ESL Speaking Murder Mystery Game Learn English with a Murder Mystery This is a 15 to 20 minute group work fluency exercise. Each person is one character. There are 12 characters in the game. Print enough character cards for the students in your class. The character roles are here: esl-murder-mystery-game. Instructions for the students Read the information about your character. Game Background During a high school reunion, the guests heard a loud scream at 8.45 pm. Game Play Your job is to talk to the other characters and ask: who they arewhat they remember about Miss Greenspoonwhat they were doing when they heard Miss Greenspoon scream as she was killedcollect clues and use your brain power to find out the name of the murder Teach writing? Get the ebook Teach Essential Writing Skills. Save time. Cut your lesson prep time with this colossal collection of ESL resources that stimulate language learning and critical thinking.
Bedömning av muntlig kommunikativ förmåga Delprov B i ämnesprovet i årskurs 6 i engelska prövar elevernas receptiva förmåga, att läsa och förstå och att lyssna och förstå. Delprovet består därför av två delar, B 1 och B 2, där B 1 prövar förmågan att läsa och förstå. Många elever läser selektivt Bedömningen av elevers förmåga att läsa och förstå skriven engelska fokuserar på förmågan att förstå helhet och sammanhang, men också på att uppfatta detaljer. En del elever läser selektivt, det vill säga uppfattar detaljer som baseras på det ordförråd de har. Detta är en strategi som är vanlig i synnerhet bland ovana läsare. Olika typer av texter i ämnesprovet I ämnesprovet möter eleverna uppgifter som är konstruerade på olika sätt, för att pröva olika sorters läsning. Fokusera på om svaret är begripligt Både text, frågor och svarsalternativ måste läsas noga och tolkas rätt för att frågorna ska kunna besvaras. Flervalsfrågor Även när det gäller flervalsfrågor kan elevernas svar ge en del upplysningar. Översikt: Bedömning Delprov B Elevsvar
ESL Debates Should young children be allowed to work in the performing arts or professional sports? Child performers (actors, singers, figure-skaters, gymnasts etc.) often form an exception on the ban on child labour existing in most countries. Provided with on-set or on-pitch tutors they can train or perform for many hours each week on top of their schoolwork. For some this results in Olympic medals or multi-million dollar movies before they reach adulthood. Muntlig träning inför NP år 9 Vi ska börja med att titta närmre på ord som ni behöver använda för att kunna argumentera och diskutera på engelska. Dessa ord kallas på engelska Linking words. Här är en länk till Quizlet Linking words 1. Mobile phones are dangerous and disturb people Agree? 5. Smoking should not be allowed Agree? What do your friends think? 6. 7. / Sara
The Great Balloon Debate – The Canswedian English Teacher Sitting here in a super important meeting at school….so I decided to write a blog post. I just heard someone say it will go fast. We’re going on hour two now. Aaaanyhoo… The Great Balloon Debate is a great speaking activity/icebreaker for more advanced students (maybe grade 9). The scenario is that there are eight people in a balloon – but the balloon suddenly starts to fall out of the sky. Read the attached file – there are different scenarios you can do, but for time’s sake I get them to choose four people to stay in the balloon, and just keep narrowing it down until there are only two people left in the whole class. I had one girl win because she shouted … ” FOR GOD’S SAKE! Update: The meeting is still going on… Here is another website with a different template than I use Balloon Debates: Templates and Tips!
Task-based Learning | Förstelärare i Svedala ”How often do we as teachers ask our students to do something in class which they would do in everyday life using their own language? Probably not often enough.” Vardagskonversationer kring köksbordet, en shoppingrunda eller varför inte kvällen då du och dina kompisar bestämde er för att fixa ett party. Det var precis vad mina sjuor fick göra, planera ett party. an jag hunnit reagera hade några av grupperna tagit fram färgat papper, tuschpennor, lim och saxar. Om vi kan få språksituationerna i klassrummet att bli meningsfulla, självklara, som om vi faktiskt inte befinner oss i klassrummet, utan utanför. Task-based Learning ska helt enkelt så långt det är möjligt återspegla det verkliga livet för att flytta fokus från språket till uppgiften som ska lösas. Enligt Jane Willis (1996) finns det också ett femte steg i modellen (Post-task activities), ett steg som fokuserar på språket, och specifika språkfunktioner som omedvetet tränats på i ett autentiskt TBL-sammanhang. Att diskutera: 1.
Engage Now - Student Interactions - teacher heath Do you hear your students say things like: "No! That's Wrong!" "What are you talking about?" "Stop being so bossy!" Students Learn MORE when they discover new ideas from each other. I created 4 posters to hang on the wall, model, practice and constantly refer to during lessons. PROBLEM 1: Students weren't LISTENING to each other: First and foremost, I created a list of things that I wanted to 'see and hear' my kids doing that showed they were LISTENING to each other. PROBLEM 2: Students weren't STATING their thoughts clearly: Then, I created a list of idea 'stems' that would encourage students to use evidence to back up claims - this way, other students can see why a student made a claim. PROBLEM 3: Students were ARGUING and DISAGREEING: I created a list of 'respectful' ways to disagree. PROBLEM 4: Students weren't ASKING EACH OTHER FOR CLARITY: This was so weird to me. Here's a Music Video that shows each of the 4 topics in the posters:
101 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics | Ereading Worksheets 101 Persuasive Essay Topics By: Mr. Morton Whether you are a student in need of a persuasive essay topic, or a teacher looking to assign a persuasive essay, this list of 101 persuasive essay topics is a great resource. I taxed my brain to create this huge list of persuasive essay topics relevant to today’s society, but I believe it was worth the effort. Download this list in RTF formatDownload this list in PDF format Should students be allowed to have phones in elementary and high schools? Looking For Something Else?
Pathetic Excuses | Gaming in English Talk about practical life-skills … future in the pastmaking excuses Level (CEFR C1-C2)Ages 15 yrs and up When we talk about developing our students’ language skills, as ESL / EFL teachers we often neglect that most valuable of skills: making excuses for the things that we were supposed to do, but didn’t. Pathetic Excuses is a freer practice activity best used with advanced learners after doing some more focussed work on form and function of future in the past. You will need: A set of double-sided Trouble cards per group (of 3-4 students)A set of Excuses cards per group1 scaffolding handout per student20 minutesPut the students into groups of 3-4 students (at a push, the game will work with 5, but the down-time will be longer).Explain that the goal of the game is to get through the whole Trouble deck, collecting as few Trouble cards as possible.The starting player is the person in each group who most recently got in trouble. TEFLGamer is a pay what you want site. Save
The 50 Greatest Living Geniuses When we think of genius, what springs to mind? Is it the clichéd image of a man in a lab coat grimacing over beakers and test tubes? Is it the portrait of an artist who plumbs the depths of human expression while shattering boundaries in her chosen medium? Is it the notion of an accidental prodigy, a social misfit with a spectacular, unparalleled, and uncontainable talent? Do you picture an athlete capable of defying the laws of physics in the heat of competition, a prodigy of impenetrable brilliance, or a leader of charismatic distinction? As it happens, any one of these definitions and innumerable others qualify. The world needs engineers and entertainers; academics and antagonists; athletes and mathletes. Our list of geniuses is not entirely objective. Moreover, none of us may ever know just how much genius lurks in the remote, isolated, oppressed, imprisoned, and anonymous reaches of humanity. What criteria did we use? 1. (Born 1953; U.S.A.) Return to List 2. (Born ? 3. (Born 1930; U.S.A.)
Kickstarta läsåret med strategier - Mia Smith Ingen slöjdlärare skulle beordra eleverna att såga utan att först gå igenom hur man använder sågen på bästa sätt, eller beordra eleverna att använda symaskinen utan att först lära eleverna hur man hanterar alla spakar och rattar. I språkundervisningen har vi inga sågar eller symaskiner, men vi använder verktyg. Och även vi måste lära eleverna att använda verktygen. De verktyg jag tänker på är våra språkliga strategier. Jag brukar fråga mina elever vad en strategi är och de brukar komma med kloka svar. Det handlar om att snacka ihop sig inför ett anfall i CS, eller att bestämma innan hur man ska göra i en situation. Språkliga strategier har vi undervisat länge, och för den som vill födjupa sig vill jag rekommendera Lena Börjessons text Om strategier i engelska och moderna språk från Skolverket. En sammanfattning av de vanligaste icke-digitala strategierna jag undervisar. Men det finns nya strategier, och vare sig vi vill eller inte kommer eleverna använda dem.