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Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services. Can't find what you're looking for? Help make better. easy No Info Available Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. show info... hard You have to call them in order to delete your account. Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom. Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page. To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed. You must login before visiting the link. impossible We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services. Response from We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. medium

The Pixar Theory Netflix Search Code Directory One of the biggest Netflix complaints is that you spend more time browsing than you do watching. Netflix curates its homepage based on your preference but sometimes you just want to dive into a movie genre of your own accord. Below, we’ve got the Netflix ID Bible where we list all of the Netflix category codes or as they’re sometimes referred to, the Netflix secret codes! How this works is you grab the URL from the Netflix search page: The new URL for Netflix Genres is Simply insert the number of the specific category you want to view. Below, we’ve made a list of the most active and requested ID’s on Netflix right now. 1365 = Action & Adventure 77232 = Asian Action Movies 46576 = Classic Action & Adventure 43040 = Action Comedies 43048 = Action Thrillers 8985 = Martial Arts Movies 2125 = Military Action & Adventure 7442 = Adventures 10118 = Comic Book and Superhero Movies 7700 = Westerns 10702 = Spy Action & Adventure

Norway's "The Wave" shows Hollywood how to make a disaster film with real thrills Given its title, it will come as no surprise that a towering, terrifying wall of water is front and center in the Norwegian disaster movie "The Wave," but that's not the only reason to see it. Rather, as directed by Roar Uthaug, "The Wave" adds credible writing and effective acting to gangbusters special effects, resulting in a white-knuckle experience a bit higher on the plausibility scale than what we're used to from Hollywood versions of the genre. See more of Entertainment’s top stories on Facebook >> Though Norway has not previously been known as a world leader in disaster film production, it helps "The Wave's" credibility that, as old newsreel footage that starts the film informs us, its premise is one based on past reality. Given that there are numerous mountainsides in the country, when one of them lets go and sends a wave of rocks into the waters of a narrow fiord, the confining conditions of those high cliffs can create a monster wave 240 feet tall. 'The Wave'

Public Domain Collections: Free to Share & Reuse That means everyone has the freedom to enjoy and reuse these materials in almost limitless ways. The Library now makes it possible to download such items in the highest resolution available directly from the Digital Collections website. Search Digital Collections No permission required. Below you'll find tools, projects, and explorations designed to inspire your own creations—go forth and reuse! Visualize the Public Domain An experiment by NYPL Labs to help patrons understand and explore what is contained in this release. Discover the Collections Learn more about our public domain release. Apply for the Remix Residency To promote transformative, interesting, and creative new uses of our Digital Collections and data, NYPL is now accepting applications for a Remix Residency program. Use Our Data and Utilities Our digitized collections are available as machine-readable data: over one million records for you to search, crawl and compute. Navigating the Green Books

Part 2: Best movies on Netflix you haven't seen yet The ultimate anime recommendation flowchart 700 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns Watch 4,000+ movies free online. Includes clas­sics, indies, film noir, doc­u­men­taries and oth­er films, cre­at­ed by some of our great­est actors, actress­es and direc­tors. The col­lec­tion is divid­ed into the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories: Com­e­dy & Dra­ma; Film Noir, Hor­ror & Hitch­cock; West­erns (many with John Wayne); Mar­tial Arts Movies; Silent Films; Doc­u­men­taries, and Ani­ma­tion. Free Comedy & Dramas 125 Kore­an Fea­ture Films — Free — The Kore­an Film Archive has put on YouTube over 100 Kore­an fea­ture films, includ­ing Im Kwon-taek’s Sopy­on­je and Hong Sang­soo’s The Day the Pig Fell Into a Well. Free Hitchcock, Noir, Horror & Thriller Films A Buck­et of Blood - Free — Roger Cor­man’s clas­sic comedy/horror film set in Bohemi­an San Fran­cis­co. Find a com­plete col­lec­tion of Film Noir movies here and Alfred Hitch­cock movies here. Free Kung Fu & Martial Arts Films

How to Use Firefox Addons Even though Firefox usage has been on the decline over the last few years, it’s still in second place behind Google Chrome in terms of usage. The main reason behind that is add-ons. Firefox can be customized in a million different ways, something no other browser can replicate to that level. In Firefox lingo, add-ons can consist of a number of things: extensions, themes, plugins, services, search providers, language packs, etc. In the latest version of Firefox, add-ons are updated automatically, though this can be changed in the settings. Finding Add-ons Let’s start by finding some add-ons to install in Firefox. This will open another tab where you can find and manage add-ons, extensions, themes, plugins, etc. To install an add-on, just click the Install button. The second way to find add-ons is to visit the Mozilla add-ons website. It’s also much easier to find themes and collections on the website version. Managing Add-ons Simply drag and drop items as desired.

Scary Movie Ratings | ReelScary 'A Man Called Ove': A Swedish Curmudgeon Wins Hearts On The Page, And Now On Screen Rolf Lassgård, left, stars as a grouchy widower in A Man Called Ove, which opens Friday in U.S. theaters. Music Box Films hide caption toggle caption Music Box Films Rolf Lassgård, left, stars as a grouchy widower in A Man Called Ove, which opens Friday in U.S. theaters. Step aside Girl with the Dragon Tattoo — a grumpy old man may soon be taking your place as America's favorite fictional Swede. At first, when director Hannes Holm was offered the chance to direct A Man Called Ove he wasn't interested — he was too afraid of the novel's many, many fans. But after he said no, Holm sat down to read the book. Ove is the kind of guy most of us try to avoid; he picks fights with storekeepers and prowls his housing complex making sure gates are locked and garbage has been properly stowed. But it is the gradual unfolding of Ove's life story that has made the novel by Fredrik Backman so popular. "I'd never heard of it, I knew nothing about it," Borland recalls.

Best Free Antivirus Software Comodo Antivirus is my top pick for advanced users, or for Intermediate users who are okay with an antivirus software which will occasionally ask them for input. However, if you do not fall into those categories, or for any other reason find it to not be a good fit for you, then you will likely find my next pick suitable. Also, for those who prefer a complete solution, there is always Comodo Internet Security (CIS), which is also free and includes a firewall in addition to all other components which already come with Comodo Antivirus. Firstly, I will note that I am a volunteer moderator (not employee) on the Comodo forums. However, this is certainly not the reason I chose this for the number one position. Comodo Antivirus also uses the cloud to facilitate the detection of the most recent malware, as do many other Free Antiviruses reviewed in this article. Panda Cloud Antivirus is an excellent choice for average users, who may find Comodo Antivirus too confusing. Avast! Comodo Antivirus
