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clase 2 Hola a todos, en esta segunda entrega veremos como usar las ayudas que nos da el programa para dibujar, luego vemos como usar los comados básicos para crear dibujos en 2D que serán la base de nuestros modelados. Todo los comandos que veremos son extremadamente útiles en cualquier modelado que pensemos en hacer, les recomiendo practicarlos mucho y experimentar con las herramientas mucho mas de lo que aqui se trata ya que es solo una clase muy básica. Descarga archivos para practicar haciendo click aqui. Las imagenes tiene un tamaño ideal para imprimir si las bajan, la idea es que se vayan haciendo una pequeña guia o manualcito...... Las siguiente piezas son a modo de ejemplo, dibujen las que quieran para experimentar.....siempre miren la linea de comandos, ahi van a ir encontrando opciones de medidas y variantes de los comandos.... En los siguientes videos vemos como usar lo anterior, no se queden solo con esto, miren el manual que trae el programa y busquen tutoriales por la web!!!

» Retoque profesional de piel con photoshop Estamos acostumbrado a ver en las fotografías de los anuncios cosméticos, o en las revistas de moda, unas modelos que muestran una piel perfecta, sin ninguna imperfección, con un tono uniforme y de un aspecto totalmente natural. Está claro que es el resultado de un retoque profesional de la piel usando Photoshop, pero… ¿cómo lo hacen?. Existen muchas técnicas y una infinidad de tutoriales en internet pero la inmensa mayoría de ellas no consiguen un resultado natural, ya que eliminan gran parte de la textura del volumen del rostro. En este tutorial descubrimos una de las técnicas usadas por los profesionales del retoque en sus encargos de alto nivel. Para ello partimos de la siguiente imágen sin retocar, un retrato que realizé a Firenze durante uno de nuestros workshops de fotografía de moda Un retoque de piel tradicional deja la piel sin casi imperfecciones, pero elimina gran parte de la textura, dejando a la modelos como un maniquí con la piel de plastico. Creamos una nueva capa.

Best Places to Get Free Books – The Ultimate Guide When we were reviewing 10 of the best online resources for free books, we had a LOT of readers chime in with their own favorites as well. Thank you for all your helpful contributions! In fact, we had so many suggestions, we have enough to compile a huge list from them, so here they are in no particular order: ManyBooks – Free eBooks for your PDA, iPod, or eBook reader – Thanks Tony Bryan & abben BookCrossing – Where real books are released into the wild to be found by others – Thanks EngtechLibraryElf – The perfect companion to a public library system – Thanks EngtechScribd – Open library to publish and discover documents online – Thanks CincauHangus Word Public Library – 400,000 PDF ebooks for download – Thanks EllenFree Tech Books – Free computer science and engineering books (+ lecture notes) – Thanks EllenBookins – Swap real books with other readers – Thanks Jimbob WellToldTales – Free short story podcasts (like audiobooks, but shorter) – Thanks Kevin C. Google+

sistemas de representacion 2 Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial | Miniature Faking | This tutorial will walk you through how to create a tilt-shift image in Photoshop. It has been produced using Photoshop CS2 on a PC. Once you finish your tilt-shift image, make sure you upload your image for everyone to see. Gear PageSubmit Your Images Step 1: Photo Selection When choosing a photograph for the tilt-shift effect, bear in mind that you want to give the impression of a miniature model. For this tilt-shift photography Photoshop tutorial, we are using a picture of Times Square during a typical day: Even before the tilt-shift effect has been applied, it’s not too hard to imagine the scene as if it were a model. To find an appropriate image, we suggest you browse through the flickr tilt-shift fakes pool. Step 2. Open the image in Photoshop and enter Quick Mask Mode by pressing Q on the keyboard, or select the Quick Mask icon as shown in the Tool Palette below: Step 3. Choose the Gradient Tool by pressing G on the keyboard, or select the Gradient Tool icon. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6.

30 Excellent Tutorials for the Ever Popular 3ds Max June 8th, 2010 digg Currently, more and more designers are into mastering various 3D software tools to widen their skills in 3D graphic modeling and animation design. When it comes to direct examples, 3ds Max is usually one of the primary choices to consider since it is one of the commonly used applications in the 3D field. In fact, this software package is a great benchmark to help you understand the concept behind 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and compositing, plus it’ll enable you to more quickly ramp up for production and awesome 3D performance. To get the most out of this complex 3D animation rendering and modeling tool, you need to practice in creating different 3D models, objects, characters, and styles. DNA priority tutorial by Maxim Rudakov Making of the Auditorium by Alex Roman Head Modeling by Hatice Bayramoglu Hand Modeling Shadow Conscious by Andrius Balčiūnas Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Highway by Stanislav Klabik Who is Spock? by Andrei Szasz Young Rodeo by Rishikesh Nandlaskar Caterham

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials from Beginner to Advanced Surfaces doesn't Join! ( New user ) when having multiple curves in both directions, then yes, networksrf would be the best solution. And no, I didn't mean to make networksrf less valuable command, I simply wanted to say that it isn't the only command for making surfaces. Now, I don't know how experienced at rhino you are, but in my humble opinion I think you should rethink your way of approaching your modeling. You should look at the model from a bigger picture, sometimes to make a small object you need to create a big one and split it. One more thing, make your curves great! I've seen dozen of ppl overuse networksrf thinking from the aspect of poly modeling. Here is a simple example of me using Rebuild, MatchSrf and MergeSrf commands on your surfaces. Just keep in mind, if your curves are accurate, then your surfaces will be.

The Rule of Thirds in Real Life: 21 Perfectly-Composed Photos It’s a popular saying: “Rules are made to be broken.” But this is only half true, and something that beginners in photography should be wary of. Yes, rules are meant to be broken occasionally… but first you have to know those rules inside out, backwards, and diagonally. In photography, no rules are more common than the Rule of Thirds and the Golden Mean. If you follow the advice in that saying, you’ll avoid them like the plague, always looking for quirky or different compositions so that you’re not taking “the same photo” as everyone else. But the truth is that many the most popular photos EVER uploaded to 500px follow the Rule of Thirds and Golden Mean to a T. Have an example of when you followed these two rules perfectly?
