Bodies lining Haiti's roadsides are grim tally of earthquake - T By Tina Susman Los Angeles Times Posted: 01/14/2010 01:00:00 AM MST|Updated: 4 years ago A body is carried on a door through the streets of Port-au-Prince, which was strewn with corpses. An injured child receives treatment Wednesday in Port-au-Prince. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — As darkness fell on Haiti's capital Wednesday, crowds gathered in the streets to spend the evening in the relative safety of the outdoors, their lives turned upside down by Tuesday's devastating magnitude-7 earthquake. Many survivors broke out into communal song, seeking to soothe themselves and remain calm in a city with no power, little water, a limited number of habitable buildings and scores of bodies strewn along roadways. About 6:30 p.m., the songs turned into screams, as a strong aftershock hit. Moments later, the crowds in the street grew larger, as many of those who had remained inside ran from their shaky shelters, away from the walls and ceilings that had caused such destruction a day earlier.
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Medicare Department of Justice April 17th, 2014 April 16th, 2014 March 14th, 2014 March 11th, 2014 Monday, April 21, 2014 Press Release Thursday, April 17, 2014 Speech Dept. of Justice Overview Tues., September 29 Attorney General Eric Holder, Deputy Attorney General David W. The Decline of America's Soft Power Anti-Americanism has increased in recent years, and the United States' soft power -- its ability to attract others by the legitimacy of U.S. policies and the values that underlie them -- is in decline as a result. According to Gallup International polls, pluralities in 29 countries say that Washington's policies have had a negative effect on their view of the United States. A Eurobarometer poll found that a majority of Europeans believes that Washington has hindered efforts to fight global poverty, protect the environment, and maintain peace. Skeptics of soft power (Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld professes not even to understand the term) claim that popularity is ephemeral and should not guide foreign policy. But the recent decline in U.S. attractiveness should not be so lightly dismissed. The United States cannot confront the new threat of terrorism without the cooperation of other countries. To continue reading, please log in. Don't have an account? Register Have an account?
First U.S. military aid reaches quake-stricken Haiti First team team will assess what Haiti needs to cope with the immediate aftermathOne task is to set up temporary air traffic control systemsAircraft carrier, ships with medical facilities heading toward Haiti Washington (CNN) -- With the first of its flights touching down in earthquake-devastated Haiti late Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. began deploying military planes, ships and ground troops to the Caribbean nation. One of two planes carrying a 30-person assessment team arrived at Port-au-Prince airport about 5:30 p.m. One of the team's first jobs is to get the airport working to a point where it can handle all the flights coming in from around the world filled with people and supplies to help the victims of the quake. The U.S. "He says the runway is functional, but the tower doesn't have communications capability. The group includes a unit of U.S. Fraser also has ordered the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson to steam toward Haiti. The U.S.
Land Change Science Program: Home The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) serves as the definitive Landsat-based, 30-meter resolution, land cover database. The NLCD contains spatial data and descriptive information on land cover, tree canopy cover, and impervious surface. A fish eye lens (360 °) photograph of tree canopy and sky; part of a phenology study on the timing of spring "leaf out". Extent and direction of migrating sand dunes on Navajo Nation lands on the Colorado Plateau from satellite image analysis. Migrating dunes threaten health, housing, and transportation pathways. An automated digital imaging system for monitoring phenological, climatological, and morphological change on landscapes in the southwestern United States.Photo: Rian Bogle Land change (%) from 2001 to 2006 in Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) regions, based on a systematic comparison of the recent magnitudes, trajectories, and causes of change across the national landscape. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader
Office of Scientific and Technical Information, OSTI, U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs