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The psychology of sexuality and love : Lacan; Courtly Love; true love and fear of love; sexual addictions; abusive lovers; victimless sex; sexual orientation

The psychology of sexuality and love : Lacan; Courtly Love; true love and fear of love; sexual addictions; abusive lovers; victimless sex; sexual orientation
Related:  PSYCHOLOGYphsycology

Neuroscience Sheds New Light on Creativity - Rewiring the Creative Mind personality styles, types, theories and psychometrics models, personality tests and quizzes theory personality models on this page The Four Temperaments/Four Humours Carl Jung's Psychological Types Myers Briggs® personality types theory (MBTI® model) Keirsey's personality types theory (Temperament Sorter model) Hans Eysenck's personality types theory Katherine Benziger's Brain Type theory William Moulton Marston's DISC personality theory (Inscape, Thomas Int., etc) Belbin Team Roles and personality types theory The 'Big Five' Factors personality model FIRO-B® Personality Assessment model The Birkman Method® Lumina Spark Morphopsychology Other personality theories and psychometrics tests models personality theories and models - introduction Behavioural and personality models are widely used in organisations, especially in psychometrics and psychometric testing (personality assessments and tests). Understanding personality - of your self and others - is central to motivation. The more you understand about personality, the better able you are to judge what motivates people - and yourself. N.B. N.B. and

First Person Plural - Magazine An evolving approach to the science of pleasure suggests that each of us contains multiple selves—all with different desires, and all fighting for control. If this is right, the pursuit of happiness becomes even trickier. Can one self "bind" another self if the two want different things? Imagine a long, terrible dental procedure. There is a good argument for saying “Yes. Also see: Interview: "Song of My Selves" Psychologist Paul Bloom reflects on happiness, desire, memory, and the chaotic community that lives inside every human mind. The psychologist and recent Nobel laureate Daniel Kahne­man conducted a series of studies on the memory of painful events, such as colonoscopies. Such contradictions arise all the time. The question “What makes people happy?” But what’s more exciting, I think, is the emergence of a different perspective on happiness itself. This hierarchical structure makes possible the research programs of psychology and neuroscience. Examples abound in our own lives.

Great Ideas in Personality--Tests Personality Tests This page links to numerous online personality tests, with an emphasis on free, professional tests that provide feedback. To view an example of one of these tests, see the SAPA Project. To learn more about personality theory, see the Personality Project. General Personality Sheldon Test This test provides scores on Sheldon's psychological types: viscerotonia, somatotonia, and cerebrotonia. ~ Flip to top ~ Attachment Theory Attachment Style Questionnaire "The statements below concern how you feel in emotionally intimate relationships. Basic Emotions Anxiety Test After finishing this 10-item test, "you will receive a detailed, personalized interpretation of your score that includes diagrams, information on the test topic and tips." Behavior Genetics Sibling and Twin Relationships Survey "You will be asked to answer a variety of questionnaires about your relationships with your siblings and other family members. Behaviorism Cognitive Social Theories Five-Factor Model Intelligence

The New Frontier in Democratic Theory and Practice: Organizational Forms that Simultaneously Optimize Autonomy & Community Returning to the Jungians, we find that at the forefront of Jungian psychological theory is the creation of a feminine ego based on the devalued functions of NF. Jungian analyst Laurie Schapira heralds the advent of a post-patriarchal "feminine" ego that is "grounded in the emotional [F], imaginal [N] matrix of the Self."72 -page 57- Hillman believes that the lack of development of the feeling function in contemporary society results in a situation in which "we have a rather impoverished and sentimental notion" of what an educated feeling function could be.73 Zipes, in referring to the "instrumentalization of fantasy" explains how imagination [N] is devalued in contemporary society.74 In addition to these assertions there is statistical data that demographically demonstrate that the NF combination is underrepresented in contemporary Western society. -page 58- From this diagram we can draw a number of conclusions. From these demographics we discover a number of noteworthy observations. ...

Great Ideas in Personality--Theory and Research Twórczy ludzie wg Junga « Rozwój i Świadomość Wiemy, że człowiek prawie nigdy nie uświadamia sobie, do jakiego typu funkcjonalnego należy. To samo odnosi się do typu postaw. Często rozróżnienie jest bardzo trudne i trzeba włożyć wiele psychologicznej pracy, aby z tego kalejdoskopowego obrazu, w jakim psyche ukazuje się obserwatorowi, wyłuskać właściwy jej typ. Na przykład często ten sam artysta jest w życiu ekstrawertykiem, a w swoich dziełach introwertykiem, lub odwrotnie. Jung uważa, że twórczość ekstrawersyjna powstaje dzięki artystycznemu przetworzeniu doświadczeń zewnętrznych twórczość introwersyjna zaś „dzieje się” wskutek przemożnego wpływu treści wewnętrznych przejawiających się za pośrednictwem pióra lub pędzla artysty. Fantazja jest wprawdzie źródłem inspiracji w pracy twórczej, ale jest to dar, który może pochodzić od każdego z czterech typów. “Często słyszymy, że dla artysty zajmowanie się nieświadomością jest niebezpieczne. Więcej: o typach funkcjonalnych źródło: Jacobi Jolanta Psychologia Junga Zobacz także :

Tests Take one of our free personality tests, many of which are based on peer-reviewed scientific research, and all of which are crafted by experts in psychometrics. Random Test Click to access a random test. Lotus Test The White Lotus Test measures which of seven characters from the show White Lotus, season-one, you resemble the most. Political Test The Political Pathways Test is a short and contemporary Political Coordinates-style test that incorporates the dimension of globalism vs. localism. Impurity Test The Impurity Test measures your levels of purity with regard to alcohol, drugs, sex, hygiene, and general morality. Conflict Test Based on the work of K.W Thomas, the Conflict-Handling Test analyzes our styles of conflict management across 5 different domains. Cultural Test The Cultural Dimensions Test is used to understand the differences in culture across countries. Asexuality Test The Asexuality Spectrum Test will determine the elements of your possible asexuality across 6 scales.

Plug Energy Drains With These Magic Words In learning to manage my energy better, I have stumbled upon some magic words. These words are just as effective for extroverts as introverts , but introverts--with our deep listening habits, our hyperawareness, our busy, busy minds--may need them more. Say these words silently in your head when you feel yourself being sucked into a vortex of other people's demands and expectations. The magic words are: Several readers have written to me about, and I recognize in myself, an oversensitivity to social messages. For example: I'm at a dinner party. Was that really my responsibility? Nope. Photo by sergis blog via Flickr (Creative Commons) Oh, and if I don't really want to go a dinner party to begin with, it's not my responsibility to attend. See how that works? Or consider the chatterbox who corners you with a barrage of words at a party. These magic words don't work on genuine obligations and legitimate responsibilities. And you know their real magic?

The free five minute personality test! Your Existing Situation Is feeling a large amount of stress due to her inability to achieve goals and her indecisiveness on how to go about changing the situation for the better. Your Stress Sources "is being overworked and her flexibility and hard work are being taken advantage of while trying to deal with problems. Sticks to her goals, but feels intense pressure to succeed. Since the situation is uncooperative and untrustworthy, she would like to walk away from it altogether." Your Restrained Characteristics Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. "Willing to become emotionally involved, but is demanding and picky when choosing a partner. Conceited and is easily insulted. Feels as if too many walls and obstacles are standing in her way and that she is being forced to make compromises. she needs to put her own needs on hold for the time being. Your Desired Objective Lives life to the fullest. Your Actual Problem Your Actual Problem #2

Who Are You? (And What do You Think of Me?) The New Hire: What Do I Need to Know About This Job Candidate—and How Can I Find It Out? Every Sunday, America's corporate titans share their hiring strategies with . "I have a very good antenna about people," Starbucks founder Howard Schultz told the "Corner Office" column. "First off, I want to know what you're reading and then I'll ask you why. Tell me what work-life balance means to you." Abbe Raven, CEO of A&E Television Network, privileges her "gut reaction." The problem with such freewheeling approaches is that qualities like charisma and compassion are faked in job interviews as much as 90 percent of the time, according to one landmark study. People are hugely overconfident about their ability to judge others in general, and recruiters may be particularly so. Potential employees are in impression-management hyperdrive. Interviewers are drawn to open-ended inquiries because they think they'll zero in on personality. The Potential Lover: Is This Person Attracted to Me?

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