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Software training online-tutorials for Adobe, Microsoft, Apple & more

Online Education UPDATE: we're doing a live, updated MOOC of this course at stanford-online July-2014 (not this Coursera version). See here: CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. Computers can appear very complicated, but in reality, computers work within just a few, simple patterns. CS101 demystifies and brings those patterns to life, which is useful for anyone using computers today. In CS101, students play and experiment with short bits of "computer code" to bring to life to the power and limitations of computers. Here is another video Nick created for this class.

Aptana Attachment disorder: The families struggling to stay in control | Society On a good day, Amy Robson's 14-year-old stepson James is just like any other teenage boy – he'll happily regale you with the latest footie scores or challenge you to a game on the PlayStation at his home in Cumbria. But on a bad day, the same teenager has been known to threaten classmates, attack teachers and even defecate in the classroom. Two years ago James was diagnosed with attachment disorder, something that occurs when the attachment between a child and a care-giver is not formed during early childhood. It was brought on by his chaotic start in life, when he lived in a violent household with an alcoholic mother. James was eight by the time his father was granted custody of him. Subsequently, James displayed worrying behaviour including refusing to change his underwear for several weeks and threatening to kill himself. "We hit a crisis point [last year] as we just weren't getting any help," Robson says. "Jon has got worse since he's been in care. • Some names have been changed

فهرس دروس الفوتوشوب... طريقة التسجيل بالمنتدى التسجيل استعادة كلمة المرور الأوسمة قوانين المنتدى منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب > منتديات التصميم و الجرافيكس > منتدى الدروس و التصاميم العامة > قسم دروس الفوتوشوب التعليمـــات التقويم خاص بدروس الفوتوشوب و الايميج ريدي و ممنوع وضع الاستفسارات أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع رقم المشاركة : الأخ سعيد مراقب عام شرح قوائم الفوتوشوب كاملة (للمبتدئين) كيفية تغيير طول و عرض الصورة معنى كل فلاتر filter الفوتوشوب عندك صورة قديمة باهتة و بدون ألوان؟ تفضل... درس قص الصورة... دروس المسابقة الرمضانية للتصميم درس تصميم بنر إعلاني متحرك بالفوتوشوب درس تحريك النص درس عمل انعكاس للنص ... درس: شعاع الشمس درس تلوين الصور....للمبتدئين التلاعب بالنصوص...تطبيق خفيف و مهم تصميم نص ذهبي خطوة بخطوة...اصنع ساعة رائعة... درس منظر ليلي ادراج صورة متحركة و التعامل معها درس تصميم شعار قنات المجد على الفوتو شوب درس الكتابة بالدم... الكتابة بالنيون...درس رائع Out of Bounds خارج الحدود! " » درسُ عـَـَـَََمڷ ¬اطـِارُ [ بسيــط ] » ..عملــِي ^^ حول صورة الى رسم زيتي نصف الصورة رسم والنصف الأخر طبيعي طريقة عمل تصميم مميز

Techie Buzz, know your technology head on Show HN: Help us curate the web’s best content for learning programming & design Link here: Despite all the educational material on the web, I found it pretty hard to learn how to code and design. I had trouble finding high-quality content, figuring out what to learn next, and staying motivated without easy ways to track my progress. So, my co-founder and I built Polymath. Our MVP is pretty simple right now: you can find & submit good content, bookmark & track your progress across different resources, and rate/comment on the material. We’re trying to build a really fun online learning community, and we’ve got some more cool features in the works. We're really excited about going live, and we'd love your feedback & comments. Best Online Research Apps/Sites You've Never Heard Of Is it possible to conduct research without Google? YES! In fact, it’s NECESSARY for college-level research. Google and other Internet search engines are great tools for researching the basics of any subject. However, when conducting research for accredited college courses, students need to find legitimate, trustworthy resources. By now, you’ve probably noticed that we love making lists, especially when it comes to making learning less expensive (like how we’ve found online colleges that offer laptops to its students). Artcyclopedia – If you’re looking for information on artists or art movements, Artcyclopedia is a great place to begin. BioMedCentral – BioMedCentral is an archive of over 170 biology, chemistry and medical journals. – FindArticles has the text of articles from about 500 print periodicals with coverage back to 1998, and usage is completely free of charge. INFOMINE – INFOMINE is a virtual library of Internet resources. U.S. Did you enjoy this article?

Schools We Can Envy by Diane Ravitch Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? by Pasi Sahlberg, with a foreword by Andy Hargreaves Teachers College Press, 167 pp., $34.95 (paper) In recent years, elected officials and policymakers such as former president George W. Bush, former schools chancellor Joel Klein in New York City, former schools chancellor Michelle Rhee in Washington, D.C., and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan have agreed that there should be “no excuses” for schools with low test scores. The “no excuses” reformers maintain that all children can attain academic proficiency without regard to poverty, disability, or other conditions, and that someone must be held accountable if they do not. Nothing is said about holding accountable the district leadership or the elected officials who determine such crucial issues as funding, class size, and resource allocation. It is not unusual for Americans to hold up another nation as a model for school reform.

Tuto Indesign Gratuit : 126 tutoriels Indesign Tuto Indesign 126 tutorials video Les derniers ajouts Qu'est-ce qu'un ePub ? tuto gratuit par dans tuto Indesign Un ePub est la version électronique d'une publication qui a été optimisée pour la visualisation sur écran. Logiciels nécessaires tuto gratuit par dans tuto inDesign Introduction à la création d´un eBook avec InDesign Pour suivre ce cours, vous devrez installer quelques programmes, autres que InDesign et Photoshop. Qu'est-ce qu'un ePub ? Introduction à la création d´un eBook avec InDesign Un ePub est la version électronique d'une publication qui a été optimisée pour la visualisation sur écran. InDesign et les importations Cette vidéo constitue une présentation d'InDesign dans laquelle on s'intéresse aux placements d'images en association avec Bridge. Création de vignettes d'aperçu Sélection Cet outil de sélection est un des outils les plus importants dans InDesign. Le travail avec des calques

Voice on your mobile phone Speak instead of type, using your voice to control your phone or tablet. Search the web and your phone, call your contacts, send emails, get directions and listen to music, all without worrying about having to type. Only on Android JavaScript as a First Language At Khan Academy we’ve been investigating teaching Computer Science to students in some new and interesting ways. The most interesting aspect of which is that we’re likely going to be teaching them JavaScript as their first language. We’re in a very unique position as we’re primarily aiming to teach students who’ve been through our previous math and science-centric curriculum. Because of this we can create some rather compelling exercises and projects that never would’ve been feasible otherwise. The prospect of teaching the JavaScript language as a first language is actually really exciting. Teaching prototypal inheritance to experienced classical-inheritance-using developers is normally rather frustrating (and results in many libraries springing up attempting to replicate the classical style of inheritance in JavaScript, which is a whole realm of weirdness in-and-of itself). Type Coercion The first change that I’m recommending is that the students will only ever see, and use, === (and !

How do we make our schools fit to face the 21st century? | Education | The Observer The Observer panel, chaired by Yvonne Roberts: Guy Claxton, professor of learning sciences; Sue Street, inner city school teacher; Melissa Benn, journalist and campaigner; Rachel Wolf, education adviser; Peter Hyman, teacher and former political strategist. What is education for in the 21st century? Rachel Wolf The best thing that schools can do now is make sure people have the core of knowledge and skills and ability to decide what they want to do with their lives. Guy Claxton Education means learning to think for yourself, learning to make and repair friendships, learning to see other people's points of view, learning not to be frightened of uncertainty or difficulty. Unfortunately the system, whether it be in a free school, an academy or a comprehensive school, seems to comprehensively neglect the development of those qualities in the obsession with exam results. Peter Hyman I think we're preparing children for the middle of the 20th century and not for the 21st. Peter Hyman I agree.

Tutoriaux - Indesign - Quelques Bases d'Indesign Création du document Quand vous aurez trouvé votre configuration optimale, sachant que les palettes sont ancrables sur les côtés gauche et droit de l'écran, vous pourrez enregistrer votre configuration fenêtre> espace de travail> enregistrer l'espace de travail... Fichier> Nouveau> Document (pomme+N). Dimension 99x210mm. Décochez «pages en vis-à-vis» qui sert au montage des maquettes recto-verso, décochez aussi «bloc de texte type» qui inclu un bloc de texte dans vos pages Type. Mise en page de la plaquette - Menu déroulant Dans le menu déroulant de la palette Pages, décochez l'option «Autoriser la réorganisation des pages» (sinon vous ne pourrez pas mettre deux pages côte-à-côte). Les blocs images et bloc images en tracés transparents - Outil Bloc image (f) - Outil Flèche noire (v) Pour les aplats de couleurs, dans la palette Outils, sélectionner le bloc image. Pour les blocs images, répétez l'opération mais avec les mesures suivantes: x=-3mm, y=-3mm, l=102 et h=78. Les blocs textes Habillage


D'aquesta eina m'ha cridat l'atenció que tots els continguts es duen a terme exclusivament amb anglès, a diferència de la plataforma Linkedin Learning. Penso que el fet que només estigui en un sol idioma, limita molt l'accès al públic. És a dir, que no és una plataforma que estigui feta o adaptada per a tota la població, ja que moltes persones no dominen l'anglès. by nataliaprietocarvajal Nov 4

Moltes gràcies, Natàlia!!
Què és el que més t'ha cridat l'atenció? by arubiocarbo Oct 31 ofereix vídeos en línia sobre cursos d'aprenentatge enfocats a la tecnología, negocis, habilitats creatives... per aconseguir objectius personals i professionals. De fet, és la base de la plataforma Linkedin Learning (plataforma educativa que ofereix cursos en vídeo per a millorar les habilitats dels professionals). by nataliaprietocarvajal Oct 27

@Mirlen - that's a great idea ... I'll start looking MUCH more closely and correct accordingly by jp2r Dec 23

There's always going to be duplicates in different areas also ;-) by mirlen101 Dec 23

Oops pressed enter ;-) Some just get put in the "other things" or "unsorted" Pearls until someone decides a better place ;-) by mirlen101 Dec 23

Sometimes if you used a site for one thing you find it works for other things . It's best to make two or more links out of it and label them accordingly . Like if you found really good Plug-ins on a site then on the same site you found great Photoshop tutorials . Then I would go to the pages on Plug-ins label it Plug-ins . Then go to Photoshop Tutorials and label that "Photoshop Tutorials" making 2 seperate links to the same site but different pages ;-) Then put the one in the Plug-in Pearl the other in the Photoshop Pearl ;-) But some just don't seem to fit anywhere those get put in by mirlen101 Dec 23

I have a hard time making a determination as to where certain things fit - what category, etc ... so you may find that I will put them in "Unsorted" ... Usually I find the site to 'slove a problem' or to 'answer a question' ... but am not sure if what I used it for is what it was meant for [smile] ... If I put something in there that doesn't fit ... toss it ... by jp2r Dec 23

Software training Videos 3D,Animation,Photography,Video,etc.. by mirlen101 Dec 23

Lots of very good tutorials for CS4 and much more. by Franzi's Mar 1

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