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"Eye of the Storm" - by Lovett

"Eye of the Storm" - by Lovett

Burning Man :: Welcome Home Kuriositas What color is water? It is a question that many children ask, not to mention adults, and the answer is invariably that it has no color. It is transparent, clear, see through. Is that answer the correct one? Take a look at that lovely cool wine glass of water above. Looks refreshing and thirst quenching, yes? In order to see the real color of water we must take a look at a large body. Well yes, okay. The amount of this color caused by reflection is due mostly to the angle at which you look at it, which in scientific terms is known as the angle of incidence. Of course, what is in the water plays a very important role in the color we perceive it to be. Algae is usually associated with the color of green and that of course will change the color of the water. The magnificence of the deep blue of the sea off Montserrat (picture above). .A lot of the color you see comes from the depth of the water, not the sunlight cascading down upon it. We see water in a variety of ways.

Nova Albion Aetheric Calliope Videos Right out of the gate I was enamored with the aesthetic; it evokes movies like Tron and WarGames which – whether they hold up now or not – were seen in the brain-like-a-sponge days of my childhood and, as a result, a welcome flutter of warm nostalgia cascaded through my brain. About a minute in though my interest started to wane; when were things going to pick up? I was a bit bored and having trouble understanding what this whole thing was about but, since Max made it, I stayed locked in (and am glad I did). I build systems all day and, before construction actually starts, I first have to understand what I’m building and why it’s worth the effort. I’m typically dealing with reams of unstructured data and have found that, more often than not, a wise first step in the process of turning chaos into order is forcing oneself to slow-down and observe. What are these shapes? ...then it was over and I longed to see more. P.S. [ X (by Max Hattler) - Festival Version ] WOW. [ Land via @carlburton ]

Steampunk - Ruée vers le futur #Psychovinyle #Trackshare #Replay R'ha Most definitely inspired by a pinch of District 9 and a dash of Starcraft, Kaleb Lechowski's short scifi film, R'ha places the viewer in the middle of a rather intense interrogation regarding an alien prisoner of war. The short is interesting for the fact that it mainly involves a conflict between alien races, with no humans in sight. Now here's the kicker: German director Kaleb Lechowski is only 22 years old, and created this short over the course of 7 months on his own time. Top 11 animaciones más psicodélicas de la historia (VIDEOS) El amor por la psicodelia es un amor por la exploración de las realidades (la realidad, descubre el psiconauta, es siempre plural y esta sujeta a las fabulosas veleidades de la mente). La psicodelia navega por los mundos posibles y regresas con visiones al campo de la conciencia. Y si estas visiones generalmente son asociadas con una policromía caleidoscópica, flores giratorias en el cabello y con drogas psicoactivas como el LSD, esto es una simplificación de un dominio mucho más amplio. La psicodelia o lo psicodélico significa “aquello que manifiesta la mente”, especialmente aquella sustancia mental que no percibimos comúnmente, puesto que estamos atentos solamente a una pequeña gama del espectro electromagnético y dimensional y puesto que fijamos nuestra conciencia en un plano funcional que requiere de una percepción focalizada: tomar una jarra, escribir este post, pensar en lo que nos pasó hoy. -Yellow Submarine – George Dunning -Ghost in the Shell – Mamoru Oshii The Animatrix –Varios

Dexter Meets Robotic Singularity in 'ABE' Killer robots are a dime a dozen in modern day cinema, but not everyday do they show serial killer characteristics. Rob McLellan's ABE is a dark and haunting short featuring a an AI who has reached a level of self-awareness that results in some 'dark tendencies.' With subtle nuances to the film Silence of The Lambs and the popular Showtime series, Dexter, this short is a truly twisted tale that deserves to be expanded on. With a budget of almost nothing, Rob McLellan not only wrote and directed this fantastic short, but also created the films CG animation himself. The entire short is an awesome feat for an up-and-coming director, but it's the films writing that really pulled me in. There's something inherently unsettling about a computerized voice explaining it's method for madness, especially when it sounds so comparable to other famous serial killers.
