The Green Agenda - The Earth Charter “The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it willin fact become like the Ten Commandments.”- Maurice Strong The Earth Charter – Humanity’s Covenant with the Earth In 1992 Maurice Strong was the Secretary General of the historic United Nations Earth Summit in Rio. In order to ensure the success of the Summit, Strong’s wife, Hanne, held a vigil with the Wisdom-keepers, a group of "global transformationalists." Shortly after the Earth Summit concluded Strong formed the Earth Council, a group of “environmental visionaries and philosophers”, and set about drafting this “new global covenant”. The Earth Charter Commission approved the final text of the Earth Charter in 2000, and it has since been embraced by the United Nations, many religious leaders around the world, the majority of world governments and countless Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) and activist groups. Perhaps most revealing was the forum for Inter-Religious Groups and Spiritual Leaders.
Webinars on the Earth Charter and Education The series of webinars that the Earth Charter Center for ESD started in 2011 will continue this year! The next webinars will take place in March 2012, and they will focus on the use of the Earth Charter as an educational tool. For these, we are inviting speakers from different countries, to share their experiences and vision about how the Earth Charter can be used in education to foster the transition to more just, sustainable and peaceful societies. Because each session will welcome a different educator, each session will be very different from the other, so we invite you to attend all the sessions you can! The webinars will consist of a brief (15-20 min) general presentation about the Earth Charter and its relevance to education processes. Schedule and Invited Speakers: There will be 8 webinars, find below the information on dates and time (in GMT). Thursday March 8th, 16:00hrs GMT. Saturday March 10th, (Ohrs GMT – Friday 9th, 6pm Costa Rica time). Wednesday March 14th, (21hrs GMT).
Crossroad Publicaties Deze website maakt gebruik van cookies. verberg deze melding Zou jij gebruik maken van een genetische zelftest? Meestal vegen gletsjers door de enorme krachten oude landschappen letterlijk van de kaart, maar zo is het in Groenland drie miljoen jaar geleden niet gegaan! Biologie Geowetenschappen Klimaatwetenschappen Na een jarenlange test haalde Noorwegen onlangs een streep door een blauwe-energiecentrale met membranen. Klimaatwetenschappen Scheikunde Techniek Op de Afsluitdijk loopt sinds kort een test met ‘s werelds eerste Blue Energy centrale gebaseerd op omgekeerde elektrodialyse. Natuurkunde Scheikunde Techniek Onderzoeksinstituut MESA+ van de Universiteit Twente leverde kennis over membranen en technologie voor de nieuwe blauwe-energie proefcentrale op de Afsluitdijk. De app Entrain belooft hét medicijn tegen een jetlag te zijn. Neurowetenschappen Wiskunde De Nederlandse Caribische eilanden kunnen op grote schaal profiteren van aardwarmte. Economie Geowetenschappen Techniek Scheikunde
Power Line - The Global Warming Hoax: A Summary Global warming alarmism is not science. It is a toxic combination of pseudo-religion and totalitarian politics. To the extent that there is any debate over climate science–the alarmists run from debate like vampires fleeing garlic–the “skeptics” always win. If you want to follow climate science controversies in a rigorous but accessible fashion, check out the Science and Environmental Policy Project’s web site. Policy makers at the head of government in the United States and elsewhere apparently want to believe, and to have others believe, that human use of fossil fuels accelerates global warming. It is worth noting that the alarmists are inconsistent, in that their own theory, that carbon dioxide is a sort of thermostat that controls Earth’s temperature, is plausible only if all objective effects of CO2 in the atmosphere are multiplied by “positive feedbacks” of various kinds. Dr.
Author Larry Bell: Greed Fuels Global Warming Hoax Truth is exposing the charade of global warming’s scare tactics, professor and author Larry Bell tells Newsmax.TV. Bell, whose new book labels the warming argument a hoax based partly on greed, credits the reality check to a couple of factors, including a good dose of common sense. “One is people are looking out the window and noticing that the weather always changes and has been changing and getting cooler actually for the last 10 or 12 years,” Bell said during an exclusive interview. Another was the release in 2009 of thousands of hacked e-mails and other documents from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, “that basically revealed what most people a lot of scientists had known for a long time — that there were a lot of shenanigans going on, to put it in their words,” said Bell, an architecture professor at the University of Houston. Story continues below video. “You know the weather’s always changing, and you can’t take one season, one event,” Bell said.
Green Earth Foundation Draconian Michigan Bill Promoted by Major Corporations American Legislative Exchange Council organizes national campaign to pass "model" legislation in states - Transcript DAVID DOUGHERTY: A protest held at the state capital in Lansing on Wednesday, April 13, is reported to have drawn as many as 5,000 demonstrators from all over the state, while additional mobilizations have been held in areas such as Detroit and Flint. Organized labor has played a critical role in the demonstrations, with union members coordinating many of the actions. End of Transcript DISCLAIMER: Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are typed from a recording of the program. Comments Our automatic spam filter blocks comments with multiple links and multiple users using the same IP address.