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Ayasdi: Stanford Math Begets a Data Company Like most of his peers, Gunnar Carlsson spends his time thinking about hairy, theoretical math problems. It’s ivory tower stuff—he’s been a math professor for 30 years—which is just how the people in his field like it. “Mathematicians want to work on the deepest, hardest problems and get interesting intellectual results,” he says. In 2008, Carlsson, while continuing his work at Stanford, co-founded Ayasdi, a Palo Alto tech startup. SAP’s Application Software Business Worth More Than Oracle's SAP ( SAP ) and Oracle ( ORCL ) are the two biggest players in the enterprise application software market. SAP mainly sells application software solutions, while Oracle's business is much more diversified, including database software and middleware along with customer-facing applications. Having acquired Sun Microsystems last year, Oracle is now in the hardware business as well, selling servers and storage products loaded with its own software. We estimate that SAP's applications software business is worth about $62 billion, versus $45 billion for Oracle's application software business. Our analysis follows below. Application software primer

100 tips to improve your life This post was written by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits Most of us are interested in improving something about ourselves: our productivity, our sanity, our organization, our happiness, our effectiveness, our impact on the environment, our minds, our dreams. And you can spend hundreds of dollars on books and thousands of hours on websites looking for your answers. Or you can look no further, as we've collected 100 of the best tips on all of these subjects -- a massive resource list that is almost guaranteed to have something of use for everyone. This list is an introduction to the blogs of, taking a sample of some of the best tips from each of the blogs in the network: Black Belt Productivity, Behance, Cranking Widgets, Dumb Little Man, Happiness Project, LifeClever, LifeDev, No Impact Man, Pick the Brain, Success From the Nest, Tim Ferriss' Four Hour Workweek, Unclutterer, WiseBread, Zen Habits.

10 most popular analytic tools in business Business analytics is a fast growing field and there are many tools available in the market to serve the needs of organizations. The range of analytical software goes from relatively simple statistical tools in spreadsheets (ex-MS Excel) to statistical software packages (ex-KXEN, Statistica) to sophisticated business intelligence suites (ex-SAS, Oracle, SAP, IBM among the big players). Open source tools like R and Weka are also gaining popularity.

Oracle IP suit against Google tied to Boston-area startup Last month, Oracle Corp. (Nasdaq: ORCL) sued Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG), complaining the Mountain View, Calif., search giant stole its technology for use in Android — the mobile phone operating system that Google is using to give Apple Inc.’s (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPhone a run for the money. As far as technology intellectual property lawsuits go, the stakes could hardly be higher.

How to set and write SMART objectives ECU's Management for Performance System, or MPS, is an annual planning and review process that enables you and your supervisor to set goals for the year ahead and to review your progress to ensure these align with your area's operational plan and the University's strategic priorities. MPS involves regular dialogue between you and your supervisor to discuss work progress, outcomes and professional development. All permanent and fixed-term contract staff are required to participate in the planning and review process.

Forrester Wave: Big Data Predictive Analytics Solutions, Q1 2013 Forrester Wave evaluates Big Data Predictive Analytics solutions from Angoss Software, IBM, KXEN, Oracle, Revolution Analytics, Salford Systems, SAP, SAS, StatSoft, and Tibco Software and names SAS and IBM as leaders. Forrester Research has published a big report evaluating Big Data Predictive Analytics Solutions for Q1 2013. The report, written by Mike Gualtieri with Stephen Powers and Vivian Brown, used 51 criteria to evaluate solutions from 10 companies: Angoss Software, IBM, KXEN, Oracle, Revolution Analytics, Salford Systems, SAP, SAS, StatSoft, and Tibco Software. Oracle Growth Plans Worry Rivals and Customers But Oracle’s annual takeover of San Francisco pales against its larger ambitions — to supply just about all the technology, software and hardware, that businesses might need. This sweeping agenda has rattled the nerves of customers, who fear that Oracle has its own best interests, not theirs, at heart. The worry is that instead of saving money, customers will end up paying more over the long term, and that Oracle, already known for its aggressive tactics, will use its strong position in software to gain even more leverage over a larger array of products. Companies have long used Oracle’s software to keep track of their most prized information.

Eudeamon Copyright Evil Dolly 2007. All rights reserved. Katrina Nichols followed the solitary Bane through the darkened park. It was raining steadily and Katrina was soaked through despite her raincoat. She had an umbrella, but that would have been too unwieldy for sneaking through the trees and bushes. Besides, the Bane would surely spot an umbrella bobbing along in pursuit and would have darted off like they always did. Software in Analytics – the Changing Game We have discussed in an earlier post how the explosion of data (especially in terms of new variables) is leading to a huge requirement of Analytics professionals who can work on data mining and Visualisation / dash boarding. They say that a picture says more than a 1000 words. And the world of Analytics surely seems to be following this. We know that there are a large number of SaaS (software as a service) today which make all aspects of analytics much easier to execute than ever before. As the plethora of giants in this sphere increase in size ( SAS, SPSSS etc.) by acquiring smaller firms which compete in the BI space, so do the number of smaller players.
