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Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs

Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs
Technology can be a powerful tool to assist students with special needs or any sort of learning challenge. In particular the Chrome web browser allows users to install a wide variety of web extensions that provide tools that can help all learners, regardless of ability level. In this blog post we will take a look at over 30 Chrome web extensions that can assist students in five main categories:Text to SpeechReadabilityReading ComprehensionFocusNavigation Some of the tools fit into more than one topic, but each is only listed once. Certainly this list does not cover all of the useful web extensions available for struggling learners, but it is a great place to begin. In addition to the list of extension, I have also linked in the video and help guide from a webinar I did a while back on "Google Tools for Special Needs". Text to Speech extensions 2) Read AloudChrome web extension link This text-to-speech extension will read either the entire page or just the text that you have selected. Related:  Funktionsvariationer

specialpedagogen | Det inkluderande klassrummet Google Classroom updated w/ individualized assignments, more notifications, & improved API | 9to5Google Cloud-backed and featuring smart tools, Google Classroom is the company’s take on modern educational technology. Used by 20 million students and teachers, Classroom is getting a number of updates today that add support for personalized learning, more notifications, and an improved API for developers. Speaking to the trend towards more personalized education, Classroom now allows teachers to more easily assign individualized work to students and groups. In addition to existing ones, new notifications for teachers can now specify when late work is submitted and when assignments are re-submitted. Other changes are aimed at providing more data and statistics to school administrators. Like other products, Classroom features an API to allow third-party developers to make apps. These features are now live in the web interface and respective mobile apps.

Alcoholic Parent: Its Effects on Kids “The nights that year were so difficult for Sareena. Her father was struggling with instability at work. As a result of the stress, he had started drinking every night. For a 15 years old, who had been so close to her parents, these daily fights at home between her parents and hearing the bottles crashing on the floor was nothing less than a nightmare.” Alcohol is just another drink consumed by people all over the world. A few of the many ways in which alcoholic parents affect kids are: Emotional health Environment at home contributes a lot to the mental and emotional health of a child. Sense of responsibility Children have to act far beyond their age. Embarrassment It becomes difficult for kids to take their parents to gatherings. Nor a child can prevent his parents from falling prey to alcoholism, neither can he solely make them sober.

Kollegial handledning kring elever med autism och adhd | Ett stöd för lärare och länk mellan elevhälsa och klassrum 20 Best Google Classroom Tips From Google Pros By Learn2Earn Blog Team Google Classroom is almost as common in today’s classroom as a chalkboard—or white board, or smart board. As of its one-year anniversary, May 6, 2015, 70 million assignments have been created and 2.3 million users have downloaded the Chrome extension. If you’re a Google Classroom user, these tips will help you discover more awesome features to use. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. More: 3 Reasons to Bring Digital Note Taking to Your Classroom 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. More: 7 Tools to Improve Reading Comprehension 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Techniques for Retraining Your Brain Why is it so hard to lose weight, stop smoking, or establish healthy habits? Why do couples argue about the same issues over and over? Why do so many people lie awake at night, stricken with worry and anxiety? Why is it so difficult to come to terms with a loved one’s death, even if it’s after a long illness? Show Full Description Hide Full Description The answers to these questions—and the path to lasting change in your life—lie in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a well-tested collection of practical techniques for managing moods and modifying undesirable behaviors through self-awareness, critical analysis, and taking steps toward gradual, goal-oriented change. CBT illuminates the links between thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and physical health and uses those connections to develop concrete plans for self-improvement. As a special feature of this course, you’ll observe CBT session scenarios between Professor Satterfield and three “patients”: The Science of Lasting Change

Varför är det så svårt att skriva i skolan? Del 3 – Tydlighet | ETT ANNAT SÄTT ATT TÄNKA Många elever med autism har svårt att skriva i skolan. Vad det kan bero på har jag skrivit om i ett tidigare blogginlägg. För många är ett av problemen att uppgiften inte är tillräckligt tydlig. En del saker som kan verka uppenbara för de flesta är inte alltid det för någon med autism. Därför behöver man informera även om detaljer. Min son Platon hade inte förstått att man fick hoppa över uppgifter i en läxa och gå tillbaka till dem senare. Tänk också på att det kan vara svårt att komma ihåg all information om den bara förmedlas muntligt. Här nedan följer några listor med exempel på vad man kan behöva informera om inför en skrivuppgift. Självklart måste man vara lika tydlig även när det gäller andra typer av uppgifter. Utformningen Hur många sidor/ord? Hur ska man göra? Samla ihop information på kort först? På Lärarnas riksförbund har Annika Sjödahl skrivit ett blogginlägg med fina bilder på hur själva skrivprocessen går till. Hur utför man den här typen av uppgift? Lyrik/poesi/dikter

6 Tips for Getting Started with Google Classroom [infographic] | Shake Up Learning Pinterest Google Classroom is a free application designed by Google to help students and teachers communicate, collaborate, organize and manage assignments, go paperless, and much more! This is the ONLY application that Google has developed specifically for students and teachers, and they want it to be your go-to assignment manager for Google Drive and beyond. Google Classroom is a very clean, easy-to-use application, but there are a lot of best practices you will learn along the way. I’ve put together some of the tips I have learned while using Google Classroom, and tips I’ve learned from other teachers. Want More Google Classroom Tips? The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom is chocked full of step-by-step instructions for using Google Classroom, setting up classes, creating announcements, discussions, assignments, management and tips! Also available from these websites: Summary Article Name 6 Tips for Getting Started with Google Classroom [infographic] Description Author Kasey Bell YES!

The Happiness Project: Tips: Ten tips for being happier. Every Wednesday is Tip Day. This Wednesday: 10 tips for being happier. I blog regularly for Real Simple, on Simply Stated, and I was very HAPPY when they asked me to write something for the print magazine. A lot of people saw this article in the magazine, and when it was picked up on the Yahoo! These aren’t necessarily the most essential tips for being happy — I tried to include strategies that might not otherwise occur to people. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. * I was intrigued by this blog’s title, How to Succeed Socially. *Did you enjoy this article? For regular updates, you can subscribe to The Happiness Project RSS feed, or my monthly newsletter, or sign up for daily emails in the box in the upper-right-hand corner of my blog.

Lästips om npf-relaterade appar Special Nests material bli inte inaktuellt på samma sätt som de dagsaktuella nyheter vi tar del av i det dagliga medieflödet. Du kan i stället se oss som en kunskapsbank dit du kan återkomma för att hitta artiklar om det som för tillfället är av intresse för dig. Prova på en gång genom att skriva in ett ämne som intresserar dig i sökrutan på startsidan: Somliga av våra artiklar ligger inom Premiumformatet, vilket betyder att de är låsta och endast kan läsas av våra prenumeranter. Om du vill teckna en prenumeration kan du göra det här: Sex artiklar om appar med koppling till npf-området: "Appen för en trygg och självständig resa: I denna artikel intervjuas beteendevetaren Anna Sjölund som har utvecklat appen Resledaren, vars syfte är att underlätta tillvaron i kollektivtrafiken för personer med neuropsykiatriska diagnoser.

Tips for Using Google Classroom - dummies By James T. Cains Using Google Classroom is fairly straightforward for teachers and students. However, there are some tips and tricks you can use to make your life, and the lives of your students, much easier. Use Google apps to create documents Because Google Classroom is based on Google Drive, all of the Google Drive apps (such as Docs, Sheets, Slides, and so on) are fully integrated into Classroom. Invite students to your class using the class code You can save a lot of time inviting students to your class if you simply give them the class access code and, therefore, the responsibility of inviting themselves. Choose to make a copy of a document for each student Most of the time, when you’re creating a homework assignment, you want to choose Make a Copy for Each Student, which allows each student to work on his or her own copy of the document. Join other classes as a student Clearly explain change of ownership for assignment documents to your students

Want to Be Happier? Stop Doing These 10 Things Right Now Gäller inte reglerna i skolan om man har adhd? Min dotter kommer dagligen hem och berättar att några andra elever i klassen skriker, hoppar på bänkar och bord, springer runt 95 procent av lektionerna och stör andra elever. Arbetsron är obefintlig. Ändå älskar hon skolan och hon älskar fröken. Läs ett svar på denna insändare här: Sverige har skolplikt – lös problemet! Jag åkte dit en dag för att se med egna ögon. Läs även: Diagnoserna där killar är norm: ”Tjejer uppvisar inte adhd på det sättet som vi lärt oss" Jag ser att 80 procent av lärarens tid går åt till de som inte sköter sig. 20 procent till dem som sitter och väntar. "De har adhd." Jag förstår inte svaret och frågar vad hon menar. "Ja, de har svårigheter och är i behov av stöd." Jag fattar fortfarande inte utan frågar om reglerna inte gäller om man har adhd. "Jodå, men det tycker inte barnen eller deras föräldrar. Läs också: Mamma upprörd över insändare: "Min dotter är inte ouppfostrad" På riktigt. Läs mer: Skolpersonal om insändaren: "Det är tufft i många klassrum idag"
