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Free video lectures,Free Animations, Free Lecture Notes, Free Online Tests, Free Lecture Presentations TUTO . com HTML Tags HTML tags (otherwise known as "HTML elements"), and their respective attributes are used to create HTML documents so that you can view them in browsers and other user agents. Note that not all browsers/user agents support all HTML tags and their attributes, so you should try to test your pages in as many browsers as you can. Complete list of HTML tags Below is a complete list of HTML tags from the HTML 4.01 specification. Also see the HTML 5 version of HTML tags Enjoy this page? Link to this page (copy/paste into your own website or blog): Link to Quackit using one of these banner ads. Thanks for supporting Quackit!

50 Beautiful Flash Websites - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Flash enabled designers and developers to deliver rich content over the browsers, creating motion, interactivity and an impressive visual experience. Good Flash-sites do not require too much bandwidth, load fast and allow for a smooth interaction; besides, beautiful Flash-based sites are Photoshop masterpieces, transporting some kind of reality and fantasy to the Flash movie. In the showcase below we present 50 colorful, creative, interactive and beautiful Flash-based web-sites. You might also want to visit the following articles: 65 Excellent Flash Designs which features 65 examples of outstanding Flash-based web-sites.39 Creative Flash Designs 39 hand-picked creative and colored flash websites Drinks Sites Martini AstiThis Martini site is a nice example of giving a fresh image of a drink. Bacardi – Original Mojito (currently offline)The motion graphics and the water effects in slow motion give a unique style to this site. Portfolios Ari´s Labs. Digaworks Corporation Mon-Monde

Mockups Take a second. Let it sink in. The first impression might be disorienting. There are very few interface elements on the screen. Start exploring however, and you'll find out that Mockups is filled with powerful yet only-visible-when-you-need-them features. Getting your ideas out should be effortless. Our sweet spot: the ideation phase Mockups really shines during the early stages of designing a new interface. Mockups is zenware, meaning that it will help you get "in the zone", and stay there. Mockups offers the same speed and rough feel as sketching with pencil, with the advantage of the digital medium: drag & drop to resize and rearrange elements, make changes without starting over, and your work is clear enough that you'll make sense of them later. See what you can build with Mockups Download the samples above, or find more on Mockups To Go, our community-contributed stencils site. Designed for collaboration Your whole team can come together around the right design using Mockups. Two reasons:

Sphere VFX Ltd HTML5 This specification defines the 5th major version, second minor revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features continue to be introduced to help Web application authors, new elements continue to be introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention continues to be given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability. This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at This document was published by the Web Platform Working Group as a Editors Draft. Publication as a Editors Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership.

Perl programming documentation KonnectUs cloud-based software makes easy cross-platform sharing a reality Konnectus KonnectUs is a new cloud-computing software platform by SENSUS designed to make sophisticated networking functions easy and intuitive for users across a range of devices including multitouch tables, desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones. KonnectUs “Natural Networking Technology (NNT)” empowers users to connect seamlessly across all major platforms – from Windows to Android to iOS. About Open Exhibits Open Exhibits is a National Science Foundation sponsored project that develops and distributes open source multitouch-enabled exhibit modules and templates. Open Exhibits SENSUS integration SENSUS has developed custom KonnectUs APIs to integrate within the Open Exhibits platform. Source: Sensus Experiments in Web Programming Kjing To English version Un outil pour mixer le savoir : Pouvoir par des interactions très simples mélanger des contenus multimédias et les faire apparaitre sur n’importe quel écran ou dispositif d’un espace Cet outil se destine au médiateurs de musées, aux enseignants ou à toute personne devant personne réaliser une présentation multimédia devant du public Un projet réalisé dans le cadre des ateliers de créativité Museolab3 à Erasme entre le 18 mars 2010 et le 8 mars 2011, par : "DJing is the art of mixing sounds, VJing mixing videos and Kjing mixing knowledge." La tablette du médiateur affiche un plan de l’exposition, les différents écrans disponibles et de tous ses médias. L’ambition de ce projet est de pouvoir donner la main au médiateur de musée sur l’espace d’exposition pour pouvoir le transformer et l’adapter en temps réel. Il est testé grandeur nature à la Casemate à Grenoble dans le cadre de l’exposition XYZT d’Adrien Mondot. Pour toute question :

CSS Discuss Nyu Systems Interface tactile multitouch écran tactile vitrine interactive, table tactile, support multitouch HTML Help by The Web Design Group

D'aquesta eina m'ha cridat l'atenció que tots els continguts es duen a terme exclusivament amb anglès, a diferència de la plataforma Linkedin Learning. Penso que el fet que només estigui en un sol idioma, limita molt l'accès al públic. És a dir, que no és una plataforma que estigui feta o adaptada per a tota la població, ja que moltes persones no dominen l'anglès. by nataliaprietocarvajal Nov 4

Moltes gràcies, Natàlia!!
Què és el que més t'ha cridat l'atenció? by arubiocarbo Oct 31 ofereix vídeos en línia sobre cursos d'aprenentatge enfocats a la tecnología, negocis, habilitats creatives... per aconseguir objectius personals i professionals. De fet, és la base de la plataforma Linkedin Learning (plataforma educativa que ofereix cursos en vídeo per a millorar les habilitats dels professionals). by nataliaprietocarvajal Oct 27

@Mirlen - that's a great idea ... I'll start looking MUCH more closely and correct accordingly by jp2r Dec 23

There's always going to be duplicates in different areas also ;-) by mirlen101 Dec 23

Oops pressed enter ;-) Some just get put in the "other things" or "unsorted" Pearls until someone decides a better place ;-) by mirlen101 Dec 23

Sometimes if you used a site for one thing you find it works for other things . It's best to make two or more links out of it and label them accordingly . Like if you found really good Plug-ins on a site then on the same site you found great Photoshop tutorials . Then I would go to the pages on Plug-ins label it Plug-ins . Then go to Photoshop Tutorials and label that "Photoshop Tutorials" making 2 seperate links to the same site but different pages ;-) Then put the one in the Plug-in Pearl the other in the Photoshop Pearl ;-) But some just don't seem to fit anywhere those get put in by mirlen101 Dec 23

I have a hard time making a determination as to where certain things fit - what category, etc ... so you may find that I will put them in "Unsorted" ... Usually I find the site to 'slove a problem' or to 'answer a question' ... but am not sure if what I used it for is what it was meant for [smile] ... If I put something in there that doesn't fit ... toss it ... by jp2r Dec 23

Software training Videos 3D,Animation,Photography,Video,etc.. by mirlen101 Dec 23

Lots of very good tutorials for CS4 and much more. by Franzi's Mar 1

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