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App per prof #17 ANIMOTO (Video storytelling)

App per prof #17 ANIMOTO (Video storytelling)
Related:  Didattica a distanza: Applicazioni e Strumenti digitalipearltress 2016 tutorial in italianodocumentare

Cube Creator Summarizing information is an important postreading and prewriting activity that helps students synthesize what they have learned. The interactive Cube Creator offers four options: Bio Cube: This option allows students to develop an outline of a person whose biography or autobiography they have just read; it can also be used before students write their own autobiography. Mystery Cube: Use this option to help your students sort out the clues in their favorite mysteries or develop outlines for their own stories. Story Cube: In this cube option, students can summarize the key elements in a story, including character, setting, conflict, resolution, and theme. Create-Your-Own Cube: Working on a science unit? Students can save their draft cubes to revise later. For ideas of how to use this tool outside the classroom, see Bio Cube and Mystery Cube in the Parent & Afterschool Resources section. Related Classroom & Professional Development Resources back to top Story Map Celebrate Halloween! Bio Cube

Telling Our Stories, Self-Promotion, or Sharing Best Practices? This is cross-posted on the Powerful Learning Network – This is my response and reaction to Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach’s Unselfish Self Promotion posted on the PLP Network blog. Conceptually, I am in agreement with Sheryl. I discussed similar ideas in a blog post entitled Every Educator Has a Story . . . Just Tell It. Every Educator Has a Story . . . This is one of my favorite cartoons ever. The “punch” line is that every person on the planet has a story to tell. Educators are doing amazing things with their learners in spite of (i.e., to show spite toward) the standards-based and accountability-driven movements. This is my own call to action for educators to tell their stories of those rich and amazing things they are doing in their classrooms. This fits, as I stated, conceptually with Sheryl’s views I have to know about your good work to celebrate with you.

LearningApps -applicativo on line per creare moduli operativi con approccio ludico Creating Blogs and Websites This page is where you can find resources related to my presentations about creating effective blogs and websites to complement instruction. How to create a Blogger blog. How to turn on comment moderation in Blogger. How to add or subtract contributors to your Blogger blog. How to create an Edublogs blog. How to create a blog. Creating a Google Sites website. Using Google Forms to give an online quiz. Tools for online quizzes, polls, and surveys.MyStudiyo, multimedia online quizzes - Example in action. How to Edit the Size of Videos Embedded in Your Blog. Games you can embed into your blog.MadLibsNovel Games

Peergrade How to Compose a Quality Comment! The fabulous Miss Wyatt, from The Student Blogging Challenge, asked if I would guest post about commenting. I ♥ commenting and am happy to contribute! Blogging has many parts: the post, the comments, and the sidebar. If you do a good job with all of the parts, your blog will be more interesting. Today we will focus on quality comments! Content is key! Here is a video we made with tips to help you take your comments to the next level! How to Compose a Quality Comment! If Vimeo is blocked, here it is on YouTube. We like to open our comments with a greeting and end with a closing. Mrs. -For Advanced Bloggers- Some bloggers like to use HTML code to make their comments better. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a language. To write HTML code, use the following symbols: Important: Do not add a space between the HTML tag and the word or sentence. 1. The sentence will look like this when published: Bloggers should always proofread a comment before publishing. 2. 3. The HTML code below: Challenge #4:

StoryWeaver: lo storytelling per i bambini più piccoli StoryWeaver è una splendida piattaforma per avvicinare i bambini al mondo delle storie, sia da fruitori che da creatori. Il sito ospita già racconti nella varie lingue del mondo (qui trovate quelle in italiano), tutti caratterizzati da una efficace combinazione tra testi e illustrazioni. Ma la parte piu' interessante di StoryWeaver è quella creativa che ci permette di scrivere ed impaginare automaticamente dei veri e propri ebook e che consente dunque di utilizzarlo come uno dei primi strumenti di digital storytelling. Dovrete solo registrarvi al servizio e scegliere la tipologia di storia tra 4 opzioni progressive in termine di quantità di parole da inserire. Potrete attingere da un grande archivio pubblico di immagini o caricarne di vostre per contribuire ad arricchire questa piattaforma aperta da cui è anche possibile scaricare gli ebook generati nei formati pdf (bassa e alta risoluzione) ed epub. Vai su StoryWeaver Articoli correlati

Learning to Blog Using Paper That's heard me! And it's one of my favorite activities all year long. Paper Blogs. I use them to introduce my seventh graders to the idea of blogging and, more importantly, commenting. Let me just be clear right from the beginning. This was not my original idea! We also had to decorate our new blogs so they might reflect our own personality. I didn't require that their paper blogs actually look like blogs (we use Google Sites, in case you were wondering), but several of my students chose to be tech-creative. Of course, I'm getting ahead of myself a bit. After we were done writing and decorating our blogs in our blogging workshop, it was time to read some blogs. As you probably know, teachers are just great big kids at heart. Before I continue with my take on the lesson, let me share with you the original lesson developed by Leonard Low and shared with us at our workshop: The McTeach Version Step One Thank you. Step Two Step Three The next day we start creating! "Yes! "Yes!

Storytelling e digital storytelling Lo storytelling è una pratica didattica ormai consolidata e considerata efficace ai fini dell'apprendimento perché una storia è più facile da capire e ricordare di una spiegazione, perché usa le stesse strategie che gli esseri umani usano per dare significato a quanto hanno intorno, perché mantiene sullo stesso piano il linguaggio quotidiano e il linguaggio proprio delle discipline. L'utilizzo didattico dello storytelling comprende una prima parte in cui si impara la grammatica delle narrative, e una seconda che prevede la creazione di storie come strumento per lo sviluppo di nuove competenze. Imparare gli elementi delle storie "Il re è morto e poi la regina è morta" è una cronaca, "il re è morto e poi la regina è morta di dolore" è una storia (Forster, 1968). È successo qualcosa: è morta Laura Palmer (serie TV Twin Peaks). Qualcuno lo racconta. E poi cosa succede? Chi è stato? Costruire storie digitali

Why Teachers Should Blog I've never been too big on Descartes. That whole sort of essentialist argument has never been for me. I'm a guy who's built furniture out of science fiction novels and travel books and who's played concerts with nothing but a roll of tin foil and a microphone. So I've never been too big on the idea that things exist because they have some fundamental essence. Consider blogs. There is no substantial qualitative definition of a blog. And in my mind what this means is that I blog and what I blog -- and how that message is received by others -- tells me what I think. And it tells me how I think. My own blog confirms my suspicions that I'm not the most polite person in the world. And that's why I think all teachers should blog. A student in my ed class last night -- a young 2nd year teacher in a Baltimore City public school -- said that he didn't feel like he had anything to offer on his blog or on Twitter. It is in a way frustrating that he doesn't realize how obviously wrong he is.

C'era una volta un bit... La parola "storytelling" è un tipico esempio di buzzword, termine con cui ci si riferisce a una parola di moda. Si tratta di un fenomeno che caratterizza molti settori dell'esperienza umana: dal marketing alla gestione aziendale, dalla politica alle produzioni massmediali. Spesso il termine storytelling viene utilizzato come un'etichetta per contrassegnare qualsiasi cosa, anche fenomeni che con la narrazione non hanno molto a che fare. La prima questione è quindi chiarire il carattere specifico della comunicazione narrativa e comprenderne la valenza sul piano formativo ed educativo. Argomentare e/o narrare A conclusione del suo Tractatus logico-philosophicus Ludwig Wittgenstein pone una formula perentoria: «su ciò di cui non si può parlare, si deve tacere». Il valore della funzione narrativa La comunicazione narrativa è uno dei principali strumenti della dinamica culturale. Come funziona la narrazione? rottura dell'equilibrio iniziale;peripezie dell'eroe;ristabilimento dell'equilibrio.

by gayle2 Apr 19
