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Strangers- short film

Strangers- short film
Related:  provocations

Thinking: Shaken Not Stirred prov·o·ca·tion (pr v -k sh n) n. 1. 2. Our brain needs it. In an inquiry-centered environment learning provocations abound. The recipe? What are some ways to put that into practice in a classroom? 1. Because they are worth a thousand words. Use various strategies: – I See / I Think / I Wonder – Silent Conversation – Musical Tables etc. There are millions of photos available that can be used in inquiry on various concepts – poverty, conflict, power, gender, multiculturalism, pollution – basically anything and everything. Where is this beautiful city with skyscrapers? It is in Africa, more exactly in Congo. The power of photography. 2. I always use high quality photographs and add intriguing, confusing, or simply powerful words. 3. Whenever I use posters I am looking for simplicity…even minimalism “because it eliminates the obvious and adds the meaningful”. *You can print your posters in a really big format here. 4. Need I say how important they are in triggering thought and emotion? 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Making it in America Alma Velasco, an El Salvadorian immigrant, recounts her transition to the United States. Making it in America follows the life of Alma Velasco, an El Salvadorian immigrant who fled to the United States as a teenager. Alma recounts her transition into the United States and the challenges she faces as an impoverished single mother and how she’s willing to face them. We listen to her speak about the aspirations she had for herself during her youth, but more importantly, we listen to her speak about the aspirations she has for her children and how her hard work and dedication paves the path for those aspirations to become a reality. The process of acquiring the much desired green card in and of itself is a taxing and arduous process, not to mention an expensive one. Alma came to the United States and found herself working as a seamstress at the American Apparel factory in Los Angeles. Alma speaks about the triumph she personally feels when her children achieve something.

"Quan no hi hagi capellans i ens necessiti, l'Església acceptarà que les dones diguin missa": Victòria Molins a 'El convidat', en 10 frases Filla d'una família de la Bonanova que després de la Guerra va trobar la casa malmesa i se'n va anar a l'Eixample, Maria Victòria Molins és una monja teresiana de 76 anys que als anys 80 va descobrir la teologia de l'alliberament i va decidir dedicar-se als marginats. Fa uns anys va saltar a la fama perquè 'Camino', un film basat en un llibre seu i molt crític amb l'Opus Dei, va triomfar als Goya. Però a ella, que viu i treballa al Raval amb tres monges més i visita presos, l'interessa més el quart món. De les seves reflexions a 'El convidat' emès aquest dilluns, en surten aquestes frases: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. " De l'altre món no en sé res.

Comme tu es H Short Films | The Best Short Films The power of a provocation… Whether it ignites an inquiry or shifts the gears of learning, if it’s fuelled by careful consideration and clear intentions, a ‘provocation‘ can drive powerful learning. Considering the ‘power of provocations’ with our Lana Fleiszig recently, teachers explored the purpose of provocations, what could be used as provocation and the teacher’s role in the provocation process. The most important question, though, is what might the provocation reveal about our learners, their thinking and learning and where to next? Our teachers collaboratively developed a list of questions to consider when designing provocations: Might the provocation excite/engage the learners and ‘hook’ them into learning? We’re looking forward to taking it further in the coming ‘ Reveal’ workshop with Sam Sherratt exploring ‘what it means to be aware of, receptive to and curious about what our students are revealing to us so that we can be constantly inquiring into our students and adjusting our planning accordingly.’

Election Day It’s Election Day here in the United States, so when it comes to topical entertainment Zach Wechter’s appropriately titled effort out of Chapman University more than fits the bill. There’s little argument that our political system is corrupt—a seedy, duplicitous morass of closed door agreements and scandal. Thus, it’s befitting to see those descriptors passed down the system all the way to the competitive world of high school elections. Wechter’s short is clearly committed to its genre routes, and in turn, it wisely avoids playing up its small scale setting for laughs (Alexander Payne’s Election this is not). Election Day is a decidedly plot driven narrative, a film that mixes and matches various styles, ultimately creating something unique as a byproduct. Unlike so many other modern shorts, this one was actually shot on film (Chapman University has a strong relationship with Kodak).

» Judaisme La història de Moisès s’explica a la Torà. Moisès va néixer en el moment en què el faraó egipci va ordenar que tots els infants hebreus acabats de néixer fossin ofegats al riu Nil amb l’objectiu de conservar tot el seu poder. Durant els tres primers mesos de vida, Moisès va ser amagat per la seva mare. Però quan ja no el podia amagar més, el va posar en una cistella que va impermeabilitzar i deixar al riu Nil. Quan Moisès ja era adult, en veure com un capatàs egipci maltractava un esclau hebreu, Moisès va matar el capatàs. Explica la història que un dia que Moisès va portar el seu ramat al mont d’Horeb, Déu li parlà i li indicà que havia de tornar a Egipte a alliberar el seu poble de l’esclavitud. Els esclaus hebreus marxaren en direcció a la terra que Jahvè els havia promès fins que es trobaren acorralats entre el mar i l’exèrcit egipci. Es diu que Moisès va morir quan tenia cent vint anys i que el seu poble va plorar la seva mort durant trenta dies i trenta nits.

10 Ted Talks Every English Student Should Watch | IELTS Advantage This article shows you how to use TED Talks to improve your English, how they can be used in the classroom and suggests 10 great talks to use in the English classroom. TED is a series of informative, educational, inspiring and sometimes jaw-dropping talks that present ‘Ideas Worth Spreading’. Ted has attracted many of the world’s most important thinkers such as Larry Page, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Ken Robinson, and a few winners of the Nobel Prize. There is an emphasis on informing, educating and opening people’s eyes to new ideas, making them perfect for the classroom. This post will list 10 TED talks I have found work particularly well in the classroom. How Students Can Use TED at Home TED Talks for students provide an engaging context from which they can autonomously improve their English at home. Listening This is the obvious one, but students should be encouraged to listen ‘actively’. Pronunciation ‘Micro-listening’ can also be used to help students produce sentences. Vocabulary

The Good Project All of us encounter challenges in our lives. Sometimes these challenges are quickly or easily resolved. Other times, it is not clear what to do, and there is no right or wrong solution. This is a dilemma. When we are faced with a dilemma, it is important to stop and consider our choices carefully. In this unit, you will listen to the stories of two people who encountered dilemmas. Click one of the options above to get started. Help us improve your module experience through this survey.
