SaaS and Web Applications Specialist Level Complete Certification Kit Posted on 2009-10-29. By anonymous. Description SaaS and Web Applications Specialist Level Complete Certification Kit - Software as a Service Study Guide Book and Online Course By Ivanka Menken, Gerard BlokdijkPublisher: Emereo Pty Ltd 2009-06-12 | 218 Pages | ISBN: 1742440185 | PDF | 1.8 MB The opportunities provided by SaaS and Web Applications solutions allowed for significant growth within an industry that continues to mature and develop at a rapid pace. The traditional rationale for outsourcing of IT systems involves applying economies of scale to the operation of applications, such that a service provider can offer better, cheaper, more reliable applications than companies can themselves. The primary goal of this book and course is to provide the quality education and support materials needed to enable the understanding and application of SaaS and Web Applications in a wide-range of contexts. * Real-world scenarios put what you've learned in the context of service solutions.
How To Get The High (Very French-Feeling) Bun Lately, it seems, we’ve been inundated with red carpet high buns—Charlize Theron loves ‘em, Rachel Bilson went high and tight recently, and SJP has sported the high bun for years. Mostly I shy away from the style because I think they look a bit too ballerina and also just too sweet on me—until now. I happened upon this high bun, above, and instantly fell in love. Maybe it’s the French feeling of the style or the casual, just-swept-up look, but how cool would it be paired with, well, anything in your closet? Adore. Plus, I love that there are how-to photo instructions—because nothing says “this is how you do it!” One bit of advice, though: You need really long hair.
102 Personal Finance Tips Your Professor Never Taught You If you're anything like me, you graduated from college and perhaps even took a finance class or accounting class here or there, but you didn't learn anything about managing your personal finances. In fact, there probably wasn't even an opportunity to take any such class in either high school or college. But if college is partly about training us for a job, shouldn't we learn what to do with the money we earn from a job? Especially in a country where 45% of college students are in credit card debt and 40% of all Americans say they live beyond their means, I think it's time to wise up to some of the challenges of money management. The Painfully Obvious But Rarely Followed Tips Pay yourself first. Career and Education Get educated. Credit and Loans Get a rewards card. Frugality Buy a used car. Homeowning Upgrade your old bathrooms and kitchens. Insurance Insure yourself against financial ruin. Investing Be wary of mutual funds. Retirement Optimize your 401(k). Saving Save now. Taxes
233 Ways to Make Money Many of our customers are entrepreneurs. In this post, I thought I’d try to light the entrepreneurial fire under some of our other readers by publishing the world’s longest list of ways to make money. I aimed to include as many ways to make money that don’t require special training as possible (and I’ll add to the list over time so bookmark it now). Update (April 20, 2011): We’ve grown considerably over the last few months and, accordingly, it’s time to scale our transcription team. Update (December 2, 2010): If you’re interested in this list of ways to make money, you might also be interested in our list of 277 ways to save money.
The Corporatocracy Systematically Destroying the American Middle The biggest scam of the century is making a full conclusion with this deep recession. What made America the envy of the entire world, a strong and vibrant middle class, is being quickly dismantled so the new order of corporate raiders can siphon off life support from the productive economy. Nothing highlights this grand robbery more so than the current situation of our country. For eight straight months foreclosure filings have hit 300,000 or more yet banks on Wall Street are gearing up for record yearend bonuses for a job well done. The average American is seeing the culmination of 40 years of systematic leeching by the corporatocracy that culminated in the largest transfer of wealth in modern history. People wonder why I focus so much on the middle class of America. Critics always point to the rising household wages since the 1970s. *Source: Elizabeth Warren -A good home to raise a family-Access to a good education-Quality healthcare-A decent retirement Source: Rortybomb The U.S.
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Theodore R. Daniels: Looking Ahead: Have It When You Need It Many of us look forward to retirement. We can hardly wait for the time to put down our tools and change our daily routine. In spite of this desire, many Americans do not plan for retirement until just before they stop working. By then, it is often too late. You can expect to live 15 to 20 years after age 65. A vast majority of people continue to rely primarily on receiving Social Security and pension benefits for retirement income. Today, we have to be more concerned with planning for our retirement years than ever before. Traditional family relationships, as we used to know them, as not so dominant as they used to be. Retirement planning consists of two components. If you are near retirement it is not too late to shift your financial planning and money management into retirement gear in order to maximize the income and assets you have accumulated. Theodore R.