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Dandelion Weed Can Boost Your Immune System And Cure Cancer

Dandelion Weed Can Boost Your Immune System And Cure Cancer
Dandelion has been used medicinally since ancient times for its various health benefits. However, the most powerful benefit to come out of this common weed is something that medical researchers are super excited to have "discovered" - which is its potential to cure cancer! This potent root builds up blood and immune system- cures prostate, lung, and other cancers better than chemotherapy. John Di Carlo, who at the time was a 72-year old cancer patient at the hospital, was sent home to live out his final days after all efforts failed to treat his leukemia. Screenshot via YouTube Recent studies have shown that dandelion root extract can work very quickly on cancer cells, as was evidenced in Di Carlo's case. Further studies have concluded that the extract also has anti-cancer benefits for other types of cancer, including breast, colon, prostate, liver, and lung cancer! Dr. Sponsored Sources: Dr. Related:  In Relation to Cancer

How to Make The Giant Cancer-Fighting Salad: Chris Wark - The Truth About Cancer Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband, the father of four wonderful children, devoted Christian, best-selling author, medical researcher, talk radio host, health freedom advocate, former competitive bodybuilder and also a certified public accountant. After losing several family members to cancer (including his mother and father), Ty refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. He began a quest to learn all he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. Ty has now made it his life mission to share the most remarkable discovery he made on his quest: the vast majority of all diseases (including cancer) can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery. Ty speaks frequently to health groups, at seminars, expos, conferences, churches, and is a regular guest on multiple radio shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites.

Potential 'universal' blood test for cancer discovered | DoxCole The Lymphocyte Genome Sensitivity (LGS) test looks at white blood cells and measures the damage caused to their DNA when subjected to different intensities of ultraviolet light (UVA), which is known to damage DNA. The results of the empirical study show a clear distinction between the damage to the white blood cells from patients with cancer, with pre-cancerous conditions and from healthy patients. (Stock image). Researchers from the University of Bradford have devised a simple blood test that can be used to diagnose whether people have cancer or not. The test will enable doctors to rule out cancer in patients presenting with certain symptoms, saving time and preventing costly and unnecessary invasive procedures such as colonoscopies and biopsies being carried out. Early results have shown the method gives a high degree of accuracy diagnosing cancer and pre-cancerous conditions from the blood of patients with melanoma, colon cancer and lung cancer. Story Source:

New wonder drug matches and kills all kinds of cancer — human testing starts 2014 Stanford researchers are on track to begin human trials of a potentially potent new weapon against cancer, and would-be participants are flooding in following the Post’s initial report on the discovery. The progress comes just two months after the groundbreaking study by Dr Irv Weissman, who developed an antibody that breaks down a cancer’s defense mechanisms in the body. A protein called CD47 tells the body not to “eat” the cancer, but the antibody developed by Dr Weissman blocks CD47 and frees up immune cells called macrophages — which can then engulf the deadly cells. The new research shows the miraculous macrophages effectively act as intelligence gatherers for the body, pointing out cancerous cells to cancer-fighting “killer T” cells. The T cells then “learn” to hunt down and attack the cancer, the researchers claim. The clinical implications of the process could be profound in the war on cancer. This turns them into a personalized cancer vaccine.

Scientists in Amsterdam Just Destroyed Breast Cancer Tumors in 11 Days Without Chemo - ORGANIC AND HEALTHY Scientists in Europe may have found a breakthrough for the most common cancer in women. Around 1 in 8 American women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime; the clinical trial may have found a way to rid us of it once and for all in the future. Breast Cancer Breakthrough Research presented by Professor Nigel Bundred at the European Breast Cancer Conference in Amsterdam revealed that they had tested the effectiveness of a pair of drugs known as Herceptin (a.k.a trastuzumab) and Lapatinib. The two drugs are commonly used in breast cancer treatment already, but this is the first time they had been combined together and used before surgery and chemotherapy. Funded by Cancer Research UK, they aimed to use these drugs to combat a protein called HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) which affects the growth and division of cancer cells. What also makes this treatment so appealing is the fact that it eliminates the need for chemotherapy and surgery. Study Results

Could turmeric really boost your health? Image copyright iStock Bold health claims have been made for the power of turmeric. Is there anything in them, asks Michael Mosley. Turmeric is a spice which in its raw form looks a bit like ginger root, but when it's ground down you get a distinctive yellowy orange powder that's very popular in South Asian cuisine. Until recently the place you would most likely encounter turmeric would be in chicken tikka masala, one of Britain's most popular dishes. These days, thanks to claims that it can improve everything from allergies to depression, it's become incredibly trendy, not just cooked and sprinkled on food but added to drinks like tea. Now I'm usually very cynical about such claims, but in the case of turmeric I thought there could be something to it. Thousands of scientific papers have been published looking at turmeric and curcumin in the laboratory - some with promising results. Find out more This is exactly the sort of situation where we on Trust Me like to make a difference. Turmeric

Piątka ogrodowych ziół zwalczających raka - Wolna Polska Pietruszka Często lekceważona tylko jako ozdoba przez kucharzy, pietruszka jest zielem, które zasługuje na dalsze badania. Zawiera olej zwany apigenina, który, jak wykazano, zapobiega tworzeniu się naczyń krwionośnych przenoszących substancje odżywcze do guzów nowotworowych, jest to proces zwany angiogenezą. Koperek Koperek zawiera związek korzystny w walce z rakiem. Zwany monoterpen, związek ten stymuluje enzym, glutation-S-transferazę. Rozmaryn To pachnące drewnem zioło zawiera naturalnie występującą substancję, która hamuje reprodukcję komórek nowotworowych zlokalizowanych w guzach. Mięta Mięta pomaga w pozbawieniu guzów nowotworowych dopływu krwi, potrzebnej do przetrwania i wzrostu. Tymianek Od dawna wykorzystywany w zabiegach leczniczych, obecnie jest ponad 350 gatunków tymianku na świecie. Źródła:

Korzeń mniszka lekarskiego skuteczniejszy od chemioterapii - Wolna Polska (Health Benefits) Naukowcy odkryli, że korzeń mniszka lekarskiego działa lepiej niż chemioterapia. Podczas gdy chemioterapia zabija wszystkie komórki, mniszek zabija jedynie te dotknięte rakiem. Niesłusznie zaniedbywana roślina bogata we właściwości lecznicze, i jedyna, najważniejsza rzecz to by zbierać ją w czystym środowisku, daleko od dróg. Ponadto ma właściwości moczopędne, stymuluje wydzielanie żółci, oczyszcza wątrobę, pomaga w chorobach alergicznych, jest wspaniałym sojusznikiem w obniżaniu cholesterolu. Portal Natural News poinformował, że rezultaty badań na Wydziale Chemii i Biochemii Uniwersytetu Windsor w Kanadzie dają nową nadzieję wszystkim cierpiącym na raka. Badanie wykryło, że herbata z mniszka wpływa na komórki rakowe w taki sposób, że rozpadają się w ciągu 48 godzin, zaś zdrowe pozostają w całości. 72-letni John Di Carlo jest osobiście przekonany do terapeutycznych właściwości mniszka. Źródło: Tłum. z j. ang.

Stop Buying Garlic. Here’s How To Grow An Endless Supply of Garlic Right at Home - Good Morning Center There is no doubt that garlic is a common ingredient in all national cuisines around the world, due to the fact that it is highly versatile and healthy. Despite its countless health benefits, its unique taste and aroma enrich all kinds of dishes. Garlic is rich in potent medicinal properties as it is abundant in essential nutrients, and low in calories, containing only 42 calories per serving. It is high in vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, selenium, potassium, and calcium. Yet, you will benefit from it the most if you consume organic garlic, and grow it at home instead of buying it, as it may have been grown using various dangerous chemicals. First of all, let us repeat its most important health benefits: Promotes heart health The consumption of garlic lowers the risk of heart diseases and aids the body to process cholesterol easily. Strengthens the Immune System Garlic effectively strengthens the immune system and fights sickness, like the common cold. Cancer Prevention

Wife Rids Her Husband’s Cancer Naturally: Message Attacked – With all the trolls, shills, and so called “real science” debunkers and mindless idiots swarming about on the internet, when a person goes very public with a valiant cancer cure outside of mainstream oncology, those dogs will bark. And barking dogs do confuse those who are uncertain and cancer fearful. Here’s a story of a devoted and persistent wife who dedicated thousands of hours of research to heal her husband’s aggressive cancer while protecting him from the ravages of radical surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. She didn’t stop to celebrate her success. Trevor and Carol Smith NOTE: She has gone on to tell others what they did, even wrote a book, Taking Control: My Journey of Alternative Healing, under a pen name, Alyssia Sade’. BUT – I will reference Perry by his real name in this article – Trevor Smith. Alyssia was interviewed by mainstream newspapers and appeared in an episode on Ty Bolinger’s “Truth About Cancer” internet TV series. During all this. Share: Comments comments

SHOCKING NEWS: People Don't Die From Cancer!!! People Die Of Chemotherapy And In Terrible Pain! - Health Awareness For All Dr. Hardin B. Jones focused his studies on the issues related to cancer for more than two decades. His findings, eventually, brought some shocking conclusion. He suggests that the only objective of the cancer industry is profit, which is shared among Big Pharma, doctors, healthcare facilities and other participants in this industry. The conventional cancer treatments consist of taking chemotherapy toxins in the system, radiating the body with ions or removal of certain body parts, or a combination of all methods, in a great number of cases. Dr. In fact, Dr. As a result of his long research, he concluded that conventional cancer therapy reduces life expectancy and accelerates the deterioration of the system. This study was published in the reputable New York Academy of Sciences journal. Furthermore, the same conclusion was pointed out by two other studies from the period when the influence of Big Pharma was not that great. Moreover, a famous German epidemiologist, Dr.

Nowotwory | Aneta Bloguje Niezależnie od tego na ile lekarze próbują wcisnąć leczenie chemioterapią, nie jest ona najlepszym rozwiązaniem w walce z rakiem, ponieważ nowe badania wykazują, że aż 50 procent pacjentów jest zabijana przez leki – nie przez sama chorobę. Naukowcy z z Instytutu Zdrowia Publicznego i Badań Nad Rakiem w Wielkiej Brytanii przeprowadzili przełomowe badania analizujące po […] Onkologia jest bezradna, bądź może chce być bezradna, w kwestii leczenia, jakże dochodowych nowotworów. Tymczasem naturalne metody leczenia, chociaż negowane są o wiele bardziej skuteczne. Grzyby reishi pochodzą z Azji i znane są, jako mannentake. Chemioterapia, czy radioterapia nie tylko nie leczą raka, lecz mogą wywołać jego powstanie, bądź przyśpieszyć rozwój. Czy onkolodzy naprawdę leczą raka? Książka, a także metoda leczenia nowotworów ma wkrótce zostać zabroniona przez zachodni system medyczny. Kostucha wybrała sobie ulubione narzędzie, aby odbierać ludziom życie – nowotwór.

A Ketogenic Diet May Be the Key to Cancer Recovery By Dr. Mercola To some, a ketogenic diet amounts to nothing less than a drug-free cancer treatment. The diet calls for eliminating carbohydrates, replacing them with healthy fats and protein. The premise is that since cancer cells need glucose to thrive, and carbohydrates turn into glucose in your body, then cutting out carbs literally starves the cancer cells. This type of diet, in which you replace carbs with moderate amounts of high quality protein and high amounts of beneficial fat, is what I recommend for everyone, whether you have cancer or not. Ketogenic Diet May Be Key to Brain Cancer Recovery The featured video shows Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D, who is one of the leaders in teasing the details of how to treat cancer nutritionally. The transition from glucose to ketone bodies as an energy source is an ancestrally conserved adaptation to food deprivation that permits the survival of normal cells during extreme shifts in nutritional environment. "Dr. Dr. Dr. What About Protein?
