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The Future Of Online Dating? Home » iPhone , Mobile , News Last week I was presenting on augmented reality at a minibar event in central London. As part of my talk I was giving an overview on the opportunities and how companies can include augmented reality functionality in their existing solutions. One of the examples I gave was around online dating. Street Spark is an augmented reality dating application for the iPhone that allows you to see other single people who are around you and send them private messages. To avoid being spammed by psychos and bunny boilers, if you spot someone you like you can express your interest by ‘igniting’. Rather than attempt to match you with people 50 miles away, you are able to sign into HotSpots, so if you visit lets say London Soho you can sign in to the area and see who else is using the application around you, and that’s where the augmented reality view comes into effect. StreetSpark is free and you can download it here . Did you like this? Related posts you may like:

2012 - Official Movie Site and Trailer 10 Amazing Augmented Reality iPhone Apps While Lawnmower Man may have led us to believe the future was a virtual one, it seems that in fact augmented reality (the overlaying of digital data on the real world) is where we're headed. A buzz technology right now, augmented reality apps are quickly gaining momentum on the iPhone. So to add to the quick overview of six AR apps we brought you earlier, we sort the digital wheat from the pixellated chaff to bring you ten AR apps for the iPhone that vary from functional, to educational, to just plain fun. 1. Le Bar Guide Although the wisdom of getting drunk people to wave their iPhones around on today's mean streets is questionable, if you drink responsibly, as this Stella Artois-backed app urges you to, this could be a handy tool. 2. Another corporate-backed app, this time by Plantronics, is WorkSnug, an iPhone app that finds digital nomads a place to lay their weary laptop. 3. This star map app will spell out the stars, planets and constellations for you. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. iPew

API for mobile augmented reality developers I ran an interesting workshop at Mobile World Congress for people interested in augmented reality. The topic, should I build a plug-in for another application was one of the groups discussion topics. Some of the audience members were in favour of building plug-ins and I can see the attraction. Products like Layar and Wikitude provide you with the application leaving you only to worry about your POIs. If you are not a marketing expert then you also have the opportunity to take advantage of their vast number of users with out doing a thing. With all these benefits there must be some drawbacks? Complexity: if you are looking for a solution that goes beyond clicking on a POI and displaying data then building a plug-in is not for you. The other option is building an application yourself; the obvious benefits are you control everything and if your application is chargeable you keep a lions share of the money, but it’s not without its draw backs either: Use the Wikitude API Did you like this?

Nouweo - Le Wikipedia de l'information (100 invitations) Je suis heureux de vous présenter Nouweo, que je qualifierais de Wikipédia de l'information ( je vais expliquer pourquoi ), car ce site a été créé par Camille, que vous avez notamment pu lire ici même, sur AccessOWeb, durant un certain temps, lorsqu'il rédigeait des billets, avant de se lancer dans une grande aventure :) Nouweo est donc un site d'informations dans de multiple domaines, mais ce n'est pas un Wikio Like, ce n'est pas un agrégateur de contenu. Sur Nouweo, ce sont les utilisateurs qui vont écrire les informations, de façon communautaire. Voilà le prinicpe : vous proposez un sujet d'info sur la santé par exemple avec un peu de texte. vous soumettez celui ci et d'autres internautes vont venir compléter votre sujet vous estimez que le sujet est complet ou presque donc vous soumettez votre sujet aux votes du public si celui-ci plait alors il sera publié dans les catégories de Nouweo et apparaîtra en Home page du site à un moment donné. Nous vous proposons de lire aussi

Layar Reality Browser / FrontPage Welcome to the Layar Developer Wiki! Sign up to be a layer developer at layar website ( Read API Documentation in the sidebar to get familiar with API technical details. 22/12/2011: Updated the public IP range of Layar server. 15/12/2011: Updated the documentation of Layar Publishing API (Layar Connect) v2.0. 08/12/2011: Added more guidelines and instructions on how to use the Layar Vision Search logo for your vision layer. 05/12/2011: Added a step by step tutorial on how to integrate iPhone Player SDK into a simple iPhone app. 16/11/2011: Released 3d model converter v3.0.1 with bug fixes and updated command line tool. 11/11/2011: Fixed and improved the Tutorial sample codes. 11/11/2011: Updated the Layar Vision logos, please use these to indicate Layar Vision usage on target objects, such as posters, magazines, etc.

Fotografix – clone de Photoshop gratuit Fotografix – clone de Photoshop gratuit Si vous n'avez pas les moyens d'acheter Photoshop, voici un petit soft baptisé Fotografix qui est un genre de clone de photoshop allégé. Il pèse 680 Kb, il est complétement portable, et surtout il est complétement gratuit ! Je n'ai pas eu le temps de le tester mais ça à l'air pas mal (plus simple que Gimp en tout cas !) [Source et photo] Vous avez aimé cet article ? Augmented Reality Simply Explained for Students June 18, 2014 The integration of Augmented Reality technology into learning is growing by leaps and bounds. The potential of this technology in education is uncontestedly huge and several classes now are using it to teach key literacy and mathematical concepts to students. This series of videos is an example of how students in primary are using augmented reality in their learning. Augmented reality should not be confused with virtual reality, for the boundaries of each concept are clearly demarcated. I have already shared some interesting resources on augmented reality tips, tools, and apps to use in your class with students. I am also adding this awesome video explanation from Commoncraft on what augmented reality is all about.

Tumblr Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning Editor's Note: Drew Minock, who co-wrote this piece, is an elementary teacher, co-founder of the popular education blog Two Guys and Some IPads, and is one of the voices on "The Two Guys Show" podcast. Imagine living in the magical world of Harry Potter, where the school hallways are lined with paintings that are alive and interactive. Now imagine creating an atmosphere like that for your students. Augmented Reality (AR) allows educators and students to do just that: unlock or create layers of digital information on top of the physical world that can be viewed through an Android or iOS device. Most people who interact with AR for the first time have a mind-blowing experience but fail to consider classroom applications. Educators know that learning deepens, not just through reading and listening, but also through creating and interacting. Classroom Applications Another app, Aurasma, allows users to engage in and create Augmented Reality experiences of their own. Not Just Another Fad

Prise de rendez-vous aux services des visas - Consulats Généraux de France au Maroc Prise de rendez-vous aux services des visas Pour obtenir un visa, les files d’attente étaient parfois longues et pénibles, surtout en période estivale. Aussi, les Consulats Généraux de France au Maroc invitent désormais les demandeurs de visa à prendre rendez-vous pour le dépôt de leur dossier. Cela permettra, en outre, une étude plus personnalisée et de meilleure qualité des demandes. Vous pouvez changer ou annuler un rendez-vous et ré-imprimer votre récepissé. Prendre rendez-vous : au consulat de Casablanca au consulat de Rabat au consulat de Fès au consulat de Marrakech au consulat de Tanger au consulat d’Agadir n’attendez pas la dernière minute, vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous au maximum 3 mois avant votre départ. Consultez la liste des pièces à fournir selon votre situation socio-professionnelle et le type de séjour que vous envisagez d’effectuer. Vérifiez bien que la date d’expiration de votre passeport est de 3 mois supérieur à la date de fin du visa sollicité.

AR Flashcards 2.0 IS Here And It's FREE! | AR Flashcards Welcome to a new world of Flashcards. AR Flashcards make learning fun with the technology of Augmented Reality! “It’s definitely unique and a very clever way to get children involved in learning the alphabet and animal names.” – “Through the use of augmented reality (AR) and flashcards – this app allows your children to learn in a new and exciting way! A new approach to flashcards!” “My daughter was repeating the letters and animal names and I could tell that she was learning a lot from this app, which of course is what is most important to me as a parent.” – “Children will love playing around with the cards and animals while learning the letters of the alphabet.” – “I absolutely love this unique twist on flashcards. AR Flashcards are a new way to interact and make Flashcards more entertaining for toddlers and preschoolers. Features: - 26 beautifully rendered Animals to help your toddler or preschooler learn the alphabet!
