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Smart Classroom Management HippoCampus QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Creator And Encoder For T-Shirts, Business Cards & Stickers Micro-certification Platform | BloomBoard MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. Although there has been access to free online courses on the Internet for years, the quality and quantity of courses has changed. Access to free courses has allowed students to obtain a level of education that many only could dream of in the past. Although MOOCs are the latest trend, not everyone agrees that schools should offer them. There may also be some issues for students who lack motivation. For those who desire a free education and have the motivation, the following includes the: Top 10 Sites for Information about MOOCs: Udemy Free Courses – Udemy is an example of a site allows anyone to build or take online courses. What is MOOC Video

helping teachers create paperless classrooms Common thinking about what kinds of folks make good 21st century teachers generally runs as follows: “They’re constantly in the process of being trained and being a lifelong learner,” he says. The 'he' saying this is Jeff Murphy, a director of instruction for the Florida Virtual School and he's being quoted in a recent article from Education Week. I cannot tell you how tired I am of hearing this sort of talk. The last thing I want is to be 'trained' more. I want teachers who are curious, experimental, sophisticated, and engaged. What we really need is to be recruiting more geeks. I'm talking about folks who don't have to be 'trained' in using technology. That's who we need to be recruiting. Because that's where our kids are. And -- even more importantly -- that's where the world our kids are entering into is. It is painfully obvious to our kids that certain teachers have no clue when it comes to the integration of technology into their classrooms. And more 'training' ain't gonna help. Really?

Students and Families – Ohio State Assessment Portal Chrome Version 72 – Unable to Access AIR Testing Sites Google released a new Chrome version on Friday and AIR has identified an issue with Chrome version 72 that prevents users from accessing AIR testing sites. Google and AIR are working on a fix. Chromebooks on ChromeOS v71 or earlier are not affected. If you are on a version of ChromeOS earlier than 72, do not upgrade your devices to ChromeOS v72. Learning and Teaching with iPads
