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Weave (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment)

Weave (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment)

an open source graph visualization and manipulation software Weave Data Tutorial Weave Data TutorialTutorial for Weave Magazine 03.10 about visualizing network data Client: Weave Magazine / Page publisher We all use twitter, write emails, skype and blog all day long. There isn’t a single day we are not going to visit websites like google, youtube, the website of our favorite newspaper or social network and browse through the web. Despite that, or actually because of it, everybody tends to use the web in a different manner. Even if you are not using your computer at all, it is heavily communicating with the internet by sending and receiving so called IP-packets from all different kind of software that is installed on your PC. By analyzing your personal internet traffic logfile using the custom written software you get a distinctive and unique visualization of your online activities. Collecting the Data To collect the needed data we wrote a little packet sniffing tool using processing and the open source carnivorePE library. Weave Article How to read kiefer_100224

VisualEyes Weka 3 - Data Mining with Open Source Machine Learning Software in Java Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. It contains tools for data preparation, classification, regression, clustering, association rules mining, and visualization. Found only on the islands of New Zealand, the Weka is a flightless bird with an inquisitive nature. The name is pronounced like this, and the bird sounds like this. Weka is open source software issued under the GNU General Public License. We have put together several free online courses that teach machine learning and data mining using Weka. Weka supports deep learning!

Classroom Management System Don’t have a Voki Classroom account? Easily manage your students' work with class accounts. Manage Students Add and manage your students. Manage Classes & Lessons Add and manage classes and lessons. Review Vokis Easily review your students' Voki assignments in one place. Showcases Each lesson automatically creates its own Web page, where you can showcase your students' work. Support Get unlimited support from our dedicated support team (only available to Voki Classroom users). scales - Visualizing Likert Item Response Data - Statistical Analysis - Stack Exchange MapGuide Project Home | MapGuide Open Source

XELOPES - prudsys The prudsys XELOPES (eXtEnded Library fOr Prudsys Embedded Solutions) is a platform and data source independent business intelligence library which unites classical data mining methods and new real time analytics. The library can be used as standalone software, offering pre-fabricated solutions to fundamental analytics problems; furthermore, it can be integrated into other software products, emphasising its full performance capacity as an embedded analytical tool. Especially when it comes to new and complex problems, the numerous algorithms of the prudsys XELOPES, which can be combined in modules, allow for the development of adequate solutions. Data mining standards prudsys XELOPES supports essential BI standards. This includes CWM, an OMG standard, which specifies the fundamental class structure for a business warehouse in UML, and PMML, an XML format to serialise and exchange data mining models. Stream access Analytical functions Agent framework

Gamification: Creating a Level Up for Your Students If you have thought about adding an element of gamification to your classroom, having students level up might be fun to do. How do you do this….. The answer is always a spreadsheet In Google Drive ( create a new Google Sheets. In the bottom left of Google Sheets is a plus icon to add a tab. Remember when playing a game it is easy to get from level 1 to level 2. When I play World of Warcraft and I start a new toon I can get to level 14 in one day. Points and then Level Let column A in your spreadsheet be the minimum points (XP) needed for a level. Since we are using gamification you might want to call your assignments or tasks “quests.” If you know all of the quests in advance you can list them on the first tab. If you are going to create the list as you go, you will need a 2nd spreadsheet. Master Quest List Go to Google Drive and create a new Google Sheets. Note that the “Check Off” column is not part of the master quest list. ImportRange Fill Down Like this:

Induction ⚡ A Polyglot Database Client For Mac OS X 10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. This means more eyeballs on your important information, more people rallying for your cause, more backlinks and more visits to your blog. Designing An Infographic Some great tips for designing infographics: Keep it simple! Ideas for infographic formats include: Timelines;Flow charts;Annotated maps;Graphs;Venn diagrams;Size comparisons;Showing familiar objects or similar size or value. Here are some great tutorials on infographic creation: Creating Your Infographic Plan and research.If required, use free software to create simple graphs and visualisations of data.Use vector graphic software to bring these visualisations into the one graphic. Ultimately, if you have a little design skill, the very best approach is to create all the simple graphs and illustrations yourself using vector graphic software. Stat Planet Hohli
