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Apps for Business

Apps for Business

4 ways to do Mail Merge using Google Apps Script Editor’s Note: This blog post is co-authored by James, Steve and Romain who are Google Apps Script top contributors. -- Ryan Boyd The Google Apps Script team is on a roll and has implemented a ton of new features in the last few months. Some of us “Top Contributors” thought it will be a useful exercise to revisit the Mail Merge use case and discuss various ways in which we can do Mail Merge using Apps Script.

How Much it Really Costs to Start a Law Firm A few years ago, I wrote a post I titled Start a Solo Law Practice for Under $3,000. Boy, do I regret that title. Starting a law firm is a relatively inexpensive endeavor, but picking an arbitrary number and trying to stick to it is wrong-headed. I’ve met plenty of lawyers who have done just that, and many of them have struggled to keep their practices afloat — or failed — as a result. asana tasks Easily create tasks for yourself or assign one to a teammate. projects Google Script - Building an Idea Bank Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Saqib Ali. Saqib is a Google Apps evangelist at Seagate. He has used Apps Script to create a number of applications that leverage Google Apps. His other interests include the curation of Lewis Carroll’s letter and translation of Urdu poetry to English. -- Ryan Boyd

Apps Marketplace - CaseFox Timekeeping, Billing and Case Management Software CaseFox is designed to help attorneys, virtual firms, accountants and other professionals (such as freelancers, contractors, etc.) with their time based invoicing, trust accounting, time tracking, case tracking and client billing needs. CaseFox can track both billable and non-billable hours and expenses, monitor unbilled hours, late payments and handle trust accounting, case documents and case notes. CaseFox Web-App is a new concept that combines time and expense tracking with case management. With CaseFox, tracking time and expenses is no longer a boring and tedious task. CaseFox converts time and expense tracking of multiple-users into an exportable case history sheet, in addition to painlessly creating invoices out of the entered data.

Google URL Shortener Posted by Michael Hermanto, Software Engineer, Firebase We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online. Since then, many popular URL shortening services have emerged and the ways people find content on the Internet have also changed dramatically, from primarily desktop webpages to apps, mobile devices, home assistants, and more.

Apps Marketplace - Clio Clio offers web-based practice management for lawyers in small-to-medium-size firms. Completely web-based, Clio makes it easy to manage all aspects of a practice including clients, matters, tasks, calendaring, billing, trust account, document management, client collaboration and online client billing. BENEFITS * Free trial * Easily import and sync Google Calendars and Contacts with Clio * Link your Google Apps e-mails to Clio matters to easily see a firm-wide summary of e-mail communications for a given matter Apps Marketplace - "YOURCOMPANY.COM" WEBTOP Fortune Law Group is a Global Alliance of Attorneys, CPAs, Professionals and Business Consultants. Our offices are In USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, China, Taiwan and India. We have introduced a New Service to "Web Enable" Law Firms and Companies around the world using Business Productivity Tools Powered by Google.

Should I Start a Law Practice? « Philly Law Blog These are my musings on starting your own law practice. Take them for what they’re worth… I’m going to preface this post with a quote from a friend of mine, who will remain anonymous: “I went into solo practice after getting laid off from biglaw. I worked in biglaw for over 10 years… this was such a change. How to Choose Billing and Accounting Software for Your Law Firm - Guest Post - Legal Ease Blog This is a guest post written by Loretta Ruppert, Senior Director of Community Management for LexisNexis’ practice management team, including law firm management and legal billing software. She has experience as a business owner, a technology and business consultant for law firms and other professional services firms and is an expert in developing back office software. Many attorneys are finding themselves with a shingle open for business, some by choice and others for survival. Owning your own law firm can be exciting and scary at the same time.

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