background preloader, por Maurício Ricardo, por Maurício Ricardo
Related:  HUMOR

Gravateiros Funky Downtown: Top 10 Stupid Thieves of 2009 - Flock They are the Top 10 funniest and stupiest thieves of 2009. These are not jokes because these incidents really happened this year. 1. A court in Qingyuan county, Liaoning province, sentenced an ex-convict to six years in prison for attempted robbery, as he tried to commit the crime immediately after being released from prison in November. The accused, surnamed Zhang, left for Qingyuan county soon after being released from the county prison. With no cash for food, Zhang barged into a 48-year-old woman’s house, hoping to steal some money. The woman, however, convinced Zhang that he looked very tired and should take a nap, promising him to give him some money once he woke up. The woman tied the intruder with a rope as soon as he slept off and phoned the police. 2. The cell phone owner called police who identified the thief as a man surnamed Liu through the bank’s surveillance camera. After Liu returned to the bank to retrieve his money, while police were waiting for him. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

FlowGo | Cute cartoons. Funny videos. Big smiles. – Quem nunca trollou que aperte F13 Kibe Loco – A verdade é ácida e o kibe é cru! Humor - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. O humor é um estado de ânimo cuja intensidade representa o grau de disposição e de bem-estar psicológico e emocional de um indivíduo. A palavra humor surgiu na medicina humoral dos antigos Gregos. Naqueles tempos, o termo humor representava qualquer um dos quatro fluidos corporais (ou humores) que se considerava serem responsáveis por regular a saúde física e emocional humana. O humor é uma das chaves para a compreensão de culturas, religiões e costumes das sociedades num sentido amplo, sendo elemento vital da condição humana. Em cada época da história humana a forma de pensar cria e derruba paradigmas, e o humor acompanha essa tendência sociocultural. Um estudo do humor[editar | editar código-fonte] Apesar de o humor ser largamente estudado, teorizado e discutido por filósofos e outros, permanece extraordinariamente difícil de definir, quer na sua vertente psicológica quer na sua expressão, como forma de arte e de pensamento.

Meme Mania - Memes, vídeos engraçados e tirinhas Piada - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Uma piada ou anedota é uma breve história, de final engraçado e às vezes surpreendente, cujo objetivo é provocar risos ou gargalhadas em quem a ouve ou lê. É um recurso humorístico utilizado na comédia e também na vida cotidiana. Estudos[editar | editar código-fonte] As piadas já foram alvo de estudos acadêmicos sérios. Outro cientista, Marvin Minsky, também sugere que rir tem uma função específica no cérebro humano. Além disso, o riso (em tese, o principal objetivo da piada) é considerado como algo saudável, pois libera endorfina (hormônio produzido no cérebro que produz sensação de bem-estar e alivia a dor), além de diminuir a pressão arterial e aliviar a tensão. A maior parte das piadas contêm dois componentes: uma introdução genérica (por exemplo, "Um homem entra num bar…") e um final surpreendente, que entra em choque com o desenvolvimento. No passado[editar | editar código-fonte] Influência cultural[editar | editar código-fonte]

BOAS PIADAS Engraçadas e Curtas goleiros 'desligados' O desserviço final do PT ao Brasil Se você acha que o PT só prestou desserviços ao Brasil, não se dê ao trabalho de ler. O ponto deste texto é exatamente o oposto: o de que só agora, precisamente no dia 5 de outubro de 2014, a balança de bons e maus serviços finalmente pesou contra o PT. Flirtation Failure « Girl on the Contrary If I'm hiding in a box it's to jump out and scare you, not flirt with you. Fail. Hi- my name is Girl on the Contrary and I am a flirtation failure. I apparently missed that day in high school when cupid or St. Valentine or Rico Suave comes to class and teaches you how to flirt. I must have been sick because I don’t know the first thing about flirting. As it turns out, flirting is like being nice. Another problem would be the paralyzing shyness I have when interacting with attractive males. Anytime I have ever flirted (or attempted unsuccessfully to flirt) I have felt like a complete and total moron afterwards. So I think I’m just going to have to accept that I am a flirtation failure.

Menace Power is intoxicating. Everyone loves having the ability to make their decisions into reality — to think "this should be something that happens," and then actually be able to make that thing happen. It is also dangerous. And it is especially dangerous when applied to four-year-olds. Four-year-olds lack the experience to wield power responsibly. But they like it. The dinosaur costume was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me. But being a dinosaur felt natural. And powerful. The feeling had been slowly intensifying ever since I put the costume on that morning, and, as I stood there in the middle of the classroom, staring off into the distance in an unresponsive power trance, it finally hit critical mass. I had to find some way to use it. The other children screamed and fled. All I knew was that being a dinosaur felt very different from being a person, and I was doing things that I had never even dreamed of doing before. I just experienced them differently. There was nothing I could do.

Avril Lavigne | FAT WORLD Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia Avril Ramona Lavigne is a Canadian singer, best known for her songs, "Complicated" "Sk8er Boi" and "Girlfriend." Avril emerged onto the scene along with fellow female songwriters Michelle Branch and Vanessa Carlton, and helped move music away from the pop divas like Britney Spears. She was also famous for her constant bratty antics, despite her 300 plus frame. Lavigne married and divorced Sum 41 singer Derrick Whibley, which fueled music for her recent album. After debuting at a tad over 300 pounds, Lavigne has focused more on her music then gaining weight becoming one of the first celebrities to go against the weight inflation trend that had dominated Hollywood for a decade Lavigne currently weighs around 440 pounds.
