A.D. After Disclosure DULCE NEW MEXICO--WHAT WE "KNOW"--MAYBE THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL COMES FROM PEOPLE WHO KNOW THE DULCE (UNDERGROUND) BASE EXISTS. THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO WORKED IN THE LABS; ABDUCTEES TAKEN TO THE BASE; PEOPLE WHO ASSISTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION; INTELL PERSONAL (NSA, CIA, FBI etc.). THIS INFORMATION IS MEANT FOR THOSE WHO ARE SERIOUSLY INTERESTED IN THE DULCE BASE. FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION, "USE CAUTION" WHILE INVESTIGATING THIS COMPLEX, even on the net. An ongoing investigation: "THE DULCE BASE" by Jason Bishop III This facility is a "GENETICS LAB" and is connected to Los Alamos via a "Tube-Shuttle." In the revised September 1950 edition of "THE EFFECTS OF ATOMIC WEAPONS" prepared for and in cooperation with the U.S. On page #381: "There are apparently no fundamental difficulties in construction and operating underground various types of important facilities. CAUGHT IN THE GAME -- Centuries ago, "surface people" (some say, Illuminati) entered into a pact with an "Alien Nation" (hidden within the Earth). WHOSE PLANET IS THIS? The U.S.
DOCUMENT SECRET F.O.I.A RELATIF AUX OVNIS (traduction française ) FBI CIA NSA CIRVIS NAVY ARMY Mise à jour 12-septembre-2005 De toutes les histoires d'ovni que l'on peut lire ,de toutes les études et théories souvent honnêtes mais stériles que l'on peut trouver,un point reste souvent en suspend et pas des moindres . Quelle crédibilité peut on imputer à ce phénomène? Avec la traduction française de ces documents provenant des agences du FBI,C.I.A.,NSA,NAVY,ARMY et autres, il y a ouvertement thème à la réflexion et sans doute un début de réponse. Mais là c'est à vous de juger!
Incident de Téhéran Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Chronologie des événements[modifier | modifier le code] Suites de l'affaire[modifier | modifier le code] Peu de temps après, un météore survola le Maroc et fut aperçu au-dessus de la Méditerranée par un pilote de chasse égyptien, puis plus tard, au-dessus du Portugal par l'équipage et les passagers d'un avion de ligne[10]. Aujourd'hui, l'affaire a été classée[réf. nécessaire][Comment ?]. Eléments de rumeur[modifier | modifier le code] On[Qui ?] Analyse sceptique de l'incident[modifier | modifier le code] Une affaire juteuse[modifier | modifier le code] Toute cette histoire a été publiée le 31 janvier 1977 dans le "National Enquirer". Références[modifier | modifier le code]
Ufo's and Aliens Contact 2012 Ufo's and Aliens Contact - This video explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting a comprehensive overview of the UFO phenomenon, abductions, disclosure, hyperdimensional realities as well as ancient history and esoteric significance relating to the “topic of all topicsâ€. There are a thousand things which prevent a man from awakening, which keep him in the power of his dreams. In order to act consciously with the intention of awakening, it is necessary to know the nature of the forces which keep man in a state of sleep.  First of all it must be realized that the sleep in which man exists is not normal but hypnotic sleep.
3 Very Large Objects In Space Flying To Earth - Canada ufo E.T. does not need to phone home anymore, someone, or something is on it’s way to earth. SETI Astrophysicist Craig Kasnov ( not to be confused with Craig Kasnoff ) has announced the approach to the Earth of 3 very large, very fast moving objects. The length of the "flying saucers" is in the range of tens of kilometers. Landing, according to calculations of scientists, should be in mid-December 2012. Date coincides with the end of the Mayan calendar. A few very large objects rapidly approaching the Earth - says SETI astrophysicist Craig Kasnov. 19 25 12 -89 46 03 - the first large object 16 19 35 -88 43 10 - a cylindrical object 02 26 39 -89 43 13 - the object as a circle The project participants are assured that the facilities are absolutely real, and the American space agency NASA is trying to conceal important information. None of these objects can be seen from the northern hemisphere. Keep your eyes on the skies… the truth is out there.
UFO Mothership and UFO Fleet Over London Friday June 24, 2011 Last updated on June 24, 2012 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! Video uploader's comments: UFOs Over London BBC Radio 1 Building. Several different camera angles confirm this sighting. A mothership UFO along with some of her fleet UFOs were recorded on video in London on June 24, 2011. On June 16th, 2011, the same person recorded more UFO's over London as well: What do you think? Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href=" Chat Rules: 1. Thank you! [ Copy this | Start New | Full Size ]
Jack Krine Krine naît à Comé en 1944. A partir de 1961, il est pilote de chasse dans l'Armée de l'Air française puis chef-moniteur, officier de sécurité des vols, instructeur combat aérien Mirage 3. Il participe à l'évaluation en combat aérien du Mirage 3 et du Mirage F1 au Centre d'Expérimentation Aérienne de Mont-de-Marsan. Le Tuesday 23 September 1975 à 23:00, lors d'une mission d'entraînement nocturne avec un autre avion, dans la région de Cambrai, Krine fait une observation répétée 3 fois : J'étais à l'époque capitaine, chef de patrouille instructeur confirmé à l'escadron de chasse "Seine". A partir de 1976 il est intégré à la Patrouille de France comme leader Solo. En 1978, il quitte l'Armée de l'Air pour devenir pilote de ligne à Air France, et accède ensuite au grade de commandant de bord et instructeur sur Airbus A 320. Colonel de réserve, il est officier supérieur adjoint au colonel commandant le Sirpa Air. Il a plus de 400 meetings aériens à son actif.