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The Silk Road

The Silk Road
On the eastern and western sides of the continent, the civilisations of China and the West developed. The western end of the trade route appears to have developed earlier than the eastern end, principally because of the development of the the empires in the west, and the easier terrain of Persia and Syria. The Iranian empire of Persia was in control of a large area of the Middle East, extending as far as the Indian Kingdoms to the east. Trade between these two neighbours was already starting to influence the cultures of these regions. This region was taken over by Alexander the Great of Macedon, who finally conquered the Iranian empire, and colonised the area in about 330 B.C., superimposing the culture of the Greeks. Although he only ruled the area until 325 B.C., the effect of the Greek invasion was quite considerable. Close on the heels of the Parthians came the Yuezhi people from the Northern borders of the Taklimakan. The eastern end of the route developed rather more slowly. Related:  ChinaChina

The Essence of the Chinese Calendar The Chinese calendar combines the lunar and solar systems together. The Year and Day cycles use the solar system. However, there are two different Month cycles in the Chinese calendar. The solar months are defined by the sun longitudes. The lunar month name is derived from the Solar Center Point. If a lunar month does not contain any Solar Center Point, that month is known as a Leap Month. Anyway, the principles of the Chinese Calendar use the following three rules which the ancient Chinese made them thousand years ago. The new moon day is the first day of a lunar month The name of a lunar name is named by the Solar Center Point The lunar month without a Center Point is a Leap month In the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the new moon day is the first day of a lunar month and the length of a lunar month is the length between two new moon days. Without this knowledge, above-mentioned, most people will be confused about the solar months and lunar months. Show you How to Convert Lunar Calendar

Silk Road Silk Road extending from Europe through Egypt, Somalia, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Java-Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam until it reaches China. The land routes are red, and the water routes are blue. Port cities on the maritime silk route featured on the voyages of Zheng He.[1] The Silk Road, or Silk Route, is a series of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by linking traders, merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads and urban dwellers from China to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time.[2] Extending 4,000 miles (6,437 kilometres), the Silk Road gets its name from the lucrative trade of Chinese silk which was carried out along its length, and began during the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD). Name[edit] History[edit] Precursors[edit] Cross-continental journeys[edit] Hellenistic era[edit]

Ngawang Choephel Ngawang Choephel (born 1966) is a documentary filmmaker, director and producer. Early life[edit] Choephel was born in western Tibet in 1966. He and his mother fled the hardship of Chinese occupation to India when he was two years old.[1] He grew up in a Tibetan settlement in Southern India and attended the Central School for Tibetans-CST until the age of 15.[2] In 1992 he graduated from the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts-TIPA in Dharamshala, India.[3] Career[edit] Prior to filmmaking, Choephel was a music teacher in Tibetan schools in India, where he taught Tibetan folk music to hundreds of children from exile communities. His passion for music garnered him a Fulbright scholarship in 1993 to study international music and filmmaking at Middlebury College in Vermont, United States.[4] He is also a recipient of Middlebury College's Honorary Doctor of Arts Degree, Peace Abbey's Courage of Conscience Award, Lobsang Wangyal's Best Act in Exile Award, and is a Sundance Institute Fellow.

Qigong Practice: Pei Yuan Qigong By Hu Xuezhi, Wang Tao, edited by Vietanh 1. Enrich Jing to foster the very original Choose any standing, sitting, lying posture. The sitting posture is preferable; for walking the novice is not easy to master the points. Once the practice begins, please follow the following sequence: 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 1-4. 1-5. 1-6. Each time practice for half an hour to one hour long before ending the practice. For married practitioners who often feel weak with lumbar region please prepare the following herbal pills for help your practice. Rehmannia, Chinese angelica, astragalus, black beans, papaya, Medlar, Wujiapi, Morinda, Digupi, Dodder, Ligustrum lucidum, Achyranthes, Polygonatum, each 30 grams, plantain seed, Eucommia ulmoides, Phellodendron, Cistanche, White Poria, Drynaria, each 24 grams, cornua cervi pantotrichum 20 grams (no available with red ginseng replaced), licorice root, leek son, Cynomorium son, small fennel 15 grams each. 1-7. 2. 2-1.

Silk Road: Map, Trade, History of Silk Road. Great Silk Road During the 6-14th century, there were thousands of large and small routes that crossed Asian Continent leading to the West. Caravans followed these routes and each was filled with exotic clothes, eastern goods and spices. These routes raised the Great Silk Road. Fascinating History of Silk Road History of Silk Road is fascinating and full of military conquest, fearless explorers, religious pilgrims and great thinkers, along with the humble tradesmen who risked life and limb for profit as they led their loaded caravans across dangerous deserts, mountains and steppes. Great Silk Road: Luxury Trade The story of silk trade is very cognitive. More Than Silk There are many other luxury goods besides silk that were transported along Silk Road. A Road of Ideas As merchants and other travellers traversed Silk Road, they also carried culture, art, philosophies and beliefs with them. More Silk Road links The Silkroad Great Silk Road

Tibet in Song Tibet in Song is a 2010 documentary film written, produced, and directed by Ngawang Choephel. The film celebrates traditional Tibetan folk music while depicting the past fifty years of Chinese rule in Tibet, including Ngawang's experience as a political prisoner. The film premiered on September 24, 2010 in New York City.[1] Synopsis[edit] Tibet in Song tells the story of Ngawang Choephel, a Tibetan exile and former Fulbright scholar at Middlebury College, who returns to Tibet in 1995 to videotape traditional music and dance.[2] The films follows his travels throughout the country recording music and understanding the impact of Chinese communist rule on Tibetan culture and everyday life. Production[edit] Two months into the trip, after he'd sent a batch of material back to friends in India, Chinese intelligence agents arrested Choephel and confiscated his camera, notes, and videotape. Reception[edit] The film received positive reviews from critics and the Tibetan community in exile.

Chine ancienne - L'armée immortelle de l'empereur Qin - Tyrannique, sanguinaire, mégalomane... Qin Shi Huangdi, premier empereur de Chine, s'est taillé une réputation qui n'a rien pour faire rêver. Pourtant aujourd'hui c'est par millions que les touristes se rendent sur ses traces à 25 km de Xi'an, dans le centre-est du pays. C'est là en effet qu'il avait décidé de se faire construire un tombeau extraordinaire, capable de le protéger jusqu'à la fin des temps. Vingt quatre siècles plus tard, l'homme qui ne craignait que la mort n'est toujours pas réapparu, mais l'armée qui devait l'accompagner dans son voyage vers l'éternité a commencé à sortir doucement de terre. Isabelle Grégor Un coup de pioche bien chanceux En cette année 1974, les paysans de la région de Xi'an commencent à s'inquiéter : il n'a pas assez plu, les récoltes sont en danger. La nouvelle remonte aux chefs du village, puis à la ville, puis à la capitale... et les archéologues arrivent enfin. Des guerriers à la pelle ! En rangs serrés Son portrait pour l'éternité Et dans la tombe ?

Silk Road - Introduction The Silk Road is a great East to West trade route and vehicle for cross-culture exchange started in the second century BC. It was first traveled by the adventure of Zhang Qian started the journey to the far West for the political contact with Yuezhi, a nomadic tribe, in 138 BC. But, it was only in 1870s that the geographer, Ferdinand von Richthofen gave the name by which we now know as the Silk Road. The general Zhang Qian was sent by Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty (206 BC- AD 220) to recruit the Yuezhi, who were the enemies of the Xiongnu in the second century BC. As Yuezhi tribe, Xiongnu was also a nomadic group who attempted to invade the Kansu province of Han Dynasty. Because the Xiongnu could not be restrained with any lasting effects, Emperor Wu decided to look for an alliance with Yuezhi who had been defeated by their enemies Xiongnu and driven to the Ili valley, the western fringes of the Taklamakan Desert.

ZTE ZTE Corporation is a Chinese multinational telecommunications equipment and systems company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. It is one of China's leading telecom equipment manufacturers.[2] It also offers products that provide value-added services,[4] such as video on demand and streaming media.[5] ZTE primarily sold products under its own name, but it is also an OEM.[6] ZTE is one of the top five largest smartphone manufacturers in its home market.[7] As with Huawei, the company has faced criticism in the United States over potential ties to the Chinese government that could enable surveillance. In 2017, ZTE was fined for illegally exporting U.S. technology to Iran and North Korea in violations of economic sanctions.[8] In April 2018, after the company failed to properly reprimand the employees involved, the U.S. History[edit] U.S. sanctions and import ban[edit] Later that month, the U.S. On 13 July 2018, the denial order was officially lifted.[40][41][42][43] PT. Zonergy[edit]

Pourquoi la démographie chinoise ne se relèvera pas La fin de l’enfant unique devrait permettre 50 millions de naissances d’ici à 2029. Insuffisant pour enrayer le vieillissement de la population. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Simon Leplâtre (Shanghaï, correpondance) La fin de la politique de l’enfant unique permettra la naissance de 50 millions d’enfants supplémentaires d’ici à 2029. Un chiffre insuffisant pour enrayer le vieillissement accéléré de la population chinoise. D’après une étude publiée vendredi 14 octobre dans la revue médicale The Lancet, la Chine ferait mieux de se préparer à vieillir. L’étude intitulée « Les effets de la politique universelle des deux enfants », de Therese Hesketh, du University College de Londres, et de Zeng Yi, de l’université de Pékin, estime que l’abolition de la politique de l’enfant unique permettra de repousser de six ans le pic de la population chinoise. Lire aussi : Investissements à l’étranger : l’insatiable appétit de la Chine Abandonner la limitation des naissances

Huawei Chinese technology company Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (; Chinese: 华为; pinyin: Huáwéi) is a Chinese multinational technology company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong. It designs, develops, and sells telecommunications equipment and consumer electronics (mainly smartphones). [4] The company was founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a former Deputy Regimental Chief in the People's Liberation Army.[5] Initially focused on manufacturing phone switches, Huawei has expanded its business to include building telecommunications networks, providing operational and consulting services and equipment to enterprises inside and outside of China, and manufacturing communications devices for the consumer market.[6][7] Huawei has over 194,000 employees as of December 2019[update].[8] In the midst of an ongoing trade war between China and the United States, Huawei was restricted from doing commerce with U.S. companies due to alleged previous willful violations of U.S. sanctions against Iran. Name[edit]
