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It's a Book by Lane Smith

It's a Book by Lane Smith
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How to prepare your students for the Extended Essay | IB Community Blog The Extended Essay is a challenge for every student. How can you make sure they feel prepared rather than panicked? It’s the culmination of years of effort, a signature of the IB Diploma Programme and the perfect preparation for life beyond the classroom. In fact, IB Diploma Programme alumni said the Extended Essay prepared them the most for the rigours of university life – they felt ahead of their peers in terms of the skills required for undertaking independent research. But the self-directed Extended Essay is also a source of dread for many students, who fear its rigour, complexity and sheer length. Start them young The concept of writing an essay would draw a blank look from most four-year-olds. Four-year-olds extract information from non-fiction texts and answer ‘mini-research’ questions. ‘Formal Research Writing’ classes commence in middle school and students are encouraged to choose a topic from those in the Extended Essay guide. Offer a guiding hand Stay on track

Book Trailers for Readers - home The Real Cookbook Le studio de design allemand Korefe a eu l’excellente idée de penser un livre de cuisine comestible. The Real Cookbook permet de cuisiner des lasagnes, en suivant les instructions joliment dessinées directement sur la pâte. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article. The MHMS Daring School Library Blog School Presentations | True to Life Books by Jan Latta Jan Latta is the author, wildlife photographer, designer and publisher of True to Life books on endangered animals. With 15 books to her name, she has a wealth of knowledge to share with students. Jan's photographs and stories are genuine because she follows wild animals in their natural habits – in Africa, India, Borneo, Uganda and China. She waits patiently for weeks, sometimes years to capture the magic photograph that tells the animal's story. K – Y2 45 minutes Y3 – Y6 60 minutes Jan starts by showing exciting videos of endangered animals in Africa, India, China and Borneo. Y7 – Y12 60 minutes Jan talks about coming face-to-face with a mountain gorilla in Rwanda and how this changed her life. The library or hall needs to be darkened to show the power point presentation and videos. To book contact Helen at 1300 979 465 or 0428 111 155 Speakers Ink Jan Latta Tel: +61 2 9880 8382

The Shelf | Journal Pourquoi créer une revue papier sur le livre à l’heure où l’Internet remet en question le matérialisme tout naturel de l’Occidental moyen, à l’heure où la valeur pécuniaire de «l’objet livre» refoule les adeptes du savoir gratuit disponible sur la toile ? Que deviennent aujourd’hui ces cahiers reliés, fondement de notre société, détenteurs de notre Histoire ? Face à la dématérialisation des contenus éditoriaux, la pratique du design au sein du livre prend une dimension d’autant plus importante. Objets anodins ou véritables œuvres d’art, les livres, à travers leurs formes et les histoires qu’ils racontent, ont la vocation de créer un lien unique avec ceux qui les lisent, les consultent ou les possèdent. C’est de cet attachement quasi-charnel qu’est né The Shelf Journal. The Shelf Journal revue bilingue français/anglais Conception éditoriale: Morgane Rébulard & Colin Caradec Conception graphique: The Shelf Company Édité par: The Shelf Company

How Are Students’ Roles Changing in the New Economy of Information? Part 2 in the series Learning In the New Economy of Information. By Shawn McCusker Perhaps one of the most powerful expectations of students in an environment of scarcity is that they not question the source of the information. As the modern classroom has become connected, the amount of information available to both teachers and students has exponentially increased. Where teachers once lectured about important ideas and events, or shared their acquired knowledge with their students, today’s classrooms can see every key primary source document, the actual notes of great scientists, and a limitless amount of literary criticism. For generations, being a student meant being the recipient of scarce information. Socializing with others in class took place during some activities, but overall, the term “socializing” was used as a pejorative. The skills necessary to be a student in today’s information-rich environment are radically different.

The Four Things Students Need to Create Good Book Trailers Creating book trailer videos is a great alternative to a traditional written book report assignment. In a book trailer video students highlight their favorite elements of a story and try to entice viewers to read the book themselves. Much like a movie trailer that tries to get viewers to watch the full movie, a book trailer should give viewers just enough to be interested in the full story without giving away the conclusion to the story. If you have heard of book trailers and wanted to try having your create book trailers, here are the four things they'll need to get started after reading a book. A script/ outline: Before I let students start to assemble a video, I make them write a script or outline for the video. Images: Your students will want to use pictures in their videos to represent key elements and characters in the books they have read. It's not always possible for students to use images they own. Many of the aforementioned video editing tools offer sound effects too.

Londres, New York, Paris en 3D Voyager en 3D sans surfer nécessairement sur Google Map, c’est tout à fait possible. C’est ce que propose une nouvelle série de livres pop-up panoramiques pour découvrir d’un coup d’œil douze monuments phares de Londres, Paris ou New York. Ces mini guides touristiques une fois sortis de leur étuis se déploient tels des livres-théâtres ou d’immenses farandoles. Glissés dans la poche ou dans un sac, ils offrent une visite guidée de ces trois villes grace à un panorama de monuments légendaires, de Big Ben à Central Park, en passant par la tour Eiffel, la statue de la Liberté ou encore le moulin rouge et Piccadilly Circus. Soit en les feuilletant pris entre deux mains ou bien en les dépliant et repliant de page en page, offrant ainsi à chaque fois, un monument tout en volume, qui s’érige, illustré et accompagné d’une petite légende, avec en prime un plan crayonnée au dos de l'objet, permettant de localiser ces lieux. Dominique POIRET
