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Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. En informatique, NoSQL désigne une famille de systèmes de gestion de base de données (SGBD) qui s'écarte du paradigme classique des bases relationnelles. L'explicitation du terme la plus populaire de l'acronyme est Not only SQL (« pas seulement SQL » en anglais) même si cette interprétation peut être discutée[1]. La définition exacte de la famille des SGBD NoSQL reste sujette à débat. Le terme se rattache autant à des caractéristiques techniques qu'à une génération historique de SGBD qui a émergé à la fin des années 2000/début des années 2010[2]. L'architecture machine en clusters induit une structure logicielle distribuée fonctionnant avec des agrégats répartis sur différents serveurs permettant des accès et modifications concurrentes mais imposant également de remettre en cause de nombreux fondements de l'architecture SGBD relationnelle traditionnelle, notamment les propriétés ACID. Éléments historiques[modifier | modifier le code]

NoSQL Europe : Tour d’horizon des bases de données NoSQL Le NoSQL regroupe de nombreuses bases de données, récentes pour la plupart, qui se caractérisent par une logique de représentation de données non relationnelle et qui n’offrent donc pas une interface de requêtes en SQL. Cassandra, Neo4j, Riak, Redis ou encore HBase sont des noms de projet qui brillent par leur présence dans l’actualité depuis quelques mois. Bien qu’ils soient tous étiquetés ‘NoSQL’ de grandes disparités les distinguent. Du fait de l’hétérogénéité de ces bases de données, des familles se sont créées pour les regrouper. Cet article présente un tour d’horizon de l’ensemble de ces familles, de leurs caractéristiques et de leurs intérêts. Les familles de NoSQL Une remarque qui est revenue régulièrement lors des sessions de cette conférence est que le NoSQL est très souvent réduit au concept de simple association clé-valeur et d’accès put/get. Les bases de données clé-valeur Les implémentations les plus courantes sont Riak, Redis, Voldemort. Les bases de données orientées graphe

NoSQL : 5 minutes pour comprendre | NoSQL signifie “Not Only SQL”, littéralement “pas seulement SQL”. Ce terme désigne l’ensemble des bases de données qui s’opposent à la notion relationnelle des SGBDR. La définition, “pas seulement SQL”, apporte un début de réponse à la question “Est ce que le NoSQL va tuer les bases relationnelles?”. Mais pourquoi le NoSQL ? Le premier besoin fondamental auquel répond NoSQL est la performance. Cohérence : tous les noeuds du système voient exactement les mêmes données au même momentHaute disponibilité (Availability) : en cas de panne, les données restent accessiblesTolérance au Partitionnement : le système peut être partitionné Mais le théorème du CAP précise aussi que seulement deux de ces trois contraintes peuvent être respectées en même temps. Plusieurs bases de données NoSQL, mais de quels types? Les solutions NoSQL existantes peuvent être regroupées en 4 grandes familles. Clé / valeur : Ce modèle peut être assimilé à une hashmap distribuée. Conclusion

untitled by Luke P. Issac on January 14, 2014 Most of you are already familiar with SQL database, and have a good knowledge on either MySQL, Oracle, or other SQL databases. In the last several years, NoSQL database is getting widely adopted to solve various business problems. It is helpful to understand the difference between SQL and NoSQL database, and some of available NoSQL database that you can play around with. SQL vs NoSQL: High-Level Differences SQL databases are primarily called as Relational Databases (RDBMS); whereas NoSQL database are primarily called as non-relational or distributed database.SQL databases are table based databases whereas NoSQL databases are document based, key-value pairs, graph databases or wide-column stores. SQL Database Examples 1. MySQL database is very popular open-source database. 2. It is a powerful and user friendly database which has good stability, reliability and scalability with support from Microsoft. 3. NoSQL Database Examples 1. 2. 3.

A new way to think of Data Storage for your Enterprise Application A couple of posts earlier I had blogged about a real life case study of one of our projects where we are using a SQL store (Oracle) and a NoSQL store (MongoDB) in combination over a message based backbone. MongoDB was used to cater to a very specific subset of the application functionality, where we felt it made a better fit than a traditional RDBMS. This hybrid architecture of data organization is turning out to be an increasingly attractive option today with more and more specialized persistent storage structures being developed. In many applications we need to process graph data structures. Neo4J can be a viable option for this. Multiple data storage use along with asynchronous messaging is one of the options that will looks very potent today. If we agree that messaging is going to be one of the most dominant paradigms in shaping application architectures, why not try to go one level up and look at some higher level abstractions for message based programming?

Will NoSQL and Big Data Kill the DBA? - AppDynamics: The APM Blog Remember the good old days where developers and DBAs would argue over who and what was killing the relational database? “It’s your crap SQL,” “You forgot to create an index,” “You don’t know what an index is”…and so on. Do you remember when the DBA occasionally spoke and served out humble pie on how to make SQL statements go faster? Well my friends, those biblical days could soon be over with the adoption of NoSQL technologies. If you look back at the last decade, there is no doubt nearly all business today is connected or conducted online. In the olden days I spent many days and nights working with customers to help scale their applications through the rise and fall of the Internet. The problem today is that relational databases make it really difficult for organizations to scale their applications to deal with high user concurrency and transaction volumes. So how can you leverage NoSQL and make your applications more elastic? So will the DBA die? App Man.

What is NoSQL (Not Only SQL database)? - Definition from NoSQL is an approach to database design that can accomodate a wide variety of data models, including key-value, document, columnar and graph formats. NoSQL, which stand for "not only SQL," is an alternative to traditional relational databases in which data is placed in tables and data schema is carefully designed before the database is built. NoSQL databases are especially useful for working with large sets of distributed data. NoSQL vs. RDBMS The NoSQL term can be applied to some databases that predated the relational database management system, but it more commonly refers to the databases built in the early 2000s for the purpose of large-scale database clustering in cloud and web applications. Notably, the NoSQL systems were not required to follow an established relational schema. Early NoSQL databases for web and cloud applications tended to focus on very specific characteristics of data management. Key-value stores Document databases Wide-column stores Graph stores Evolution of NoSQL

Introduction au NoSQL Apache CASSANDRA : installation, prise en main rapide et outils d'administration Ce premier article d'une série de cinq sur la base de données NoSQL Apache Cassandra présente brièvement les fonctionnalités, l'installation, une première prise en main et quelques outils d'administration. Cet article introductif ne se veut pas être exhaustif, mais présente les concepts du NoSQL Cassandra, plébiscités par de nombreux acteurs du Web, nécessaires aux articles suivants. Les articles de la série consacrée à Apache Cassandra sont décrits ci-dessous : Article 1 : installation, prise en main rapide et outils d'administration Article 2 : modèle de données et API Java (Hector, Astyanax et JDBC) Cette liste sera complétée au fur et à mesure des publications. Je tiens à préciser que je ne suis pas un spécialiste de Cassandra. Si vous souhaitez donner votre avis sur le contenu de cet article, exprimez votre opinion, profitez de cette discussion 8 commentaires Article lu 41315 fois. N'hésitez pas à consulter ce glossaire. I-A. I-B. I-C. I-C-1. La valeur n'est pas obligatoire. I-C-2.

MySQL vs NoSQL - Which One Is More Useful (With Infographics) MySQL is the most popular open source relational database management system. Its development project has made its source code available under the terms of GNU General Public License, also under a variety of proprietary agreements. Initially, MySQL was owned and sponsored by a Swedish company called MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation. For proprietary use, several paid editions are available and offer additional functionality. A NoSQL database is a non-relational database, which provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data. MySQL is one of the widely used SQL Database Management System. A data structure used by NoSQL database is vastly different from those used in a relational database. MySQL is fast, easy to use a relational database which is being utilized by big and small businesses equally well. Head To Head Comparison Between MySQL vs NoSQL (Infographics) Below is the top 8 difference between MySQL vs NoSQL Key differences between MySQL vs NoSQL Recommended Article

Learn more about NoSQL databases NoSQL encompasses a wide variety of different database technologies and were developed in response to a rise in the volume of data stored about users, objects and products, the frequency in which this data is accessed, and performance and processing needs. Relational databases, on the other hand, were not designed to cope with the scale and agility challenges that face modern applications, nor were they built to take advantage of the cheap storage and processing power available today. Document databases pair each key with a complex data structure known as a document. Documents can contain many different key-value pairs, or key-array pairs, or even nested documents.Graph stores are used to store information about networks, such as social connections. Graph stores include Neo4J and HyperGraphDB.Key-value stores are the simplest NoSQL databases. Dynamic Schemas Relational databases require that schemas be defined before you can add data. Auto-sharding Replication Integrated Caching

A Comparison of SQL and NoSQL to Simplify Your Database Decision - DZone Database Have you been investing your time, effort, and resources in building ETL procedures that keep migrating data from one database to another? Is your RDBMS fully equipped to deal with unstructured and non-traditional data? With Big Data becoming the hottest segment of database technology, what’s your game plan to stay on top of the ever-evolving technologies? However you implement ETL processes, you must decide how to structure your data and what technologies to use. To help you make an informed decision that is right for you, let’s start from the basics. What Is SQL? SQL is a language that facilitates communication with relational database management systems, most of which have their exclusive proprietary extensions. What Is NoSQL? NoSQL encompasses a wide range of database technologies that are designed to cater to the demands of modern apps. The Key Differences Between NoSQL and SQL Addressing the Big Question: To SQL or NoSQL?

MongoDB is the Leading NoSQL Database The NoSQL database movement came about to address the shortcomings of relational databases and the demands of modern software development. MongoDB is the leading NoSQL database, with significant adoption among the Fortune 500 and Global 500. Although it is challenging to quantify database adoption and market share, there are a number of metrics — such as Google searches and job postings — that illustrate MongoDB's leadership. Some of these metrics are captured below. Google Search Google search provides a broad indicator of NoSQL adoption. LinkedIn Job Skills Since 2011, the 451 Group has analyzed the relative adoption of NoSQL technologies based on LinkedIn data. Jaspersoft Big Data Index Business intelligence (BI) software vendor, Jaspersoft, publishes the Big Data Index, which measures demand for the most popular technologies for storing and analyzing big data. Trends Learn More About MongoDB Read our MongoDB overview to learn more about building your application with MongoDB.
