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How to Start a Gratitude Practice and Change Your Life “When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” -Lao Tzu Somewhere in the distant past, out here in New Zealand, I recall someone saying to me “Be grateful for small mercies.” Back in the 1950s, when I was a small girl, that meant being grateful for the simple things that made up the better part of my life. As I grew, I forgot that piece of advice that someone, probably my beautiful grandmother, gave me way back then. Like so many people in the world in 2010, troubles were crowding in on me. My American same-sex partner and I had not been able to see each other for over a year, due to both the usual constraints—American immigration law does not recognize our relationship—and the not so usual – the recession, joblessness, bankruptcy, and threatened foreclosure on our American home. In July my father died in New Zealand and it was at that point I threw in the towel. At that moment I fired off an email to the great love of my life in New York. And so we did. 1. 2.

Burn-out : un court métrage qui invite à s’accrocher à ses rêves Proposé par une équipe de l’école des Gobelins, le court-métrage d’animation Burn-out déborde de positivité et de sagesse. Il nous rappelle que nos rêves d’enfant font partie de notre vie et qu’il ne faut pas oublier de les chérir. Burn-out met en scène Stella, une astronaute échouée sur une planète inconnue, qui rencontre un enfant. La protagoniste découvre qu’il possède des éléments, des idées qu’elle-même possédait lorsqu’elle était petite, et nourrit les mêmes rêves pour son futur. Au fil de la conversation, Stella réalise qu’elle n’a en rien réalisé ses rêves en grandissant. Ce court métrage d’animation touchant nous invite à réfléchir sur notre situation actuelle.

T’as vu celle qui t’apprend à faire tourner tes pompons de seins? Mots-clés : burlesque, faire tourner ses tétés, nipple tassel, vous allez vous calmer sur Katinka ça vient Bon hier j’ai mis un garçon, mais vous inquiétez pas les filles je pense aussi à vous avec cette passionnante leçon de pompon à nichon pour faire comme dans Tournée (mais y’a aussi un truc pour les garçons à la fin). via The Daily What

How to Practice Gratitude – Helpful Tips (and focus on what's really important.) In a stuck moment, it’s hard to see positive forces when obstacles are blaring and fears are looming. This is a good time to be grateful. Not grateful for what has us stuck, but appreciating what doesn’t. Thing is, people aren’t hardwired to be grateful. Gratitude puts situations into perspective. Unstuck helps us achieve what's important to us Unstuck helps you solve life’s problems, big and small, by looking at what has you stuck and how to change that. 9 ways to cultivate gratitude 1 Notice your day-to-day world from a point of gratitude and be amazed at all the goodness we take for granted. The power of paying a compliment When Mark Twain said, "I can live two months on a good compliment," he only told half the story. Here are five do’s and don’ts to make the most of giving and receiving of admiration: DO be genuine. Gratitude gizmos Special equipment isn’t necessary for practicing gratitude — the real work goes on in your head and heart.

The REAL Death Of The Music Industry What’s On Your Gratitude List Today? We all know how focusing on the things that we’re grateful for can turn around a negative mood but have you made this a daily practice? I started my own version of this years ago in the form of The 10/10 Exercise. Each day I write at least ten things for which I’m grateful. I try to write about ten different things each day so the practice doesn’t become a rote exercise and to ensure that I notice more of the wonderful people and things in my life. After putting myself into a great mood writing about things I’m grateful for, I follow it by writing at least ten things that I want to attract into my life. These can be things I want to accomplish that day or week or bigger picture outcomes that may take longer. Today I thought I would share with you some of the many things that have appeared in my gratitude list. Be grateful if you have eyes to see these things, a nose to smell them, ears to hear them, a mouth to taste them, hands to touch them and a heart to feel them. The smell of a puppy

Zahia déshabille Alice au Pays des Merveilles | Pondu par Jack Parker le 4 avril 2011 Après avoir posé en une de V Magazine, Zahia a pris goût à la reconnaissance des médias et tente donc de faire parler d’elle par tous les moyens possibles. Depuis quelques petites semaines, on voit apparaître sur nos écrans des photos et des vidéos un peu étranges de Zahia dans une interprétation toute particulière d’Alice au Pays des Merveilles. On a d’abord eu cette petite vidéo de Zahia qui raconte une histoire et d’un homme à tête de lapin qui va rentrer dans ta maison si tu oublies d’éteindre ton ordinateur : Et aujourd’hui c’est une Alice strip-teaseuse qui débarque dans les ordinateurs du monde entier, faisant du charme à un gros chat de Chester gonflable : J’avoue être fascinée par son décolleté qui semble ne faire qu’un bloc. Ça vous a plu ? Ne ratez aucun article de ! Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter et recevez notre actu deux fois / semaine Cet article a été pondu par Jack Parker - Tous ses articles

What Are Affirmations and How to Use Them By Remez Sasson What Are Affirmations Affirmations are sentences aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious mind. The words composing the affirmation, automatically and involuntarily, bring up related mental images into the mind, which could inspire, energize and motivate. Repeating affirmations, and the resultant mental images, affect the subconscious mind, which in turn, influences the behavior, habits, actions and reactions. What Affirmations Do? They motivate. When and How to Repeat Affirmations 1) Devote some special times during the day for repeating them. 2) Repeat them wherever you are, and whenever you want and have the time. Before starting, ask yourself whether you really want to get what you want to affirm for. Affirm with love, faith, feeling and interest, and feel and believe that your desire has already been fulfilled. Examples Affirmations for success: It is easy and simple to achieve success. Affirmations for happiness: I am letting happiness manifest in my life.

Santa Claus Santa Claus is the primary figure of worship for Christians until the age of ten. He is best known for his annual trip around the world in which he breaks into homes to leave toys built by slaves.&&(na Just The Facts Santa was based on St. The Original Jolly Fat Man The legend of Santa can be traced back to St. The modern image of Santa was solidified in the pages of history by Thomas Nast, a famous cartoonist who seemed to have a thing for drawing fat men. Oh, we see where he got the fat man thing. In modern times, traditions and customs involving Santa vary from culture to culture. The Santa Proof Many attempts have been made to disprove Santa through science, most probably because physicists need pure children's tears for experimentation. Now do you believe in Santa? These complaints, while commanding a deep understanding of the physical world show a neglectful-at-best understanding of Santology. There Are No Flying Reindeer There are too Many Children There Isn't Enough Time! Santa and Satan

How To Take A Compliment Augmented reality toys that change pants and personality London design firm Berg and the London office of the Japanese ad agency Dentsu have announced a line of augmented reality toys called Suwappu. The little figurines have swappable heads and bodies; depending on how they're configured, they interact differently and draw different environments for themselves in the augmented reality world. Suwappu is a group of characters that can take lots of different forms. Primarily (or initially), the toys seen in the film - a set of collectible and swappable figures, readable by connected devices, opening up a layer of content. Introducing Suwappu!

Sisters of Charity Australia – The Love Of Christ Impels Us Pope Francis Honours Founder of the Religious Sisters of Charity and the Sisters of Charity of Australia. Given at Rome: 18th March 2015 Mary Aikenhead (1787-1858), who founded the Religious Sisters of Charity in 1815 to provide services to “the suffering poor”, has been declared Venerable by Pope Francis. Being declared Venerable is the second of four steps in the Catholic Church’s Canonisation process. Throughout the world today Religious Sisters of Charity are in Ireland, England, Scotland, Zambia, California, Nigeria, Malawi and Australia. Religious Sisters of Charity continue to work courageously and creatively with people who are poor in the areas of healthcare, education, pastoral and social work. When Mary Aikenhead set up her Congregation two hundred years ago, there were only a hundred women religious in Ireland, all enclosed contemplatives. Notes for the Editors: Being declared Venerable is the second of four steps in the Catholic Church’s Canonisation process.
