Down to Earth The Greening of Gavin - Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Walden Effect: About Us We're a couple of back-to-the-landers living simply on our 58 acres of swamp and hillside in southwest Virginia. When we arrived on the farm in September 2006, a hundred year old barn stood amid a mass of blackberries and honeysuckle so thick we could hardly push our way through. Since then, we've cleared a couple of acres (leaving the rest of the forest to grow naturally toward its climax state), installed a free trailer to live in, and are learning to farm. (You can read about our adventures starting in year three in our blog archives.) Anna was trained as a biologist and now turns her scientific leanings toward experimenting with no-till gardening, mushroom propagation, and chicken pasturing. Mark grew up in the suburbs in Ohio and never considered living the farm life until recently, but his family's roots lie in hard-scrabble farming in eastern Kentucky and homesteading seems to run in his blood. coops, and keeping the farm running smoothly. The farm in September 2008.
zen habits A gluttonous wife About Us Self Sufficient Me is a blog about self-sustainment by growing our own produce (plant/animal), and self-fulfilment by looking after our health (physical/mental) through exercise and slowing life down a little. At the same time, we focus on our environmental footprint and how we can improve our “patch of dirt” not only for our own benefit but also to better develop the surroundings for other plants and animals - it's their world too. Our common sayings... We try to, "look, and see the Earth through her eyes;" and we say, "You don't have to be self-sufficient in everything just be self-sufficient in something," also, "respect your body and keep it healthy through regular exercise." Our articles feature many of our own self-sufficient achievements based locally on our small suburban Bellmere property in South East Queensland, Australia, approximately 45kms north of the capital Brisbane. About the Editor The Editor (and owner) of Self Sufficient Me is Mark Valencia. What is Self Sufficiency?
Survival, Self Sufficiency and Sustainable Living Simply by the Beach hugo and elsa