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Upgrade your KWL Chart to the 21st Century 

Upgrade your KWL Chart to the 21st Century 
One of the take aways from the Curriculum Mapping Institute this past week was that it brought an upgrade to THE trusted KWL (Know, What to Know and Learned) Chart to the forefront. It seems a no brainer…one of those things… “I should have thought about it”… So what is this upgrade all about? An “H” snuck into the Acronym! What does this “H” stand for”? I started out by searching Google, which immediately wanted to correct my search term and showed me the traditional “KWL chart” results. The top search results turned out mostly downloadable files for templates, which was quiet interesting as there were several explanations in these tutorials what the “H” could stand for: HOW can we find the answers to these questions? In direct relation to our quest to bring Information literacy in the 21st century to our teachers and students, the “HOW will we find the information” sticks out right away for me. My Twitter network was much better in helping me extend my search for KWHL. Related 12. 8. 29.

21 Tools for Conducting Digital Formative Assessments Conducting simple formative assessments is one way to measure what your students do or do not understand from the lessons that you have taught. There are many ways to conduct formative assessments. They can be in the form of fun games, in a video format, or in a quick quiz. Padlet I started using Padlet back when it was called WallWisher. Quick Key - For classrooms that aren't 1:1Quick Key is an excellent platform for creating and conducting formative assessments. Plickers - For classrooms that aren't 1:1 If not every student in your classroom has a laptop or tablet to use, then you need to check out Plickers as a student response system. PingPongPingPong provides you with a free and easy way to collect feedback from students in the forms of multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions. FormativeFormative provides you with a place to create online classrooms. Add questions to your slides Video-based assessments:Vizia is a free tool for creating video-based quizzes.

Genius Hour Expectations - Genius Hour Genius Hour Student Expectations Before you set sail for genius hour you should have very clear expectations about what each student should be doing. In a genius hour class there may be 30 students all working on their own projects, and it can get a bit chaotic if expectations aren’t clear. I have a few suggestions on how to make genius hour run more smoothly. 1. 2. 3. 4. If your expectations are clear, then your genius hour time will be valued by all and should be a smashing success! Chris Kesler (17 Posts) I am an 8th grade science teacher that is passionate about Genius Hour in the classroom.

21 Tools for Conducting Digital Formative Assessments Conducting simple formative assessments is one way to measure what your students do or do not understand from the lessons that you have taught. There are many ways to conduct formative assessments. They can be in the form of fun games, in a video format, or in a quick quiz. The following tools all provide a means through which you can conduct formative assessments.Google Forms Almost as soon as my school went 1:1 with netbooks, I started using Google Forms to collect responses from students. The Form that I created and frequently re-used simply asked students to respond to "what did you learn today?" Padlet I started using Padlet back when it was called WallWisher. Quick Key - For classrooms that aren't 1:1Quick Key is an excellent platform for creating and conducting formative assessments. Plickers - For classrooms that aren't 1:1 If not every student in your classroom has a laptop or tablet to use, then you need to check out Plickers as a student response system.

20 Ways to Create a Healthy Faculty Environment In honor of Edutopia's 20th anniversary, we're producing a series of Top 20 lists, from the practical to the sublime. When a classroom "works" it is a powerful place to be. While the students ultimately make these moments, talented educators need to set the stage for success. The same can be said of harmonious faculty and staff relations. Faculty Meetings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Faculty Lounge 6. 7. 8. Professional Respect 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Information Technology 14. 15. 16. Beyond Campus 17. 18. 19. 20. What tips do you have for creating a safe place to learn and teach?

Welcome! Genius Hour Study- Start with a Feasibility Study One of the most common questions I get with a Genius Hour/ 20% Time project is: “Where do you start? While I could go into brainstorming ideas, collecting and connecting methods, or even proposal guidelines, I want to start off with a story to illustrate what a “feasibility study” is and why it may save you time and your sanity. Two years ago I had a student in my innovation class that loved sports. She was a gifted athlete that was offered several different scholarship opportunities for volleyball. She did all the things each student was required to do- find collaborators/ mentors to help her, draft up a proposal, create a calendar of accomplishable goals, etc. Three months of somber meetings and survey’s led to more reasons why starting this “league” was nearly impossible for one student to accomplish. So, after months of dead ends, and feeling totally defeated, she figured that maybe she should just host one game, then talk with the parents, and see if it was worth pursuing.

Kaizena · Give Great Feedback 10 Ways to be a Terrible Teacher Teaching is a noble calling. That is why when a teacher doesn't behave nobly it breaks trust and we get upset. I have to admit that I've had days as a "TT" (Terrible Teacher.) If we're honest with ourselves, we all have. It is usually when we're tired, grumpy or were woken up by a parent calling to complain about something we don't really agree with. But there are no excuses. So, today, I'll share a few of the things I think make a teacher terrible. Stop and Be Excellent Some of you will be shocked that I've taken my positive tone out of this post. Sometimes knowing what to do means we also know what NOT to do. 10- The teacher is always on their cell phone. 9 - The teacher is always on the computer or not paying attention. I knew a teacher who used to sew on her sewing machine during class. 8- The teacher is always losing his/her temper or is predictably dramatic. The predictably dramatic could be when you get soooooooo mad you jump on your desk. Let me tell you something.
