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10 ways to use Google+ in the classroom

10 ways to use Google+ in the classroom
Circles Obviously you are going to want to create a circle for your class and guide them through making a circle for the class as well. But as cool as that is, it doesn’t stop there. Photos/Video Because photos and videos are dropped into albums, privacy settings allow you to make albums that only certain circles can see. Google Talk Because google is already part of my “always open” tab club it is much easier to set up a place for students to initiate a quick chat session through google rather than the ANGEL chat client or Skype. Ability to control notification methods Google+ alllows the user to determine just how they will be contacted with new material has been posted, messages sent, photos tagged. Mobile apps Google+ now has a mobile app available for iPhone and for Droid. Group Work By creating smaller circles students can work in groups. Google Docs and Calendar A great add-on to google+ is the ability to upload/edit/create documents within the system as well as scheduling events.

Managing Google+ Circles : 7 Essential Tips One of Google+’s main advantages is privacy management by way of organizing your friends into different circles. While this makes perfect sense, this idea isn’t as intuitive as you might think because of the years of Facebook and Twitter habits ingrained in us. As it is a new concept, some people feel circles are cumbersome and tedious to manage – but it doesn’t need to be that way. Not at least, if you follow these essential tips: 1. Unlike facebook and just like twitter, you don’t have to approve people who want to connect with you on Google+ . So the rule of thumb, if you don’t want to listen to this person’s stream, you probably shouldn’t add them to any circle at all – not even your acquaintance circle. This greatly lessens the burden of managing circles, and dramatically cuts down on the noise you get in your stream. 2. People you know probably come from different groups. So basically here’s an example of how I would do it (This of course is a recommendation, not a rule of thumb) 3.

Que pensent nos élèves de l'utilisation de Facebook en classe ? Devrais-je utiliser Facebook avec mes groupes de français? Voici la question que s'est posée une enseignante de secondaire 4. Pour y répondre, elle s'est adressée aux élèves de ses trois classes de français. La question a tout d’abord été lancée en grand groupe. Par la suite, en groupes de 4 ou 5, les élèves ont discuté de la pertinence de créer un compte Facebook dans le cours de français. Les aspects positifs : · Plus agréable pour les élèves d’aller sur ce site plutôt que sur la plateforme de l’école. · Plus accessible · Plus convivial · Lien plus direct entre chaque élève et l’enseignante · Dans un groupe privé, seuls les membres y ont accès. · L’information est facilement accessible · Facebook est plus stable que la plateforme de l’école qui n’est pas toujours accessible · On peut ajouter des commentaires · On peut faire des forums de discussions · On peut publier des vidéos · Tout est au même endroit · Cela peut s’avérer très utile pour les absents · Le clavardage serait utile pour l’étude.

Use Gmail, Docs, Google Calendar Offline With the Chrome App Last week Google launched the Offline Google Mail Chrome App. The app which is available for free in the Chrome Web Store will allow you to read and respond to messages in Gmail even if you don't have an Internet connection. When you get to a place where you do have an Internet connection your messages will be sent. Items in your Google Docs and Google Calendar accounts can also be viewed offline now. Applications for Education When I read about the new Google Mail Chrome App I immediately thought of my students who spend close to an hour on a school bus each morning and afternoon. 25 Google Drive Tips You’ve Probably Never Heard Before | Process Street Recently I moved over from Dropbox to Google Drive and found a few unexpected benefits. At first I had a little trouble managing the space since the 1TB on my Google Drive was bigger than my HDD, but after I got that sorted I started to learn some of the deeper features of Google Drive, some of which are pretty cool. Below is a list of the top tips and tricks I have learned from playing with Google Drive over the last few months. Work Well with Others Google drive got it’s early breaks in the market by being far superior at collaborating with others than any other tool out there. Publicly Share Documents Not only can you share and collaborate with people you invite, but you can also make documents public. Control Access Levels for Security Just because you want to share and work with others, doesn’t mean you necessarily want people messing with yo sh*t. Chat While Collaborating Search by Person Enhance your Experience with Add-Ons Don’t forget the Apps Use Drag and Drop to Upload

How Google Dominates Us by James Gleick In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives by Steven Levy Simon and Schuster, 424 pp., $26.00 I’m Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 by Douglas Edwards Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 416 pp., $27.00 The Googlization of Everything (and Why We Should Worry) by Siva Vaidhyanathan University of California Press, 265 pp., $26.95 Search & Destroy: Why You Can’t Trust Google Inc. by Scott Cleland with Ira Brodsky Telescope, 329 pp., $28.95 Tweets Alain de Botton, philosopher, author, and now online aphorist: The logical conclusion of our relationship to computers: expectantly to type “what is the meaning of my life” into Google. You can do this, of course. Google is where we go for answers. The business of finding facts has been an important gear in the workings of human knowledge, and the technology has just been upgraded from rubber band to nuclear reactor. Most of the time Google does not actually have the answers. “That’s true,” said Brin.

Twitter en design de la mode Je fais aussi quelques séances de microblogage que j’affiche à l’écran. Ceux qui ont des téléphones intelligents en classe peuvent interagir avec moi et m’expédier un message qui sera vu tout de suite par le groupe. Et je peux y répondre! Avec ça, enfin le téléphone intelligent recentre l’attention vers les activités du cours au lieu de les en éloigner! Google Docs Why Google Docs? Google Apps is a tremendous platform for facilitating online collaboration in your classroom, or beyond. It is freely available on the Web and if you are familiar with other word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation programs, you can easily use Google Docs. Here are some benefits of Google Docs: It is available from anywhere and anytime with an Internet connection. Note: Google Docs in part of Google Apps, a suite of tools that also includes Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, and Google Sites (for web page creation). Google Docs Tools Google Docs is comprised of five tools that all work together. Documents is an online word processor and multimedia editor. Presentation is an online slideshow tool. Create, fomat, edit, and publish a presentation online. Spreadsheet is an online spreadsheet tool. Create, fomat, edit, and publish a spreadsheet online. Form in an online poll and survey creation tool. Create, fomat, edit, and publish a poll or survey online.

Using Voice Comments with Google Docs for End of the Year Projects I had a “just in time” professional development moment thanks to Jennifer Roberts and her video titled “Docs Voice Comments.” I wanted to share it with other educators as I know many of us are planning end of the year projects, assignments, and written pieces. These culminating assignments are incredibly time consuming to grade. I also wonder how many of my students carefully read the comments I make on these pieces since they get them back just as the school year ends and summer break begins. Lastly, these end of the year projects are finished products, so covering them with comments or editing directly on them may not be the most effective way to provide feedback. My students are currently working on a Digital Portfolio Project to share the work they have created in our class. I’ve decided to use the voice comments app instead of typing out all of my comments. Follow the steps below to enable the Voice Comments app. Search for “Voice Comments” and connect app to your Drive account.

5 Years of YouTube Politics [INFOGRAPHIC] YouTube, which has quickly become the media site of record, has put together an infographic celebrating five years of political highs and lows. If someone important does anything wonderful, stupid or wonderfully stupid on camera — it is likely the site has the video. This is typically true of the political arena, as politicians often make gaffes while they're on the road, whether it's during bill debates or a casual conversation. YouTube and other video hosting sites provide a place where the public can find and watch hours of clips featuring elected officials. More than 500 U.S. candidates for office have official channels. Of course, it's not all fail videos and mistakes, YouTube has also played an increasingly large role in elections and the day-to-day operations of the White House. Take a look at how YouTube and politics have grown, from President Barack Obama's weekly addresses, CNN's debates in 2007 to the 2012 presidential announcement videos.

30 ways to use Twitter to accelerate learning How can Twitter be used to accelerate learning? Here are 30! 1. Provide tips daily. Teachers can tweet to their students a word a day, with short definition to provide a constant reach of vocabulary. Teachers can also tweet questions/ new words and ask students to find the meaning of the words and reply to the tweet. 2. Set up a book reading club and integrate Twitter by providing a platform for the members to write a short review of the book that they are currently reading, or even provide a teaser for the members of the club about a book and ask them to predict the ending of the book. 3. Some students are afraid to put up their hands and participate in a classroom discussion. 4. Provide a place for the students to ask anything about the assignments that you have given to them. 5. Particularly in a large classroom, for example a lecture hall, you will be overwhelmed by the amount of students and often finds it hard to ask or answer questions. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. #educhat - Education

Why Google Plus Hangouts is the Killer App: Docs Google Plus got a bunch of new features today, many of them involving Hangouts, the video chat feature. This is not the only social network with video chat in town, but Hangouts always had some stand-out features. First of all, they can be public, so anyone can see one in their stream and join in, which is a very honest interpretation of the word "social." They also support two-way chat for up to 10 people, which can be chaotic, but often in a fun way. Today's update brought Hangouts to mobile devices, and it added "On Air" mode to allow users to broadcast to the public (once On Air opens to everyone, that is). Making Stuff Together With screensharing and a shared sketchpad, and especially with Docs, Google Plus is now a platform for making stuff together, face-to-face. Plus for the Enterprise? So, does that mean enterprise collaboration suites like Citrix or WebEx are in danger? Would you use Google Plus Hangouts for work?

Behind Google+'s Stealth March On Foursquare, Instagram, Gaming, Facebook, Your Life Foursquare-challenging check-ins If you run the mobile app version of Google+ you can't help but spot the Check-ins feature--it's right there on the front page. It works with admirable simplicity: Push it, select the appropriate location which is spewed from Google Place's database, and tap "check in." Similar check-in status is afforded when you enable a status update to have a location attached. Privacy is neatly managed within Circles, and if you can bother to spend the time, you can change each check-in's sharing status. Plenty is missing from this bare-bones service: There're no badges, no mayorships, no location-based deal vouchers in association with AmEx. in short, it's not a game. But that's not to say that Google won't implement some or all of these features or even surpass them--it's not short of coders, and if Google+ takes off then it would probably be mere weeks of work to get a gaming angle built in. Color/Instagram-challenging photo sharing Gaming versus everyone Facebook
