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The 30 Elements of Consumer Value: A Hierarchy

What consumers truly value can be difficult to pin down and psychologically complicated. But universal building blocks of value do exist, creating opportunities for companies to improve their performance in existing markets or break into new markets. In the right combinations, the authors’ analysis shows, those elements will pay off in stronger customer loyalty, greater consumer willingness to try a particular brand, and sustained revenue growth. Three decades of experience doing consumer research and observation for corporate clients led the authors—all with Bain & Company—to identify 30 “elements of value.” The authors provide real-world examples to demonstrate how companies have used the elements to grow revenue, refine product design to better meet customers’ needs, identify where customers perceive strengths and weaknesses, and cross-sell services. Related:  Becoming the LeaderBusiness Development

25 Eye-Opening Confucius Quotes That Will Teach You To Trust Yourself Confucius was a Chinese Philosopher, teacher, a politician and the founder of Confucianism. He is considered the most influential Eastern philosopher. His philosophy was based on personal and governmental morality. His school of thought encompassed necessity for the correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Today, his influence doesn’t only influence China but others around the globe as well. Here is a collection of 20 Confucius quotes which will enlighten your mind and soul, allowing you to change your life for the better. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. You will also like reading: 27 Eye-Opening Japanese Proverbs That Will Teach You To Trust Yourself 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Of course, you can’t follow these advice and lessons altogether. Whatever you do, if you follow his teachings, you will definitely find yourself in a better position. Image source: Wikimedia

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos gave this advice to those considering starting their own business Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos knows what it takes to be a successful businessman. Bezos founded Amazon in 1994 as an online book store. From there, the business expanded to the empire it is today. “If you want to be an entrepreneur, the most important thing is to be customer obsessed,” Bezos told the crowd. The second thing a potential entrepreneur needs is passion, Bezos said. “You have got to have some passion for the arena you’re going to develop and work in,” the CEO said. Bezos also said an entrepreneur should be a missionary, not a mercenary. “They always win,” Bezos said. Next, the Amazon founder said an entrepreneur should be willing to take risks no matter the outcome. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos gave this advice to those who were considering starting their own business. “You have to take risks,” he said. The billionaire said it was possible the risk may not work but that’s OK. Bezos said failures only made the company grow. Fox Business’ Elizabeth Zwirz contributed to this report.

Una muestra de innovación sin fronteras en el mundial de los emprendedores - 18.06.2017 - LA NACION Un empresario canadiense dedicado a los granos, que entregó alimentos a refugiados sirios, fue el galardonado en un certamen global que organiza la consultora EY; representantes de 49 países muestran su creatividad Se vive como un mundial. La ciudad de Mónaco está invadida por 57 estrellas del mundo corporativo de 49 países. Todas están cerca y libres de agentes de Relaciones Públicas. La liga del WEOY (World Entrepreneur of the Year) surge de un jurado y es convocada desde hace casi tres décadas por la consultora internacional EY. La mirada está puesta sobre seis puntos principales: el espíritu emprendedor, la creación de valor, la dirección estratégica, el impacto nacional y global, la innovación y la integridad personal de quien encara el proyecto. La primera sede fue en Estados Unidos y ahora los convocados lo llaman el Foro de Davos para los emprendedores. La intriga va ganando protagonismo en las 72 horas finales del certamen. 1 Pasión por los productos y servicios J.W. Frank Devlyn

The Best Marriage Advice From A Divorced Man. We’ve already heard the best marriage advice from a divorced woman, but we need to hear both ‘damaged’ sides in order to combine the full story. I’ve found an incredible advice from a divorced man – Gerald Rogers – that published it as a status on Facebook. Gerald Rogers is a seeker, a leader, a servant, a lover and a warrior of light. His famous status is breaking the records since 2013 for all the right reasons! I choose not to re-write his advice, or tell my personal opinion about it, because I think it’s perfect just the way it is. So here’s the actual advice unedited: Obviously, I’m not a relationship expert. 1) Never stop courting. 2) PROTECT YOUR OWN HEART. 3) FALL IN LOVE OVER and OVER and OVER again. 4) ALWAYS SEE THE BEST in her. 5) IT’S NOT YOUR JOB TO CHANGE OR FIX HER… your job is to love her as she is with no expectation of her ever changing. 6) TAKE FULL ACCOUNTABILITY for your own emotions: It’s not your wife’s job to make you happy, and she CAN’T make you sad.

The 7-Step Guide To Finding the Right Clients and Avoiding the Ones Who Waste Your Time The right client base is the key to growth -- and staying sane. Here's how to find customers who enrich your business and don't waste your time and energy. May 22, 2019 7 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. If you’ve ever felt like the one thing holding your business back from massive growth and expansion is your struggle to find the right clients, you’re not alone. This seems to be a topic of discussion brought up amongst many entrepreneurs and business owners online who feel like a lot of their time is wasted on bad clients. Chances are if you’re reading this, you probably admit to fitting in that boat. You’ve probably attempted one of those basic ideal client worksheets and thought you’d finally nailed it on the head. Instead of throwing mud at the wall to see what sticks, consider these 7 tips to truly understand and find your ideal clients. 1. Here are some red flags that someone is likely to be a bad client: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Are you their kind? 7.

Empezaron con un hobby, invirtieron US$ 25.000 y revolucionaron el mercado de las empleadas domésticas - 26.06.2017 - LA NACION Cecilia Retegui y Mariana Sorribes cofundaron Zolvers, una plataforma digital que permite contratar servicios para el hogar; tienen 20 empleados y planean expandirse cerrar Cecilia Retegui y Mariana Sorribes, cofundadoras de Zolvers, pensaron en una plataforma que resolviera las necesidades de mujeres que buscan ayuda para la casa y las que quieren generar ingresos extras. "Al principio la plataforma brindaba servicios muy variados pero enseguida nos dimos cuenta que todo el mundo pedía gente de confianza que pudiera ayudar con los chicos en la casa y con la limpieza", cuenta Cecilia Retegui, cofundadora de Zolvers, una plataforma a través de la que se pueden contratar empleadas domesticas, cuidadoras de personas mayores, electricistas y plomeros, que hoy integra la red de emprededores Endeavor. "Ceci me comentó la idea. Tras una inversión de 25 mil dólares, ahora cuentan con 20 empleados y buscan transformar el mercado de las empleadas domésticas.

What Happens When You Take Full Responsibility for Your Life The third: Just before any substantial breakthroughs, you will experience darkness and defeat. The fourth: When you take control of your mind, you realize the quality of your thinking reflects your current potential. In his book Outwitting the Devil, Napoleon Hill describes a meeting he had with his "other self," which operated entirely out of faith and definiteness of purpose. This other self seized upon Hill immediately following several months of deep depression. This voice told him whom to ask for financial aid in publishing his books. At a personal and professional rock bottom, Hill entered a mental state with infinite power. Many others have been gripped by their "other self." Make a decision while in a passionate state.Commit to that decision.Resolve within yourself that what you have decided is finished. Making a commitment means you're seeing it through to the end. Where decisions are made in a single moment, commitment is seeing those decisions into the future.

20 Years Ago, Jeff Bezos Gave an Interview Detailing Amazon's Killer Strategy--and It's Absolutely Brilliant The world was a very different place 20 years ago. The internet was new and experiencing exponential growth. Google was only a year old and relatively unknown. And as countless "internet companies" rushed to cash in, they created an infamous bubble that eventually popped, resulting in billions of dollars of lost value. But even amid this confusing cloud of startups and dot-coms, one company stood out. I highly recommend watching the whole interview. At one point, he sums it up in a single sentence: If there's one thing is about it's obsessive attention to the customer experience, end-to-end. Fast forward 20 years to today. One thing that I love about this video is that the interviewer, who takes an adversarial position, doesn't pull any punches. Instead, he demonstrates emotional intelligence. Here are some of the highlights: On whether or not Amazon is an internet company Bezos: "It doesn't matter to me.... Bezos: "I don't see why not. On the cost of Amazon's grandiose plans

Design Thinking 101 What — Definition of Design Thinking Design thinking is an ideology supported by an accompanying process. A complete definition requires an understanding of both. Definition: The design thinking ideology asserts that a hands-on, user-centric approach to problem solving can lead to innovation, and innovation can lead to differentiation and a competitive advantage. This hands-on, user-centric approach is defined by the design thinking process and comprises 6 distinct phases, as defined and illustrated below. How — The Process The design-thinking framework follows an overall flow of 1) understand, 2) explore, and 3) materialize. Empathize Conduct research in order to develop knowledge about what your users do, say, think, and feel. Imagine your goal is to improve an onboarding experience for new users. Define Combine all your research and observe where your users’ problems exist. Consider the onboarding example again. Ideate Prototype Make your ideas tactile. Test Implement Why — The Advantage

Barbara Corcoran Swears by 1 Interview Question to Weed Out Complainers When Barbara Corcoran interviewed candidates for her successful real estate brokerage, she never bothered to read their resumes first. Resumes can be easily fabricated and perfectly finessed, so she didn't see the point. Instead, she wanted to know one key fact about each potential employee: Was he or she happy or not? Looking for the light. The self-made real estate mogul and Shark Tank star cares deeply about personality and drive. That's what she told Adam Bryant, who interviews top executives about leadership for the New York Times's Corner Office column. Though "looking for the light in people" might sound a little hippy dippy, clearly Corcoran has something figured out. So it's safe to say Corcoran has a knack for building successful and high-performing teams. Family matters. Corcoran says she wants to know about a prospective employee's parents. She says success all comes down to positivity and happiness. She hates complainers.

4 Ways to Get Visitors to Stay on Your Website Longer Improve your conversions by keeping your audience engaged on the website. January 22, 2018 5 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. It's important to convert as many of your visitors into leads or sales the very first time they land on your website, because it may be your only chance. The easiest way to increase your chances of generating conversions is by getting those visitors to stick around -- the longer they stay on your website, the greater the chance of them converting. Related: 15 Useful Tech Tools for Your Business 1. Every page on your website needs to have some sort of call-to-action that eventually leads to revenue generation. You can also create gated content, accessible once the visitor submits his or her email address. Related: 25 Creative Ways to Promote Your App For Free 2. Pop-ups that fire only when your visitor is about to leave your website can be highly effective. Related: A Step-by-Step Guide To Building Your First Mobile App 3. 4.

Design Thinking is the new core – Entrepreneurs Inside A modern mindset for solving real-world problems There has been an absolute flurry of excitement lately within the industry, with regards to the advent of Design Thinking. From its origins back in the day as a new means of collaboratively extending design to other areas of practice, to the innovation-driven iterative problem solving tool that it is today, design thinking as both a philosophy and method has evolved tremendously. Design Thinking is rather interesting in itself, as it is the quintessential combination of both creative and critical thinking. So, why do I think that it is the new core? It is an undeniable fact that for many companies, as they increase in size and scale, employees start to become more accustomed and comfortable as company processes start to become cast in stone. Sounds familiar? Design Thinking, on the other hand, can allow companies to truly walk the talk, and bring about real change with real benefits.

25 Simple Daily Habits That Separate High Achievers From Everyone Else Everyone wants their life to be above average, but what are you really doing to make it happen? In truth, succeeding in business and life often depends on consistency, diligence, and discipline. At least, that's what more than two dozen high-achieving executives say. Here are the daily habits they credit for being where they are today. 1. "Pressured water on your body in the morning is awakening to the body and mind. --Andrew Witkin? 2. "Then you're left with the things that you actually have to do." --Brian Wong, co-founder and CEO of Kiip, a moments-based mobile ad and data platform 3. "Then I get in 60 to 90 minutes of exercise or meditation. --Bradley Lautenbach, SVP of marketing and product design at Light, a camera company 4. "Before I pick up my phone and my first morning meetings start, I make myself a very good cup of tea. --Atul Bhatnagar, president and CEO of wireless broadband solutions company Cambium Networks 5. --Alex Glassock, co-founder and CEO of the wellness spa the Ranch

The 10 Obsessions You Need to Have to Become a Self-Made Millionaire You get rich by fixating on getting rich. May 30, 2018 9 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Becoming a successful entrepreneur and achieving millionaire status isn’t easy -- less than 10 percent of the U.S. population ever reaches this goal. The ones who succeed weren’t handed a golden ticket; it wasn’t chance that helped them cultivate their fortune. These are the 10 obsessions every self-made millionaire has that give them an edge in creating success and wealth. 1. You won’t become a self-made millionaire by sitting in a cubicle, making other people rich. But dreams need a framework to follow in order to become reality. Related: 50 Inspirational Quotes to Help You Achieve Your Goals 2. Successful people never get tired of learning new things. This obsession serves them well, as it improves their insight not only into their business, but into seemingly unrelated areas that also benefit them. 3. 4. Success rarely comes in a steady flow. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
