Voyages en Français blooms, learning styles and thinking organisers How do thinking/graphical organisers or mind mapping tools fit with Learning styles and Bloom's Revised taxonomy. The key element to a thinking or graphical organiser is, in my opinion, the key or focusing question. No matter how complex or developing the model or organiser you are using, if the focusing question or topic is weak the end result will be poor. Bloom's arranges various activities in terms of increasing complexity going from Low Order Thinking skills to Higher Order Thinking skills. They represent the learning process, to understand one must remember, to apply a concept you must understand it etc Simple mind maps and concept diagrams are a brilliant tool for enabling students to remember and understand. Key Words Interpreting Exemplifying Summarising Inferring Paraphrasing Classifying Comparing ExplainingRecognising Listing Describing Identifying Retrieving Naming Locating/Finding Model Simple Flowchart This is a simple concept linking to next concept. Simple Concept map Models
Le rap français, un produit musical postcolonial ? 1 Dans leur titre Tout n’est pas si facile (in « Paris sous les bombes », Epic : 1995), le groupe NTM (...) 1À l’instar des « petits blancs » des banlieues paisibles des classes aisées de la société états-unienne, qui sont autant accros aux albums des rappeurs caucasiens des Beastie Boys ou de Eminem que des chansons des gangsta rappers afro-américains de G-Unit ou de Snoop Dogg, les adolescents blancs des quartiers riches français, qui plébiscitent tant le rap post-adolescent de Diam’s que le rap identitaire pro-africain du 113 ou pro-noir de Booba, se sont épris de la musique rap, comme ce fut le cas avec le rock au milieu du xxesiècle, avec l’idée de s’« encanailler » (Cathus, 1998 : 142-149) avec l’hymne des bad boys. Que ce soit à New York ou à Paris, le rap, genre musical du mouvement culturel nommé hip hop, est né dans des « lieu[x] abandonné[s] par excellence, mis au ban de l’ordre et du service public [et] donc de la loi et du droit » (Gallet, 2006 : 56). 19 Cf.
Bloom's and the Three Storey Intellect A colleague has given me an excellent poster she has developed on the three storey intellect. As a taxonomy of higher and lower order thinking, it is a clean and simple model. The three storey intellect was inspired Oliver Wendell Holmes. “There are one-storey intellects, two-storey intellects, and three-storey intellects with skylights. All fact collectors who have no aim beyond their facts are one-storeymen. created by A Churches image source:
ntemporary French Civilization Synopsis Contemporary French Civilization, a journal devoted to all aspects of civilization and cultural studies in France and the Francophone world, has been published by Liverpool University Press since 2011. In its thirty-eighth year, Contemporary French Civilization moved to three issues, and continues to provide an informative and stimulating interdisciplinary forum for scholars wishing to share their knowledge and insights with a broad, diversified audience. The journal publishes articles, essays, and notes; book reviews of the latest works of interest; and information on the arts and a variety of aspects of French and Francophone cultures. Contemporary French Civilization publishes material written in either French or English and is hosted online by Metapress. CFC is part of LUP's growing list of journals in the field, including Australian Journal of French Studies (edited by Professor Brian Nelson) and Francosphères (edited by Professor Andrew Hussey). Editor-in-Chief:Denis M.
10 Team-Building Games That Promote Collaborative Critical Thinking One of education’s primary goals is to groom the next generation of little humans to succeed in the “real world.” Yes, there are mounds of curricula they must master in a wide breadth of subjects, but education does not begin and end with a textbook or test. Other skills must be honed, too, not the least of which is how to get along with their peers and work well with others. This is not something that can be cultivated through rote memorization or with strategically placed posters. Students must be engaged and cooperation must be practiced, and often. The following team-building games can promote cooperation and communication, help establish a positive classroom environment and — most importantly — provide a fun, much-needed reprieve from routine. 10 Team-Building Games That Promote Collaborative Critical Thinking 1. This team-building game is flexible. You can recycle this activity throughout the year by adapting the challenge or materials to specific content areas. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
histoire | John Gardner, 30 exercices d'écriture Let us suppose the writer has mastered the rudiments. How should he begin on fiction ? What should he write about, and how can he know when he’s done it well ? Est-ce que nous viendrions encore aujourd’hui à John Gardner si un de ses élèves en creative writing, Raymond Carver, ne lui avait pas rendu un magnifique hommage, pour ce qu’il lui devait ? Probablement que si. Et que son Art of fiction (1983, presque rien...), sous-titré donc « notes sur le métier, à l’attention des jeunes auteurs », est directement dédié « à mes collègues enseignants de creative writing », et c’est même ce que je proposerais de vraiment prendre au sérieux. La démarche de Gardner est profondément rigoureuse et respectueuse. L’intitulé des chapitres est un monde en soi : « Loi esthétique et mystère artistique », « Trucs de base, genre, et la fiction en tant que rêve », « Erreurs habituelles », et surtout « Métafiction, déconstruction et tout ça » (« Metafiction, deconstruction and jazzing around »). 4a 4b 4c 4d 23a 23b
Teaching strategies Global education covers complex and controversial issues. This is a selection of teaching and learning approaches that develop knowledge and skills to respond to global issues. Freedom fighter or terrorist? Passionate or one-eyed? The words used and our interpretation of images and statistics are an insight into our perspective or bias – our view of the world. Global education aims to assist students to recognise bias in written and visual texts, consider different points of view and make judgements about how bias can lead to discrimination and inequality. Activities to help students understand bias: Younger students might rewrite a well-known story from a different perspective – for example, Little Red Riding Hood rewritten from the perspective of the wolf. Cartoons are a great way to challenge thinking about an issue. Cartoons can be used in the global education classroom to: Activities Tell a story Cut up the pictures and ask students to re-order the story. What is shown in the cartoon?
Ressources pour le management interculturel L'Institut de management et de communication interculturels (ISIT), organisme de formation privé associatif, propose sur son site une liste de ressources en ligne récentes et librement accessibles sur le sujet du management interculurel. Les ressources sont classées selon leur nature : Articles de presse, Blogs, Moteur de recherche, Publications universitaires. Au total, un peu plus de 30 ressources sont recensées. Parmi les articles de presse, signalons un article publié par Les Echos en mars 2013, qui s'intéresse aux variations de l'aménagement des espaces de travail dans les différents pays. Plusieurs des publications universitaires signalées traitent spécifiquement de la Chine. L'article "Pour en finir avec Hofstede : renouveler les recherches en management interculturel" montre que la discipline est en train d'évoluer et de rompre avec des conceptions vieilles de près de 50 ans qui doivent être réactualisées. Référence : ISIT. D'autres ressources À lire également dans Thot Cursus :
Questioning Toolkit Essential Questions These are questions which touch our hearts and souls. They are central to our lives. They help to define what it means to be human. Most important thought during our lives will center on such essential questions. What does it mean to be a good friend? If we were to draw a cluster diagram of the Questioning Toolkit, Essential Questions would be at the center of all the other types of questions. All the other questions and questioning skills serve the purpose of "casting light upon" or illuminating Essential Questions. Most Essential Questions are interdisciplinary in nature. Essential Questions probe the deepest issues confronting us . . . complex and baffling matters which elude simple answers: Life - Death - Marriage - Identity - Purpose - Betrayal - Honor - Integrity - Courage - Temptation - Faith - Leadership - Addiction - Invention - Inspiration. Essential Questions are at the heart of the search for Truth. Essential Questions offer the organizing focus for a unit.
L'impact de l'immigration sur l'économie française Accueil > Formations et ressources > Liste des documentaires - conférences > L'impact de l'immigration sur l'économie française L'impact de l'immigration sur l'économie française AUNEGE présente une courte vidéo pédagogique permettant de mieux comprendre l'influence de l'immigration sur l'économie en France. AUNEGEUniversité Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense200 av. de la République 92001 Nanterre CedexFrance Recommander cette page à un(e) ami(e) Lorsque l'on parle de l'impact de l'immigration sur l'économie française, plusieurs remarques, qui sont autant d'idées négatives, fusent immédiatement, du type "On ne peut pas accueillir toute la misère du monde", "Les émigrés prennent l'emploi des Français" ou "Les immigrés coûtent cher à nos finances publiques". Crédit photo : Popartic / Niveau : Populaire Sujets : Politique - Affaires publiques, Finance - Assurances - Banques, Économie - Fiscalité, Développement international Mots-clés : Immigration, AUNEGE, Économie