - but some do. Many provided important education and health services to Aborigines.
Happy End| animal rescue before and after
This is a story about cats and dogs that have found a new home and regain their will for life… Related Posts 10 Reasons Why Dogs are Better Than Cats Cat Island, Japan Seven Awesome Reasons Why Dogs are Men’s (and Women's) Best Friend Problems with Husky Secrets of Dogs and Cats Funny Cats Black Animals Luxurious place for cats
rescued animals and other cuties
Another “awwww” for your day! A turtle the size of a grape! Shy walrus.. A cat with a permanent Top Hat!! Embarrassed Pug…. in slippers! Baby hedgehog in bubbles… Proud mama otter showing off her baby! Bath time for baby hippo! Like this: Like Loading...
Srbin Aboridžin : Nauka : Spektar
Stevana Božića iz Gornje Trešnjice kod Aranđelovca australijski starosedeoci prozvali su „glasnikom iz sveta snova” ili na aboridžinskom – B. Vongar. Naš zemljak, jedan od najznačajnijih antropologa današnjice, u svom čuvenom romanu „Raki”, dovodi u sudbinsku vezu srpski i aboridžinski narod, čije su istorije uhvaćene između „danka u krvi” i „konačnog rešenja” Zašto je Sreten Božić iz Gornje Trešnjevice kod Aranđelovca u Australiji dobio ime B. Čudom je ostao živ kada je nemački vojnik 1941. dugo razmišljao da li da ispali metak iz pištolja čiju cev je gurnuo duboko u usta dečaka koji je tek pošao u osnovnu školu. Čudom je bez dokumenata bežeći iz Jugoslavije 1959. godine pešice preko Alpa u Francuskoj postao miljenik Simona de Bovoara i Žan-Pola Sartra koji mu u svom časopisu „Moderna vremena” štampaju prve književne radove. Čudom je posle kliničke smrti uskrsnuo u australijskoj pustinji Tanami. Mitsko svedočanstvo Pismo kralju Aleksandru Prof. dr Aleksandar Petrović
25 animals in cups cuute
March 14, 2012 at 12:00pm | by AP Like Terribly Cute for daily content like this!
aww pics- baby and adult smush faces=)
We all like animals and how cute they are in pictures, people have asked us again to post one more round about animal photography so we listened and here it is … Photos were gathered from we do not claim any copyrights but if you are the owner of this photo we would love to link-back to you someway.