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Related:  FAB HOUSE

home CHOZAS DE RODILLOS Sites Pointing Elsewhere Modern Prefab and Modular Homes Designs and Builders » Hedgehog Self Build Hedgehog Self Build: Brighton UK The project began in 1996, when a small group of local people without permanent housing became aware of the recently completed Diggers Self Build Project in Brighton, itself an innovative ecological project in Brighton. The four people who initiated the project were all in housing need with little hope of being rehoused by Brighton council, and saw another self build project as a means of enabling them to literally build a future for their children. They used the contacts and structures as put together for the Diggers project to initiate this project with the council - and encountered a positive response. The project was sustained by the members of the self build group, who threw their lives into the project for over 2 years despite harsh weather conditions. They are built to an ecological specification and have 450mm recycled cellulose insulation under the grass roofs, which produces space heating bills of under £50 / year. article by Robin Hillier

Casas prefabricadas ¿mercado nicho? El emprendedor o inversor con la capacidad técnica y económica para montar un negocio de casas prefabricadas o premoldeadas, encontrará variados nichos de mercado, no solo dentro del rubro de las viviendas; que están demandando construcciones o estructuras modulares, prefabricadas, para todo tipo de usos, a saber: obradores, galpones, tambos, casas familiares, puestos para el campo, cabañas alpinas, quinchos, cocheras, complejos habitacionales, puestos para unidades sanitarias, escuelas, colegios, hoteles, hosterías, comercios, puestos de venta, complejos turísticos, piscinas, piletas de natación, puestos de guardia para servicios de vigilancia para barrios cerrados, countries y clubes de campo y todo tipo de construcciones y viviendas industrializadas para uso urbano, rural, industrial, para la construcción, entre otros sectores y rubros.

Scrapbook Note, links open in new window. Glidehouse Glidehouse is one of the forerunners in contemporary, sleek modular housing. Yankee Barn Homes Yankee Barn Homes is a national custom post and beam company specializing in classic American architecture, including barn-style homes, classic farmhouses, coastal cottages, mountain lodges and lakeside retreats. Bamboo Living Modular homes made from bamboo. In 1994 he was drawn to Maui, where he established an eco-home construction company "Isle Family Builders." Bamboo Living Video of two houses assembled in two days ! Two homes in two days from Bamboo Living on Vimeo. Blu Breezehouse The Blu | Breezehouse® offers an elegant and harmonious connection between beautiful indoor living and the natural world. Form and Forest Both large and small homes available from this Canadian firm owned by two brothers. Qube A UK company offering a "neat as a pin" wood clad cube of extra house for you to use as you please. Cellophane House Spacebox Container City Nexthouse Ikea

Compact modular green homes built for energy efficiency, indoor air quality and sustainability - GreenPod Intelligent Environments Lilac - Affordable strawbale housing community in Bramley. Leeds Vivienda Programa ProHuerta El trabajo central del primer cuatrimestre se desarrollo en torno a la temática de la vivienda individual destinada a sectores de bajos recursos, dentro del marco general del programa ProHuerta desarrollado por el INTA.El ejercicio proyectual se realizó en tres diferentes áreas geográficas del país -Norte, Centro y Sur-, cada una de ellas con particulares características climáticas y topográficas a las cuales y en función de un programa establecido, los estudiantes dieron respuesta.Fueron seleccionadas tecnologías de construcción en seco, básicamente madera, en función de la mayor facilidad de montaje, al mismo tiempo que resuelve el problema de la adaptación a las diferentes condiciones climáticas, geográficas y productivas.

Timber Frame pieceHomes: modular modern homes by Davis Studio Architecture + Design Over 20 Modern Buildings & flat pack furniture designs Here are over 20 modern buildings and flat pack furniture designs for inspire. If you want to make a new futuristic house or different mobilier designs here you can inspire! These are very futuristic and modern houses designed, but not yet built. A small and simple home with small and simple mobilier. This “house” is framed very well with the environment. And I`m sure that most of you would like too, wouldn`t you ? This is a Japanese and German creation. This house is very easy to move, small,compact. This is absolutely awesome! For this house has been used recycled steel and eco-friendly wood! There is nothing innovative more than a house in a track If you have a truck you could make a house and travel with it. It`s somehow strange to see those building so complicated and very futuristic. This house is very futuristic and modern too, that fits very nice with the environment. This is very strange house.It`s the only building in wild! This on the first look, looks like tents but NO!
