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Related:  Gamification, Gbl, Education

ADRIFT: Create your own Interactive Fiction Serious Gaming : les jeux vidéo, une “porte d’entrée” vers l’Histoire Pour Romain Vincent, professeur d'histoire, les jeux vidéo permettent de s'immerger dans une période historique donnée. Surtout s'ils sont intégrés à une séquence pédagogique. Versailles – 1996 – Cryo Interactive Romain Vincent, 29 ans, enseigne l’histoire-géographie au collège de l’Europe, à Chelles (Seine-et-Marne). Passionné par les jeux vidéo depuis l’enfance, son envie de les intégrer dans sa pratique éducative l’a poussé à créer une chaîne YouTube, où il partage ses idées de “serious gaming”. Depuis cet été, il prépare des séances pédagogiques, pour ses élèves de 6e, 5e et 3e. En mai-juin 2015, Romain Vincent prévoit d’utiliser Versailles avec sa classe de 5e. La séance durera 2 heures. Le professeur d’histoire devrait également utiliser Type:Rider, un jeu de plateforme qui retrace l’histoire de l’écriture, “ce qui est au programme de 6e”, note-t-il. La force pédagogique des jeux vidéo Les Chevaliers de Baphomet – 1996 – Revolution Software Type:Rider – 2013 – Ex Nihilo Fabien Soyez

Ice-Breaker Games For Children Coping with a large group of children who you don't know can be intimidating for an adult - and it can be very scary for the children, too. We have listed below some good ice-breaker games which will help the kids to get to know each other (and you to get to know them, too). Explore below... Great for pairing up children at the beginning of a party, and for breaking the ice when kids don't know each other well as everyone has an excuse to approach other people and start talking. This is an excellent game to play when you have a group of children who don't know each other well. Although not a game as such, I decided to include this here as it is such a good "getting to know you" activity for a group or class of children. This is a game that shows children that they are unique but also allows them to see things that they have in common. This is a good game for younger or shyer children who may find it difficult to talk confidently to a group.

10 PowerPoint Games – tekhnologic There are several benefits to using PowerPoint games in the classroom. They provide an opportunity to model an activity or a game (especially with large classes), they can be fun to play, they are easy to create or edit and they don’t require an internet connection. Since tekhnologic started over two years ago, I have shared several PowerPoint games that I have created. Now, as 2016 draws to a close, I wanted to put together a bumper pack of PowerPoint games to thank everyone who has been following this blog. You’ll find a few some new games as well as some old favorites. I hope you will enjoy playing them. Game Number 1: Tic-Tac-Toe Download the tic-tac-toe PowerPoint I wrote about playing tic-tac-toe to set discussion goals back in April 2015, but I originally designed the template in Excel. When you open the template, you will see nine numbered squares. Divide your students into two teams. Circles go first. Click on the square once to reveal a circle. Then it’s the crosses turn. Pair Up

Gamification, 10 buoni esempi di aziende che giocano Fabio Viola«I giochi a oggi sono il miglior strumento mai inventato per motivare le persone e incollarle a uno schermo: ecco perché le aziende utilizzano sempre più spesso la gamification per aumentare l’engament con i propri utenti/clienti, rafforzare la loyalty al brand, migliorare processi e rendere meno noiosi alcuni compiti». A parlare è Fabio Viola, esperto di gamification, game designer, autore del blog, coordinatore didattico del master in Engagement & Gamification dello IED Milano e membro del comitato scientifico del master in Gamification dell’Università Tor Vergata a Roma. Un guru della materia, insomma, che ci tiene a sgombrare subito il campo dalle definizioni non corrette del termine gamification. A Fabio Viola, che è stato anche ospite di EconomyUpTv (GUARDA LA VIDEOINTERVISTA), abbiamo chiesto di raccontarci dieci casi in cui le aziende hanno utilizzato la gamification con efficacia. Ecco la sua lista. Zombies, Run! English Attack! quant’altro.

Voyages en Résistances 25 awesome apps for teachers, recommended by teachers What are the best apps for teachers? We asked TED-Ed Innovative Educators and the TED-Ed community. Below, 25 awesome apps recommended for teachers, by teachers. For teaching students how to present, create and code TED-Ed More than 250,000 teachers use TED education tools to spark student curiosity and explore presentation literacy skills. Haikudeck Students can create beautiful presentations with this app. Duolingo If the benefits of a bilingual brain motivate your students, try this app. Draw and Tell This app can increase creative confidence in kids of all ages. Animoto Students can easily create and share their own beautiful videos with Animoto. iMovie This popular app is another teacher-recommended choice for student video creation. Instructables From science experiments to merit badges, this app offers instructions for more than 100,000 DIY projects. Hopscotch Students can learn computer science fundamentals — via game design — using this app. For everyday classroom needs

Build-A-Body Overview Learn about the body's systems with this drag and drop game. Choose organs from the organ tray, and place them in their correct position within the body to create organ systems. Build-A-Body is a drag and drop game where players are tasked with assembling an organ system from a set of organs. How to play Build-a-Body Choose organs from the organ tray, drag and drop them in their correct position within the body to build each system. Teaching with Build-a-Body Build-a-body is an awesome tool to introduce and teach concepts of human anatomy and human physiology. Early Childhood Education with Build-a-Body Where does my food go?

Kids Games - Educational Computer Games Online | TurtleDiary Femmes de Science (kit gratuit à imprimer) | Luana Games Ce fichier PDF vous perment d'imprimer le jeu « Femmes de Science » et son extension « Femmes de l'Espace » par vous-même, gratuitement. Il est sous licence Creative Commons, vous pouvez imprimer et le distribuer le jeu autant que vous le souhaitez, mais pas le vendre ni le modifier. (Si vous souhaitez le vendre ou le modifier, contactez-nous!) Si vous partagez le fichier PDF, faites un lien vers cette page SVP, nous y publieront des mises à jour. Nous recommandons d'imprimer sur du papier blanc, « glossy », avec un grammage situé entre 150g/m2 et 300g/m2. Enseignants: obtenez une réduction de 50% en achetant des jeux pour toute une classe! Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 Powerful Tools To Create Educational Whiteboard Animation Videos June 8, 2017 You probably have seen them before, whiteboard style animations are everywhere online. They are used by profit and non-profit entities to advertise, educate or to simply communicate effectively. Two popular educational YouTube channels that use this animation style are TED Ed and RSA Animate. In short, whiteboard animation (also called video scribing or animated doodling) is a video clip in which the recorder records the process of drawing on a whiteboard while using audio comment. The final result is a beautiful synchronization of the drawings and the audio feedback. 1- GoAnimate Go Animate allows you to produce your own professional whiteboard animation-style video using your mouse and your favorite internet browser on GoAnimate! 2- Video Scribe VideoScribe empowers you to create your own whiteboard-style animated videos without any design or technical know-how. 3-Animaker Animaker is an excellent animation video maker that allows you to create engaging video content.

A Practical Way To Apply Gamification In The Classroom How To Apply Gamification In The Classroom To Enhance Motivation As a teacher in a public school in Thailand (English Program), I have read a lot about gamification. I haven’t noticed it before, but it is being used in our daily life in all sorts of ways. Students today are digital natives; not like their digital immigrant teachers. As a science teacher, I have noticed that students lose their attention very quickly or seem to have no motivation to learn the curriculum's topics: That’s even before the mental challenges required by the science subject. What Is Gamification All About? Many studies have looked into the games industry to find out why games are so addictive to both children and adults. Challenge.Chance.Competition.Cooperation.Feedback.Rewards.Winning.Progression. These game elements can be easily extracted from a game content and applied to almost any field. Grades Are Fun Screw It, Let's Do It: How To Apply Gamification In The Classroom Conclusion What do you think?

The Guide to Digital Games and Learning | MindShift | KQED News | KQED Public Media for Northern CA MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning How can games unlock a rich world of learning? This is the big question at the heart of the growing games and learning movement that’s gaining momentum in education. The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning [PDF] explains key ideas in game-based learning, pedagogy, implementation, and assessment. This guide makes sense of the available research and provides suggestions for practical use. The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning started as a series of blog posts written by Jordan Shapiro with support from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and the Games and Learning Publishing Council. Here's a preview of the table of contents: Introduction: Getting in the Game (Page 4) An overview of games in the classroom from Katie Salen Tekinbaş, executive director of the Institute of Play. What the Research Says About Gaming and Screen Time (Page 6) Much of the research around digital games and screen time is evolving.
