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If the world lived in a single city

If the world lived in a single city

History Channel Puts The Strongest UFO Evidence Under The Microscope • In 1986, a Japan Airlines pilot saw what he described as an unidentified flying object over Alaska closely tailing his 747. He made an evasive move. His career was thrown into turmoil, but he never recanted what he claimed he saw. • In 1987, a Federal Aviation Administration executive says the CIA warned him not to talk about UFOs because the public would panic. • In 1997, former Arizona Gov. What these events have in common is that they are unveiled on a new two-hour History Channel special, "Secret Access: UFOs On The Record," that features in-depth accounts from people who have been willing to risk their jobs and reputations to speak out about their remarkable experiences with UFOs. Here's a collection of images that Leslie Kean put together for The Huffington Post on Aug. 23, 2010, to promote the publication of her book: Of all UFO sightings reported, most can be explained as ordinary phenomena, and therefore discarded. Photo: U.S. "There wouldn't be the film without the book.

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