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Recursos para la Pizarra Digital Interactiva | José González Prieto Rosalina Tuyuc Rosalina Tuyuc Velásquez (born San Juan Comalapa, department of Chimaltenango, 1956)[1] is a Guatemalan human rights activist. She was elected as a Congressional deputy in 1995, elected from the national list of the New Guatemala Democratic Front, and served as Vice President of Congress during that period.[2] Tuyuc is a Kaqchikel Mayan.[3] In June 1982, the Guatemalan Army kidnapped and murdered her father, Francisco Tuyuc. Three years later, on 24 May 1985, her husband suffered the same fate.[4] In 1988, she founded the National Association of Guatemalan Widows (CONAVIGUA), which has become a leading Guatemalan human rights organization.[5] The Niwano Peace Foundation of Japan awarded their 2012 Niwano Peace Prize to Tuyuc "in recognition of her extraordinary and dogged work for peace as a courageous human rights activist and leader." [9] See also[edit] Guatemalan Civil War References[edit] External links[edit] Biographical information from PeaceWomen Across the Globe.

Aprende lo que quieras gratis AulaFácil - Cursos Gratis On-line "La Alameda" | Asamblea Popular y Cooperativa de Trabajo "20 de Diciembre" de Parque Avellaneda, Buenos Aires – Argentina Aprendizaje de Ciencias, Matemáticas y Tecnología Welcome to the Virginia State Standards of Learning Practice Tests! All of the questions on this site come from test materials released by the Virginia Department of Education and are used here with permission. All questions on this site are copyrighted by the Virginia Department of Education and may not be used by other persons or organizations without their permission. Attention Teachers! More rigorous questions are available for some subjects! Are you experiencing problems with this site? <p>If you are reading this, your browser is <strong>NOT</strong> running JavaScript.

Violencia y medios de comunicación | Vélez | Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación El archivo PDF seleccionado se debe cargar aquí si su navegador tiene instalado un módulo de lectura de PDF (por ejemplo, una versión reciente de Adobe Acrobat Reader). Si desea más información sobre cómo imprimir, guardar y trabajar con PDFs, Highwire Press le proporciona una guía útil de Preguntas frecuentes sobre PDFs. Por otro lado, puede descargar el PDF directamente a su ordenador donde podrá abrirlo con un lector de PDF. Para descargar el PDF, haga clic en el enlace anterior. Pantalla completa Pantalla completa desactivada DOI: Enlaces refback No hay ningún enlace refback. Chasqui es una publicación cuatrimestral creada y editada por CIESPAL (
