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It's an illusion - interactive DHTML

Flame Painter | online paint program Flame Painter is a unique paint program, it belongs to my 'I am an Artist' experimental project. I think with tools which inspires you, everyone can be an artist. You can try it here, change different brush settings and paint your own flame paintings. When you change the background from black to white, the palette changes from additive to subtractive and the feeling of the painting is very different. It's not easy to explain all brush parameters, so I leave this for your experimentation. Check out new Rebelle - the real watercolor and acrylic paint program, Amberlight - abstract art tool based on particles, or Fluidance motion effect program. You can try more experiments here. NEW: This is a new Flash version of Flame Painter Free, we removed the old Java version, because it is not anymore supported correctly by most of the browsers. Tools: FADE - fade in/out [ on | off ] GRADIENT - color gradient [ on | off ] COLOR - brush color SATURATION - brush saturation OPACITY - brush opacity

Superheroes & Villains: The Ultimate List of Illustrations and A If you have the chance to be a superhero, which superhero would you be? Wielding super strength, the gift of flight, immortality or having the ability to be invisible must be some of the powers we dream to have. How about when you have a chance to choose a different destiny and become a super villain? Which one would you be? Superheroes and villains have accompanied us through our childhood. Images credit: BrianRood Amazing Superheroes Illustration and Artworks Here we present some of the most intriguing illustrations and artworks of these superheroes and some of their villainous enemies to complete your superheroes dream. BatmenBatman, originally referred to as "the Bat-Man" is still referred to at times as "the Batman". Capcom SuperheroesCapcom, a leading international developer and publisher of video games has created several superheroes characters like Mega Man, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Onimusha and Devil May Cry etc. 70's Superheroes Superheroes of the 70s.

The Wallpaper Hunter : Best Wallpapers for your Desktops and Lap The Experience and Perception of Time What is ‘the perception of time’? The very expression ‘the perception of time’ invites objection. Insofar as time is something different from events, we do not perceive time as such, but changes or events in time. But, arguably, we do not perceive events only, but also their temporal relations. Kinds of temporal experience There are a number of what Ernst Pöppel (1978) calls ‘elementary time experiences’, or fundamental aspects of our experience of time. Duration One of the earliest, and most famous, discussions of the nature and experience of time occurs in the autobiographical Confessions of St Augustine. Augustine's answer to this riddle is that what we are measuring, when we measure the duration of an event or interval of time, is in the memory. Whatever the process in question is, it seems likely that it is intimately connected with what William Friedman (1990) calls ‘time memory’: that is, memory of when some particular event occurred. The specious present Time order Φ-β-κ

Stunning 3D Street Art From Kurt Wenner | DesignBeep - Flock Kurt Wenner born in Ann Arbor, Michigan is an artist best known for his realistic street painting and chalk murals using a projection called anamorphosis. These 3D chalk drawings on pavement have been featured in many newspapers and on several television shows.(WIKI) Kurt Wenner attended Rhode Island School of Design and Art Center College of Design before working for NASA as an advanced scientific space illustrator. To be honest,it is really hard to describe this kind of art and i think we have to respect Kurt Wenner for such a street art.Thanks Kurt for opening our eyes wide. Aida Neptune Theater Echo and Narcissus The Tempest Crawfish Festival Ceres’ Banquet Triumph Of Pack St.Anthony Zoroaster Mermaids Last Judgement Apollo Giant Babel Perseus Spirit Of Water Times Square Ghetto Gluttony Office Stress Milagro Wild Rodeo Sky Woman Reflections Cocito Muses Dies Irae Danae A Few Videos From His Art

M. Bison I finished up M. Bison. I realize he needs posing and that it could go on forever but i'm finishing him up now, and hopefully I will get back to rigging/posing etc.. laterOriginally I did a bust for a GA SF sculpting competition. Later looking back at it I got motivated to take it all the way.The full run of images can be seen here: LINK TO FULL SET Sorry if the images are too big. Bootstrap paradox The bootstrap paradox, or ontological paradox, is a paradox of time travel that refers to scenarios whereby items or information are passed from the future to the past, which in turn become the same items or information that are subsequently passed from the past to the future - this creates a circularity of cause-effect such that the items or information have no discernible origin. Thus, the paradox raises the ontological questions of where, when and by whom the items were created or the information derived. After information or an object is sent back in time, it is recovered in the present and becomes the very object or information that was initially brought back in time in the first place. Numerous science fiction stories are based on this paradox, which has also been the subject of serious physics articles.[1] The term "bootstrap paradox" refers to the expression "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps"; the use of the term for the time-travel paradox was popularized by Robert A.

Top 5 Ways We'll Have Fun in 2050" - Flock Currently, many of us spend our spare time using social media like Twitter and blogs, mediums that allow us to type up a quick message to let our friends know what we're doing. However, writing and reading those messages may not be how we communicate with our pals in the future. In fact, we may not read or write at all, a future that many dying newspapers are already confronting. Futurist William Crossman believes that spoken language will replace written communication in the coming years, meaning that we won't need to teach children how to read and write, but rather how to use computers and think creatively [source: Naisbitt]. Crossman envisions a world in which we all use voice-in, voice-out (VIVO) computers. Everything we need to communicate will be handled by these machines. Crossman's future means that vast swaths of the population will be illiterate, but should those people need to read something, their computer could scan and read it to them.

Optimizing µTorrent for Speed | The #1 bookmarked Freeware site Introduction This guide shows how to speed up downloads in the freeware bittorrent client, µTorrent. All bittorrent programs need to have their incoming and outgoing communications flow freely in order to achieve the highest download speeds and that is what this guide is about. This guide will also work for users of the BitTorrent client as the µTorrent and BitTorrent clients are identical. This guide was put together using information given by the developers of bittorrent programs at their forums, guides and FAQs. These are the basic principles of optimizing a bittorrent client, like µTorrent, for speed: Choose a proper port to avoid ISP blocks and conflicts with other programs Forward that port through any software firewall and router to allow incoming connections Adjust internal settings based upon upload capacity of the internet connection to allow room for outgoing communications and to distribute upload efficiently. µTorrent & BitTorrent Help Choosing A Proper Port Forwarding The Port

Unexpected hanging paradox The unexpected hanging paradox, hangman paradox, unexpected exam paradox, surprise test paradox or prediction paradox is a paradox about a person's expectations about the timing of a future event (e.g. a prisoner's hanging, or a school test) which he is told will occur at an unexpected time. Despite significant academic interest, there is no consensus on its precise nature and consequently a final 'correct' resolution has not yet been established.[1] One approach, offered by the logical school of thought, suggests that the problem arises in a self-contradictory self-referencing statement at the heart of the judge's sentence. Another approach, offered by the epistemological school of thought, suggests the unexpected hanging paradox is an example of an epistemic paradox because it turns on our concept of knowledge.[2] Even though it is apparently simple, the paradox's underlying complexities have even led to it being called a "significant problem" for philosophy.[3] Some authors[who?]

32 Most Badass and Coolest Mods of 2009 | Walyou - Flock 32 Most Badass and Coolest Mods We all love the different entertaining electronics we own, especially our computers and our favorite video game consoles, but for some odd reason, they are still just not cool enough for a few individuals, so they end up creating some crazy mods. It seems that as good looking as the PS3 is, as cool as the Xbox 360 is made and as customized as a PC Case could be, it is not sufficient for some. In turn, these modders end up building various PS3 Mods, Xbox 360 consoles, Nintendo and PC case mods and many more variations that may seem a little crazy at first, but end up being true masterpieces. The bottom line is, being a gamer is not just for playing PC or video games anymore, and to prove so, we have gathered an awesome collection of the absolutely 32 Best Mods that we saw in 2009 which include examples using the PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo, PC and Macs. If there are any that we missed, please share with us in the comments, so everyone will see as well. 1. 2. 3.

Rediscover the Joy of Coding :: Ten IT Concepts That Non-IT Peop Since I "work with computers" I tend to get asked to do fair amount of unofficial technical support for family and neighbours. I've noticed that the same confusions about IT crop up again and again. Here's my top ten. (Note that due to my background this is going to be Windows-centric. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
