SLARToolkit - Silverlight Augmented Reality Toolkit ARMedia iOS Traqueur AR (flouté) Augmented Reality on campus | eLearning Blog Dont Waste Your Time There are many uses for Augmented Reality systems and applications already out there, but most I come across are for more generic “find a hotel” or “find a wifi spot”. These are great, but not really pushing the boundaries of what the technology can do. I’ve read a little about how AR is being used in Education, which is good and I’ve spoken of these before – “Augmented Reality: does it have a place/future in education? What about these ideas? Student Orientation: What’s the worst part of being in a new place? These thoughts came about from watching this video on YouTube; created for the Junaio iPhone app, it worked in this example in the indoor 2010 Kiosk Europe Expo to guide visitors around and to help them decide where to go, and when. If you know of somewhere that is already doing this then please let me know, I’d be happy to know that my thoughts and ideas were already being put into practice.
LinceoVR — Seac02 s.r.l. Un pas vers la réalité augmentée. | Lunettes Google - Site français concernant les Google Glass : vidéos, photos, actu...Lunettes Google – Site français concernant les Google Glass : vidéos, photos, actu… Qui a dit que les Glass ne faisaient pas de réalité augmentée? Les Français le prouvent encore une fois, quand il s’agit de technologies, nous sommes loin d’être largués. Après « Escape », Ama, la firme française d’applications mobile fait encore parler d’elle en s’associant avec Suboceana, une entreprise bretonne qui utilise les technologies de l’information et la communication pour valoriser le monde sous-marin auprès du grand public et ainsi, amener les non-plongeurs à découvrir les océans d’une nouvelle manière (Modélisation 3D, simulation de plongée, jeux vidéo, e-Learning, sites web, Second Life, OpenSIM). De cette association est née, en une seule journée, une application permettant d’afficher du contenu 3D en réalité augmentée au travers des Google Glass. Cette nouvelle initiative made in France rassure un peu plus sur au rôle que pourrait jouer l’hexagone lors de la diffusion publique du concept de Google.
Technology Review: Blogs: Guest Blog: Treating Cockroach Phobia With Augmented Reality Augmented reality–overlaying the virtual world on top of the real world–has been used in everything from neurosurgery to iPhone apps. But until researchers at the Spanish Universitat Jaume got the bright idea to simulate hoards of cockroaches swarming over insect-phobic volunteers, no one had thought to use it as part of what’s known as exposure therapy. In exposure therapy, the phobic person puts him or herself in the presence of whatever they fear–heights, spiders, etc.–until, through habituation, they lose their fear of that situation or object. Augmented reality for exposure therapy promises to change this. Treating Cockroach Phobia With Augmented Reality describes, for the first time, a trial of augmented reality with a small group of people who all presented clinically significant levels of cockroach phobia. Combined with a camera on the front of the headset, the system allows researchers to show wearers both the real world and realistic cockroaches.
saqoosha/FLARToolKit/en Spark project Wiki ナビゲーション (Japanese page) What is FLARToolKit ¶ AS3 ported version of ARToolKit. The license ¶ FLARToolKit is free to use for non-commercial applications under the GPL license. For more information about the conditions of the GNU General Public License, version 3, click here. Commercial Licence ¶ If you are interested in developing a commercial application or not releasing your FLARToolKit application source code then you should contact ARToolWorks ( for a commercial license. Download ¶ Download Browse source code ¶ version 4.0.0-fp10 version 2.5.x version 1.x.x trunk Source code ¶ You can get latest source code with following command. How to use ¶ Import of FlashBuilder? Forum ¶ Examples ¶ Who made it?
AR - Pyramide Khéops Augmented Reality & Emerging Technologies - Vol. 1 of 6 - Uploaded by ChrisgNYC Connect With Interactive Video ® "Their API has been easy to work with and we are proud to be partnering with Viddler delivering videos all over the world." - Erik Gjerde, Highlight Media Group "Viddler just works. It's a big improvement over Vimeo, where I had been hosting my videos, and it's hands-down better than YouTube." - Tim Haines, Vericastne It's Way More Than Video Hosting ... Showcase your branded content Create a compelling experience on your website Engage with your audience with timeline commenting and tagging It's a True Partnership Clients rely on Viddler to develop new functionality, convert opportunities into solutions, and always explore the interactive potential of video. It's about Controlling Access Determine video access and track usage for internal communications Control who manages and interacts with your content Organize your video content with configurable playlists and sub-accounts Viddler connects securely with your audiences Connect with Your Audiences
sergey_larenkov AR - Boîte de Kepler-Vasarely The Boggs e-Learning Chronicle: SyberWorks Media Center Presents a New Article: “Documentation and e-Learning (Part 5): Get Real!—Try Augmented Reality” Here is the press release on the article: SyberWorks Media Center Presents a New Article: “Documentation and e-Learning (Part 5): Get Real!—Try Augmented Reality” The article, “Documentation and e-Learning (Part 5): Get Real! − Try 'Augmented Reality'”, can be found in the SyberWorks Media Center. I have also posted it below: Documentation and e-Learning (Part 5): Get Real! By Dave Powell, Documentation Manager, SyberWorks, Inc. In the first part of this Get Real series, I suggested that real-time (or near-real-time) web data and web-cam feeds are a great way to pull the real world into online training. This second episode of Get Real describes a powerful new training technology called “Augmented Reality” (AR), which we all may be using within 5 years. e-Learning Goes Hollywood Augmented Reality is the dynamic mixing of web-cam feeds with computer-generated images, UI elements, and text. Universities and companies have been perfecting this technology since the early 1990s. Do It Yourself
Kunst & Kultur | avameo als ich diesen Titel in der Herbst-Vorschau des [transcript]-Verlages sah, wurde ich hellwach. Beim lesen des Untertitels der Dissertation von Daniel Botz schoss allerdings das Adrenalin in mir auf! Zahlreiche Assoziationen aus meiner Vergangenheit wurden innnerhalb weniger Nanosekunden abgerufen, ein Neuronenfeuer entfachte sich in meinem Hirn. Der Untertitel seiner Dissertation lautet: Die Ästhetik der Computer-Demoszene Vermutlich sagen die meisten Leser nun: Häh? [Weiterlesen...]