Horoscopes, Celebrity Horoscopes, Chinese Astrology, Compatibility Tools, and Gift Guides on Shine Stop, look and listen! The universe appears to be on a crash course to test your mettle across the board, and no area of your life is safe. As mentioned in yesterday's calendar entry, the Sun and Juno make waves by forming a rare conjunction at 22 degrees of Aries (12:17AM).
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How Reddit Built Its Empire On 500 Bucks, Stickers, And Giving People What They Want Back in 2005, my college friend Steve Huffman and I got $12,000 from Y Combinator and moved into an apartment in Medford, Mass. In our wildest dreams we couldn't have imagined that now, six years later, our website, reddit, would be getting 35 million unique visitors and over 2.8 billion pageviews per month (at the time of this writing). We launched the site without any categories--just one big front page of links about anything the community wanted. Design Merging two of the ultimate pastimes—books and puzzles—the Codex Silenda has to be physically solved in order to read it. And no, these aren’t simple word games and math problems, but rather deviously complicated mechanical puzzles crafted from laser-cut wood that are embedded within each part of this 5-page book. The solution to each puzzle physically unlocks the next page. As the reader moves through the book a short story is also revealed, etched on pages opposite the puzzles. The Codex Silenda was created by industrial designer Brady Whitney who is currently funding the it as project on Kickstarter.
Fritz Haeg: At Home in the City — Fritz Haeg: At Home in the City — Calendar How do we make ourselves at home in the city? What does it mean to grow and harvest our own food and resourcefully and artfully make ourselves at home? These are some of the questions explored by Fritz Haeg, artist-in-residence at the Walker in association with the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden’s 25th anniversary.
Friendster has over 90 million registered users and over 61 million unique visitors a month globally. The website receives approximately 19 billion page views per month making it a top 20 global website based on web traffic. by adriaanrijkens Apr 14