Shorten URL with URL Shortener for Internet Marketers At Raven, we experiment a lot. We consider our projects as our own version of skunkworks. Sometimes the experiments are driven by mere curiosity, while others are meant to see how far we can push the boundaries of a service. When we first created the URL shortener, we did it to solve a problem. Campaign variables are great, because you can assign a source, medium, and name, like Twitter and/or Social Media Campaign. So campaign variables is the main reason we built, period. Several months after we debuted an SEO friendly URL shortener that supported campaign variables, many existing and new shorteners added them to their service. With the mass support of campaign variables, it wasn’t necessary for us to keep running. Spammers use of became epic. We appreciate everyone who properly used in their campaigns and on a daily basis.
Velocity - VTL Reference About this Guide This guide is the reference for the Velocity Template Language (VTL). For more information, please also refer to the Velocity User Guide. References Variables Notation: $ [ ! Examples: Properties $ [ { ][ a..z, A..Z ][ a..z, A..Z, 0..9, -, _ ]* . Regular Notation: $customer.Address Formal Notation: ${purchase.Total} Methods $ [ { ][ a..z, A..Z ][ a..z, A..Z, 0..9, -, _ ]* .[ a..z, A..Z ][ a..z, A..Z, 0..9, -, _ ]*( [ optional parameter list... ] ) [ } ] Regular Notation: $customer.getAddress() Formal Notation: ${purchase.getTotal()} Regular Notation with Parameter List: $page.setTitle( "My Home Page" ) VTL Properties can be used as a shorthand notation for VTL Methods that take get and set. Each method argument can be any valid VTL expression. Directives #set - Establishes the value of a reference Format: # [ { ] set [ } ] ( $ref = [ ", ' ]arg[ ", ' ] ) Usage: The RHS can also be a simple arithmetic expression, such as: #if/#elseif/#else - Output conditional on truth of statements - Track your Twitter Advertising L'indispensable pour internet Vous n'êtes pas en mesure de comprendre un point précis ? Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Pas de panique ! Consultez les liens que je vous donne: (Merci de ne pas me poser de questions par mail.) Pourquoi sécuriser mon ordinateur ? Ne pas sécuriser votre ordinateur, c'est permettre à un inconnu d'en prendre le contrôle total, à votre insu , et d'en faire ce qu'il veut: voler vos mots de passe, se faire passer pour vous, voler vos fichiers personnels, voler votre numéro de carte bleue, utiliser votre ordinateur et votre connexion internet pour faire des choses illégales comme spammer, envoyer des virus, pirater d'autres ordinateurs, diffuser illégalement des MP3 ou des films ou encore diffuser des images pédophiles. Dans la majorité des cas, les pirates ne s'intéressent pas à ce qu'il y a sur votre disque dur. Ne pas sécuriser votre ordinateur, ça vous est préjudiciable, et c'est préjudiciable aux autres. Un exemple ? WindowsUpdate Pourquoi ? Comment ?
Despite All The Angst Around Its Demise, Will Hardly Be Missed For all the angst around the demise of, the fact is that there are way too many URL shortening services in the world and inevitably more will fall by the wayside. There simply is no need for more than a dozen services to make long URLs shorter (and that doesn’t even count services such as or the Diggbar which incorporate a URL shortener as a feature). Already, the market is consolidating around, largely thanks to it being the official URL shortener adopted by Twitter (which switched from competitor TinyURL back in May). On Friday, before it shut down, was no. 4 on the list, even with In other words, if ever slips on the innovation front, it can easily be replaced. Many developers and others find Twitter’s favoritism maddening, but that is how standards are created (right or wrong). What happens to those links is really what we should be worried about.
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