Welcome to gmackrr | gmackrr 15.– 19. Feb 2015, from 19:09* (FM exhibition)radioCona FM 88.8MHz, Ljubljana and stream radioCona:ZimaFM is an exhibition project that takes place across an FM frequency. It brings together and presents a selection of works combining the medium of radio or sound with a winter landscape, with a special focus on nighttime. *radioCona will tune in for five days in a row exactly at nightfall. This is the time when the atmosphere is no longer filled with the fine sunlight, when the sun reaches 18 degrees or more below the horizon. Curators: Jeff Kolar, Jasmina Založnik, Brane Zorman, Irena Pivka
Wikisource WAY TO GO Actualité et fait divers du monde de l'urgence pour la MRC des Appalaches. *Hacking social* Ici nous décortiquons manipulations et formatages via les sciences humaines. merveilles Upcoming Deadlines We are interested in projects that develop connections with what is there. We are interested in projects that develop connections with what is there. Practices involved with issues, spaces and local people groups, but with the possibility of being displace. Not only engaged with the place where them born but also capable to be moved to other contexts and continue growing. New narratives and thought forms to be assembled from previously limiting binaries such as local/global, rural/urban, tradition/innovation, knowledge/imagination, human/ non-human etc. Open to individual or group projects. Ask for features at info@centroruraldearte.org.ar Cazón, Saladillo, Argentina. Centro Rural de Arte 2015 Residences Location Argentina No application deadline / Open call Residency starts 2015 Residency ends 2015 More information
merveilles Upcoming Deadlines Participatory workshop, collaborative and interdisciplinary approach, 1month research, final event Description of residency program AFFECT 2016 PROGRAM FOR COLLABORATIVE ARTISTIC PRACTICES IN BERLIN presents: If you don't pay attention to me, I WON’T PAY ATTENTION TO YOU. * Read more at If we think of scarcity as the driving force of an economic model then, given today’s incessant inundation of information, what is becoming increasingly scarce is the attention we are able to pay and command. How does the attention we transact affect our sense of worth? Throughout this month working with a group of diverse multi genre artists we will explore possibilities of artistic collaboration while dealing with the question of attention scarcity. About the facilitatorSarah Margarita Lewis is a Dominican-American cultural producer and performing artist based in Berlin. Duration of residencyONE MONTH – group meetings 3 to 4 times a week.
Loulou Upcoming Deadlines One month residence in 300 sqm studio based in Rome, Italy Description of residency programTthe Foundation’s activities will take place at their Rome headquarters of Via del Mandrione 105. The space is part of a post-war industrial building development of the 1950s; it is located between the railway-lines and the Acqua Felice aqueduct. This urban district of Rome, known as Il Mandrione, is a part of the city that has been in constant evolution since the 1943 bombing of nearby San Lorenzo. Duration of residency (Fellowship)1 month FELLOWSHIPThe Fellowship covers the costs of restricted coach-class airfare/train for one person (up to € 500), a € 1,500 stipend, and lodging for one month at the FpA residency as well as 300 sqm Studio in Rome. - Disciplines, work equipment and assistance FELLOWSHIPS are open to visual artists, curators, architects, designers, performing artists, writers and other arts and creative professionals. Download: fpa_fellowship_application___form.docSize: 51 KB