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The Ad Contrarian

The Ad Contrarian

Le dictionnaire du futur Conventions orthographiques et grammaticales Ce glossaire-dictionnaire, initialement destiné aux aquariophiles, à l'aquaculture et globalement à la biologie aquatique, incluant la zoologie et la botanique, comporte de nombreuses définitions. Voici quelques notions de base permettant d'orthographier et déterminer correctement un binom latinisé désignant une espèce. Le binom est composé d'un nom de genre qui est un substantif masculin, féminin ou neutre. Le nom d'espèce suivant le nom de genre s'accorde avec celui-ci, et si le nom de genre est féminin, le nom d'espèce sera au féminin. Le latin taxonomique, en biologie, botanique ou zoologie, est heureusement une langue simplifiée à l'extrême qui est loin de comporter les effroyables difficultés grammaticales de la langue d'origine. Le nom de genre est un substantif, latin ou latinisé à partir d'un nom grec ou étranger ou d'un nom propre. - sont masculins :

Vintage Ad Browser future of advertising and advertising technolog I AM THE CLIENT! Gods of Advertising SITOMEMORIA > Pubblicità > Slogan, jingles, etc. - A-M | Cibo e bevande | Cinema | Giochi | Libri, fumetti e riviste | Musica, hi-fi e strumenti | | Pubblicità | Radio | Sport | Televisione | Trasporti | Varie | Links | in evidenza gli aggiornamenti, in corsivo i jingles FORUMEMORIA - Il forum dei nostri ricordi

Marketing and Advertising News With Attitude by Steve Hall and A Updates | Banksophilia: Friends of Iain Banks | Banksophilia – Friends of Iain Banks Hello again. Time for another update. I started writing this on (mostly) sunny Barra, at the end of a short holiday. We then spent a few nights in the Isle of Eriska hotel, mostly contemplating all our good intentions regarding doing lots of sporty stuff – actual swimming, attempting to play badminton, even just walking round the island – from our hot tub. The latest medical news is that my bilirubin level continues to fall and I have an appointment for a CT scan at the end of the month. Meanwhile, I’ve been reading the posts on the site. I wish I did have the time to reply to everybody individually but I don’t. And now a word about cars. Anyway, it suddenly strikes me that a lot of the above is digressive. Oh, and that bit in the last update, about telling the writers and artists you most admire now, before they’re dead? All the best Iain

AdFreak Need a new reason to cry at weddings? Tosando, a Japanese company that offers musical instruments and lessons, is pleased to oblige with this intense, time-tripping tear-jerker. The short film tells the story of a widowed, middle-aged father and his daughter on her wedding day. Judging from reactions around the Web, this finely crafted cinematic spot, clocking in at more than three minutes, has left more than a few viewers misty-eyed. Indeed, emotion-stirring ads from Asia are a big deal these days. All advertising is manipulative to some degree, but at least these weepers win us over with deft manipulation.

ECHOLAB Talent imitates, genius steals
